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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 134

And Doflamingo in Dressrosa was in a cold sweat at this time, how did Kaido know that Violet was the ability to stare at the fruit! Is Kaido’s intelligence network also so good? Now Kaido named him, Doflamingo couldn’t refuse if he wanted to, and if he refused, maybe tomorrow Kaido would personally run to Dressrosa to ask for him.

However, Doflamingo still asked, “How did Mr. Kaido know that my subordinates have the ability to gaze at fruits?” ”

Kaido snorted coldly and said contemptuously: “Hmph, who do you think I am!” Joker。 ”

Doflamingo was speechless, and at the same time sighed that the Four Emperors Kaido was really unfathomable, and agreed: “Okay! I’ll send Violet to you. ”

“Then you have to hurry! Now I desperately need her abilities. Kaido said indifferently.

“Got it.” After that, Doflamingo hung up the phone.

“Lord Kaido, are you really going to make a move on the Admiral?” Black Maria’s voice was a little excited, as Kaido’s pillow person, Kaido also told her some things, so Black Maria also knew Kaido’s ambition.

Kaido listened and grinned: “Of course, 757, the Navy and the World Government are also my enemies, and now there is such a good opportunity to weaken the power of the Navy, how can I let it go easily!” ”

“So when do we go.” Black Maria asked seriously, after all, it is the admiral who has to deal with, even if the green pheasant and the yellow ape are seriously injured, it is not so easy to deal with, and just now Joker also said that there will be people from the navy and the world government to watch the battle in Punk Hassad.

“The combat effectiveness of green pheasants and red dogs is similar, and it is not so simple to distinguish the victory and defeat.” Kaido said this, the corners of his mouth had already reached the root of his ears, and said with a smile: “Lao Tzu’s luck really exploded!” Just formed an alliance with that old woman, the green pheasant and the red dog have fought, such a good opportunity, you can’t miss it! ”

Saying that, Kaido also happily pulled the black Maria next to him over and kissed her seductive red lips fiercely. Black Maria was also caught off guard, but also responded enthusiastically.

Then, releasing Black Mary, Kaido ordered to the royalist: “Go, call Ember and Bree to me (aeee), forget it, let them go to the general’s mansion.” ”


“Maria, you stay on Ghost Island!” Kaido said to Black Maria.

“Yes.” Black Maria also responded.

Ten minutes later, Kaido flew over the capital of flowers, and then began to land.

“Brother Kaido…” At this time, in the General’s Mansion, Ember had already come out to greet him.

Kaido quickly landed on the ground, and also returned to his human form, looking at Ember and grinning: “Well, you came quite quickly!” Embers. ”

Ember said with a flat face: “Because I have always been in the capital of flowers, I can naturally rush over quickly after hearing the order of Brother Kaido.” ”

Later, the two entered the general’s mansion together, and Kaido asked, “How is the situation in the country of Wano now?” ”

Ember reported seriously: “Sixteen factories have been built now, and the machinery and equipment have resisted the country of Wano, in a few days these sixteen factories should be able to operate normally to produce weapons for us, as for the rest of the factories, I promise to complete them all within two months, within three months, all factories can operate normally, and then all slaves in the country of Wano will be used reasonably.” ”

“Well, you’ve worked hard this time.” Kaido soothed Ember. After all, Ember can be said to be the busiest one in the Hundred Beast Pirates, Kaido basically handed over a lot of things to him to do, after all, Kaido himself has to cultivate, now the three major Kanban, Jack was ordered by Kaido to go out to find the giant lanternfish, and Quinn is to let him develop pacifists, and the affairs of the country of Wano and the Hundred Beast Pirates basically fell on Ember.

Ember didn’t know if he learned to slap horses from Quinn, and also said with some flattery: “This is nothing, the main thing is that Brother Kaido has good leadership, and his subordinates are just following orders.” ”

Kaido didn’t care whether Ember flattered himself or sincerely, and said grimly: “Okay, I won’t say more nonsense, I only asked you to come over alone today, because there is a big operation next, and you need to go with me.” ”

Ember listened and did not answer, but looked at Kaido seriously, Kaido spoke: “Before, the intelligence I asked Joker to inquire for me has been obtained, Admiral Red Dog and Blue Pheasant will have a life and death duel tomorrow in Punk Hassad in order to compete for the position of Admiral of the Navy.” ”

Ember immediately reacted when he listened, “Brother Kaido, are you trying to kill the red dog and the green pheasant?” ”

“That’s right, this is a rare opportunity, you will go with me when the time comes, and this time, for the sake of safety, I will also let the old woman of BIGMOM join in, so that the odds are higher.”

After a while, Bree also came to the General’s Mansion, seeing Kaido and Ember in the lobby, Bree was a little surprised in her heart, swallowed spit, for these two people she was afraid of her heart, and asked: “That, Lord Kaido, Lord Ember, I don’t know what you are looking for me for?” ”

“Don’t be nervous, we are allies now, what are you afraid of!” Kaido listened coldly.

Bree only smiled awkwardly when she listened, and Kaido continued: “Bree, I remember the last time I asked you to remove the mirror on your ship, that mirror should be able to connect to the mirror of all nations!” ”

“Well, it does.” Bree listened and nodded, and at the same time was a little afraid in her heart, could it be that the purpose of the Hundred Beast Pirates was to borrow the ability of her mirror fruit to attack all nations? If that’s the case, then he’s a sinner of the BIGMOM Pirates! Thinking of this, Bree couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.

Kaido said coldly: “That’s good, then you call Lingling, I have something important to tell you.” “THE MAIN THING KAIDO WANTS TO NOTIFY BIGMOM, AND KAIDO DOESN’T WANT TO TALK TO HER ON THE PHONE.

“This, okay!” Saying that, Bree picked up the phone bug and dialed Charlotte Lingling’s phone worm.

Soon, the phone worm was connected, and Lingling’s voice came from the other end of the phone: “Hey, Brie, is there something wrong?” ”

Bree also said truthfully: “Mom, it was Lord Kaido who asked me to contact you. ”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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