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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 135

Later, Kaido also said to the phone worm: “Lingling, I have something important to tell you next, wait a minute, I will go to you through Bree’s mirror fruit ability, and we will talk in person.” ”

“Hey, Kaido, there’s something you can’t say on the phone! Have to be interviewed in person. Charlotte Lingling listened a little guarded.

Kaido said grimly: “Some things are not clear on the phone, you must talk in person, rest assured!” I’ll just bring Ember alone, you don’t have to worry. ”

Hearing that only Ember came alone, Charlotte Lingling was also relieved and agreed: “Okay!” Then you come over! Through the mirror I left for you last time, you can go directly to the cake. ”

“Good.” After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Kaido turned to Breed; “Okay, then let’s go!”


The three of them came to a room in the General’s Mansion together, this room was empty, only a huge mirror ten meters high and five meters wide, this mirror was unloaded by Kaido from the Queen Mother Anthem, when this mirror was removed, Lingling was very unhappy, and the explanation given by Kaido at that time was to join the kingdom of all nations and the country of peace.

Then, Bree touched her hand to the mirror, and water ripples immediately appeared on the mirror, and Bree spoke: “Lord Kaido, now ~ you can go in.” ”

“Hmm.” Kaido walked first – and went in.

And Ember also immediately went up and grabbed Bree’s hand, after all, the switch of the mirror world was all on her body, pulling Bree into the mirror together.

“Oh, this is the mirror world!” Kaido looked at the mirror world, just like the anime he watched in the previous life, all the mirrors in the mirror world are red, but the mirrors that were originally embedded in the mirror world are now all broken, Kaido looked at it and grinned: “Well, that old woman is really cautious!” Enter and shatter the original mirrors of all your nations! Are you worried that I will take you directly to raid all nations? ”

“This, I don’t know! I have been in Wano Country all this time, and I have not touched the mirror anymore. Bree said with some trepidation.

Kaido didn’t care about these details, and said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, let’s go!” Lingling said let’s go directly to Cake Island, where is the mirror to Cake Island? ”

“Right ahead.” Bree quickly pointed ahead.

Soon, the three of them walked together in the mirror world, the whole world looked red, and the walls were inlaid with broken mirrors, finally, able to see a huge mirror in front, Kaido grinned: “Oh, is this the place?” ”

“Yes, Lord Kaido, this is the mirror that leads to Cake Island.” Bree replied.

“Let’s go!” Ember grabbed Bree’s hand and said indifferently, after all, if this woman escaped, they would probably be trapped in the mirror world.

Came to the mirror, through the mirror, sure enough, I saw Charlotte Lingling on the other end of the mirror, in addition to the rest of the stars, it seems that they are all waiting for themselves here!

“Oh, you’re really here! Kaido. Charlotte Lingling was also excited when she saw the three people in the mirror.

Then, after Brie touched the mirror, Kaido took the lead in walking out of the mirror and entered the territory of all nations, and then Ember and Bree also walked out of the mirror.

Kaido looked at Charlotte Lingling, and also grinned: “Well, it’s really reached all the nations at once!” This Devil Fruit is really powerful! Jumped through space directly through the mirror world. ”

Charlotte Lingling also grinned viciously: “Well, that’s natural, Bree is also my very good daughter.” ”

“You’re so enthusiastic! Lingling, let so many people wait here to do something! Kaido looked at the four stars of dessert around and some backbones of the Charlotte family, and teased a little.

At the same time, Kaido looked at the last person of the four stars of dessert, Charlotte Snag, the weakest general star defeated by the monster monk Urki in the original book.

Charlotte Snag, Superman Potato Fruit, Armed Color Domineering (Advanced), Seeing Color Domineering (Advanced), Comprehensive Strength Estimation: Big Kanban Level.

Later, Kaido also looked at the surrounding chess Homits, this seems to be a cannon fodder fighter in Homits!

Chess pawn, comprehensive strength estimate: ant level.

Chess Knight, comprehensive strength estimate: strong ant level.

Chess Bishop, comprehensive strength estimation: strong ant level. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chess chariot, comprehensive strength estimate: strong ant level.

Queen of chess, comprehensive strength estimate: weak cannon fodder.

Chess King, comprehensive strength estimate: weak cannon fodder.

After reading the combat effectiveness of these homiz, Kaido also has a general understanding, it is said that this chess homits has two or three hundred thousand in the BIGMOM pirate group.

And Charlotte Lingling also greeted warmly: “Ma Ma, welcome to all nations, Kaido, little ones, our allies have come to our nations, just entertain well!” The banquet was held. ”


Kaido listened to the fact that she just wanted to refuse, and Charlotte Lingling took Kaido’s hand with a warm look and said, “Ma ma, Have you come to all nations, come and taste the sweets of our nations! Smooji, go and call Yamato back! Let’s say her father is coming. ”

Kaido hesitated for a moment, but still decided to get down to business first, and interrupted on the spot: “Lingling, the banquet will wait for a while before it starts, I came to you to have an important matter to say, and after I finish talking to you, we will have a meeting.” ”

Seeing Kaido’s positive face, Charlotte Lingling also said seriously: “Oh, what is so important!” Let you come all the way and talk to me. ”

Kaido listened flatly: “This matter is not something that ordinary little minions can listen to, just leave the general star behind.” ”

“Dessert four stars are left, and the rest go down first!” Charlotte Lingling waved her hand at the rest of the people.

“Yes, mother…” After hearing Charlotte Lingling’s order, some people were a little unhappy, especially Perospero, as the eldest son, and his strength was not lost to General Xing, and as a result, even he was thrown out, but this was BIGMOM’s order, and no one dared to disobey.

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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