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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 139

And on the other side, Roland Island.

They teleported through the mirror to the cargo ship next to Roland Island, which was actually also a pirate ship, but it was disguised as a cargo ship by Katakuri, and the BIGMOM Pirate Group logo was not hung on it.

Bringing Violet to the deck, Violet watched the changes in the situation around him, and also sighed at the magic of the Devil Fruit, Katakuri stretched out his finger in one direction and said: “Punk Hassad is in that direction, about 3,500 kilometers away from us, you try to use your ability, can you find Punk Hassad!” ”

Although it is said that the other party is an ability to stare at the fruit and has clairvoyance, but at such a distance, Katakuri does not hold out much hope, if he can’t find it, he can only close the distance.

“Yes.” Violet nodded immediately as she listened, and then immediately used her clairvoyance to look in the direction Katakuri had said.

However, probably because the distance is too far, Violet looked for a long time, but was not able to find Punk Hassad, and when Violet was ready to reclaim his ability, he suddenly found an island, which was Punk Hassad.

“See, Punk Hassad.” 847 Violet said in a deep voice.

“See what?” Katakuri immediately asked.

Violet said seriously: “Explosion, there are people fighting above, but it is not clear who it is, there is a large amount of white smoke and black smoke, there are many places on fire, and there are many places, how strange!” This island is so strange. ”

Katakuri asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Violet also said what he saw: “There is fire and ice on this island. ”

Katakuri listened and calmly analyzed: “It seems that the battle between the green pheasant and the red dog has begun. ”

“Anything else?” Ember also asked.

Violet continued: “There are also warships, there are many warships around the island, there are navies on the warships, and officials of the world government, many warships, there are twenty warships, and there are many famous admirals of the navy on the warships, including Vice Admiral Burning Mountain, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, and Vice Admiral Dauberman.” That is, naval hero Karp. ”

Hearing Violet’s words, Ember also said with a somewhat solemn face: “Is Karp also there?” And there are twenty warships. ”

Katakuri continued to ask, “Can you see the battle on the island clearly?” ”

“I could only see that the fighting was fierce because there was white smoke and black smoke all the time on the island.” Violet also disarmed himself at this time.

Katakuri looked at it and asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Violet said apologetically: “This distance is a little too far, I can’t use the ability for a long time, and now my eyes are a little tired.” ”

“Well, then you rest for a while!” Katakuri didn’t care too much when he listened, after all, the ability to use the ability will consume physical strength, and Violet’s strength is not strong, the physical strength will naturally not be much better, and said coldly: “Let’s get closer!” This way, you may be able to see the battle on the island clearly. ”

Afterwards, Katakuri handed the recording phone worm to his subordinates and said, “Go and give the contents of this phone bug to Mom and Mr. Kaido.” ”

“Yes, Lord Katakuri.”

Ember also clasped his hands to his chest and said, “The next thing you need to do is wait.” ”

For the next few days, Ember and Katakuri, the two Hundred Beast Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates, were very serious about observing the battle between the two generals and transmitting them back to Kaido and BIGMOM at any time.

Both of them are the top powerhouses of the New World, except for the Four Emperors (AGFE), it can be said that not many people can defeat them, even if they don’t sleep for a few days and nights, but this is a pity for Violet, after all, she is a woman, and she does not have the physical strength of Ember and Katakuri, not to mention observing the battle on Punk Hassad’s side, basically she is doing it.

And through a few days of observation, the navy around Punk Hassad has been clearly understood, there are twenty warships, naval soldiers and world government officials add up to nearly 10,000 people, including many vice admiral masters, the strongest of which is the former admiral of the navy, the black wrist Zefa, the naval hero Karp, as well as vice admiral peach rabbit, tea dolphin, ghost spider, squirrel and other masters.

After getting this information, it also shocked Kaido and BIGMOM, in the periphery of Punk Hassad, there are so many naval masters watching the battle, which also ensures that the battle between admirals will not be disturbed, after all, this kind of plastic surgery, even if a four-emperor regiment goes, it will be blocked.

Even if they can’t stop it, they can notify the green pheasant and the red dog to temporarily suspend the duel and let the two generals retreat.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to assassinate the general Qing Pheasant and the general Red Inu under such circumstances.

And Violet’s tool man is a little miserable, the first few days are fine, the more she goes to the back, the more tired she feels, at the beginning, it is still observed once every few hours, and in the next few days, basically every hour to report to them on the battle on Punk Hassad, so that she does not even have time to rest. After a few days, her clairvoyant eyes were bloodshot.

At this time, in the mirror world, Charlotte Lingling was a little anxious: “Hey, Kaido, don’t you start yet?” Today is the sixth day, even the pheasants and red dogs should have exhausted their strength by now, and now we can definitely kill them in one fell swoop. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaido said a little seriously: “No, the general’s physical strength will not be so bad, they definitely have spare strength, wait a minute!” ”

“Wait, it’s the sixth day now! Even if they are strong, their physical strength is limited. Charlotte Lingling is really anxious now, because the report in the past few days has made her feel that she really has a chance to kill the two admirals, so this makes her even more impatient.

Kaido shook his head and said seriously: “No, now the two of them have definitely not reached the limit, and they should still have a lot of physical strength left.” ”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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