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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 141

Punk Hassad.

On the periphery, the navy has been waiting here for eight days, and Karp also said solemnly at this time: “The victory and defeat should be divided soon!” Now both of their physical strength has almost reached the limit. ”

Zefa, who was next to him, also said with a solemn look at this time: “It should be soon!” I didn’t expect that Kuzan, who is usually lazy, turned out to be so strong, he actually fought for eight whole days, and he had not yet divided the victory and defeat. ”

“Hahahahaha, that’s natural, Kuzan is a big disciple, and now his strength has surpassed the old man.” Karp said with a happy look on his face.

Zefa also smiled gratifyingly when he listened: “Well, now whether you are Kuzan or Sakaski, you have surpassed us old guys, it’s really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves!” You chose to take a back seat, and rightly so, I believe that “027”, whether Kuzan or Sakaski as marshal, will lead the Navy to a higher future. ”

Karp also laughed when he heard this: “Hahahahaha, the old man is still more optimistic about Kuzan, after all, it is the old man’s big disciple.” ”

Zefa didn’t matter, after all, Kuzan and Sakaski were his best disciples, of course, there was another excellent disciple, that is, Borusalino, but his relationship with Borusalino was not very good. Solemnly said: “Now Kuzan and Sakaski’s physical strength no longer support them in exerting the power of the Devil Fruit, and now they all rely on physical skills to decide the victory or defeat.” ”

And the tea dolphin looked at Punk Hassad at this time and saw that Punk Hassad had turned into an island of ice and fire, and also said solemnly: “This kind of battle is really exaggerated!” Directly and directly changed the weather of this island, ice on one side, fire on the other, is this the power of awakening of nature’s ability? ”

At this time, the sentry in the navy immediately reported: “It’s not good, General Kuzan’s left leg was broken by General Sakaski. ”

“What?” Hearing this, all of a sudden the people in the navy were anxious.

“Damn it!” Karp’s face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this, and then asked: “What about Sakaski!” ”

The sentinel listened and continued to report: “General Sakaski was also frozen by General Kuzan’s right arm, but General Sakaski’s right arm is still there, and it was not interrupted by General Kuzan. ”

“Has the battle been so intense? It seems that neither of them admits defeat! Zefa’s face was a little solemn, although he had been prepared for a long time, but after hearing that Kuzan had broken his leg, his heart was not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

Commodore Smog said with some solemnity: “Vice Admiral Karp, you must stop them quickly, otherwise I am afraid that it will really be…”

Karp also had an ugly face when he heard this, and said solemnly: “No, they have already stated before the duel, the winner takes the throne, the loser shuts up, unless one of the two of them voluntarily admits defeat, we can’t intervene.” ”

Smogg’s face turned livid as he listened, and the lieutenant general next to him was also solemn: “Until they divide the victory, no one is allowed to land in Punk Hassad, and getting close to them now will affect their battle, and this duel is about the future marshal duel.” ”

At this time, on the battlefield, after Kuzan was broken his leg, he also quickly condensed a prosthetic leg with ice, gasping for breath, and Sakaski, who was also on the opposite side, looked at Kuzan and said solemnly: “I really didn’t expect that you, who are usually so lazy, can fight me to this point, if you can be so serious when dealing with pirates.” ”

For a long time, Sakaski has been very disdainful of Kuzan’s lazy justice, although he knows that Kuzan’s strength is very strong, but Sakaski never thinks that Kuzan will be stronger than him, but after fighting with Kuzan today, Sakaski found out that he was wrong, this guy is usually lazy, but the real serious combat power is not under him.

It stands to reason that his magma should be somewhat restrained for Kuzan’s ice, but this guy’s cold qi is also very strong, whether it is fruit ability development, domineering or physical skills, this guy is actually on par with himself.

After all, everyone came out of the naval training camp, they all studied under Zefa, the basic training of the navy, and both passed with full marks, so the fighting skills that Sakaski will have, Kuzan will basically know.

The ice on Sakaski’s right arm at this time had been melted by his magma, but there was still severe frostbite on his body, and he said coldly: “Now that you are missing a leg, you have no chance of winning, Kuzan, admit defeat!” As long as you admit defeat, I won’t care if you want to fish or something in the future, only if I become a marshal of the navy, I can lead the navy to eliminate pirates all over the world. ”

And Kuzan gasped, although he also knew that Sakaski was very strong, but he did not expect to be strong to this extent, thinking of his own justice, Kuzan also said seriously: “Your justice is too extreme, making you a marshal is definitely a disaster for the Navy, for the sake of my colleagues in the Navy, I will definitely not lose.” Saying that, the momentum on Kuzan’s body erupted again, and with Kuzan as the center, a cold breath froze the surrounding ground again.

This Sakaski qi’s blood pressure increased, and he scolded: “When you were in the war, why didn’t you see you with this momentum!” ”

“Forget it, you are so ignorant of evil, then I have to defeat you with the mentality of killing you, if you die, don’t blame me.”

“You too, Sakaski…”

At this time, in the air of two thousand meters in Punk Hassad, Kaido hid behind a cloud at this time, looking at the red dogs and pheasants fighting below, and at the same time sighed, really worthy of 0.5 is a admiral, they have been fighting for eight days and eight nights, and they still have so much physical strength.

Today, Kaido has returned to his human form, stepping on a yellow flame cloud under his feet, and behind Kaido there is a mirror, which is also held up by Kaido with a flame cloud.

In the past, if Kaido wanted to fly, he had to transform into a beast form or a human-animal form to be able to fly in the sky, but after Kaido crossed over, he wanted to try whether he could fly in the air for a long time.

The final result is no problem, after all, Kaido has always been very interested in the air dance in Dragon Ball, although Kaido himself can’t dance the air technique, but as the ability of the Green Dragon Fruit, Kaido can step on the flame cloud, and can also fly in the air for a long time.

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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