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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 142

“Hey, Kaido, how is the situation now, our side is ready to go at any time.” At this time, in the mirror in Kaido’s hand, Charlotte’s voice sounded.

Kaido said flatly to the mirror: “The leg of the green pheasant has been broken by the red dog, if nothing else, the red dog should be able to win this battle and wait!” Now the green pheasant and the red dog should only have the last bit of strength left, and when this wave of strength is used up, we can make a move. ”

“Good.” Charlotte Lingling also agreed when she listened.

And Kaido quietly watched the battle between the red dog and the green pheasant in the air, and these two people seem to have exceeded their limits again and again, originally Kaido thought that the green pheasant was going to fall, but did not expect that the green pheasant was very tenacious, and after falling down several times, he stood up again and again, and it was simply Xiaoqiang who could not die.

In this way, another day has passed, counting today, the green pheasant and the red dog have been fighting for nine days and nine nights, which is really to fight for the goal of ten days and ten nights!

However, seeing this, in fact, the victory of the two has been divided into 06 losses, and now the red dog basically presses the pheasant to fight, if the pheasant does not have the blessing of the protagonist’s halo, it is undoubtedly defeated, unfortunately, he really does not.

Seeing the battle between the two, Kaido has a higher estimate of the strength of the admiral, even if he is himself, if he wants to defeat a admiral head-on, it is estimated that it will take a day or so! After all, the strength and willpower of these generals are stronger than expected.

“It’s almost time.” Kaido said softly, and said seriously to the mirror in his hand: “Lingling, are you ready over there?” ”

At this time, in the mirror world, Charlotte Lingling was also excited when she listened: “Of course, the old lady is already impatient.” ”

Kaido also arranged again: “Okay, when the time comes, you, and the three generals will solve the green pheasant, I, Ember, and Yamato will solve the red dog, as long as the people are killed, we will retreat, there is no need to deal with the navy all the time.” Then you guys come out! Notice that you came out at an altitude of two kilometers. ”

And Charlotte Lingling stepped on the thundercloud Zeus, came out of the mirror, and appeared directly in the air two kilometers above Punk Hassad, and Katakuri, Smuji and Kriji also followed out, and then jumped on Charlotte Lingling’s body, avoiding falling from the air, followed behind Ember and grabbed Yamato and followed.

Charlotte Lingling looked at the mirror floating in the air by the flame cloud, and also grinned: “Well, put the mirror here, you don’t have to worry about being destroyed when you fight, okay, let’s go!” ”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, let’s go!” Saying that, Kaido stepped on the flame cloud and rushed towards the punk Hassa below, and Charlotte Lingling also followed behind.

“This is, what’s going on, what a powerful breath.” At this time, after Charlotte Lingling and them appeared, Karp on the warship immediately noticed it, and at the same time felt doubtful.

Soon, the lookout on the warship shouted: “Not good, what do you think it is?” At this time, a navy noticed that in the sky of Punk Hassad, several figures appeared, falling rapidly towards Punk Hassad.

“That’s Kaido the Hundred Beasts, and BIGMOM, as well as Shoshōsung Katakuri, Smooji, Flame Ember, and Oni Hime Yamato.” “How come, how could the Four Emperors and the senior cadres under his command appear here!”

As soon as these words came out, all the admirals on the warship were shocked, and at the same time, a bad premonition rose in their hearts, the general green pheasant and the general red dog have been fighting for nine days and nine nights in Punk Hassad, and now they have no physical strength, and at this time Kaido and BIGMOM appeared here, there is no doubt that this is definitely a conspiracy against the general.

It is clear that the decisive battle of Admiral Punk Hassad is a very secret thing, even in the Navy, only the top of the Navy knows, the average low-level navy does not know about this matter at all, how did Kaido and BIGMOM know.

There is no doubt that in the navy, there are inner ghosts.

Senior General Zefa shouted: “Not good, everyone, immediately land in Punk Khasad and bring Kuzan and Sakaski back at all costs.” ”

“Yes.” After hearing Zefa’s order, everyone also reacted and landed on the island.

On the battlefield, the red dog stood up again and again after watching the fall, and spoke: “How long do you have to hold on, Kuzan, the victory and defeat have been divided, you can’t beat me, continue, only die.” ”

The green pheasant was half kneeling on the ground at this time, and half of his body had burns in his eyes, and even the bones could be seen, but the green pheasant still insisted on raising his head and looked at the red dog and said: “I also have justice that I can’t give up.” ”

“Hmph, if only you could hold on like this when facing the pirates, today, I will beat you until you can’t stand up.” Saying that, the red dog rushed towards the green pheasant again, and now he has no physical strength to exert his ability, and can only use the most primitive hand-to-hand combat.

At this moment, the red dog suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and before he could come to 703 to look back, he heard a roar above his head: “Green Dragon Gossip…”

With a bang, a huge mace fell from top to bottom, landing on the red dog’s heavenly spirit cover, and suddenly the red dog’s head was directly exploded under this stick, and the powerful force continued to fall, flattening the entire body of the red dog, and the mace directly hit the red dog’s head down to the ground, the red dog’s entire head was shattered, and the bones of the body were all shattered.

After the mace flattened the red dog’s body, the strong force fell to the ground, and it completely shattered with a bang, and the huge crack continued to half of the punk hassad, and the red dog’s body that exploded its head and backbone fell heavily into the underground crack.

Even if it is a red dog in its heyday, in the face of Kaido’s all-out blow of the Blue Dragon Gossip, it will be dropped for a few minutes, not to mention that in the current state of residual blood, he was also attacked by Kaido, and the admiral was killed in seconds.

The green pheasant looked at this scene, and his eyes were full of shock: “Kaido…”

At this moment, Charlotte’s voice came from overhead: “Where the hell are you looking!” Pheasant. ”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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