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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 17

The doppelganger Naruto slowed down slightly after entering the crowd, which also gave Ninji’s eyes a chance to catch up with the other party’s movements.

“Throat, spine, lungs, liver, carotid artery, subclavian artery, kidney, heart.”

The hand rose and fell, cleanly, and Ninji could not see the slightest hesitation and hesitation on the face of the doppelganger Naruto.

“Is killing so easy for him?”

Fortunately, Ning Ci has still killed some bandits and wandering warriors in a year after graduation, and he has seen a little blood.

Sakura was lying on the bridge railing, spitting out the darkness.

“Kakashi, Naruto has been on the battlefield before?” Akai came back to his senses, saw Kakashi standing beside him, and subconsciously asked.

This kind of behavior like a killing machine, Akai has only seen in the veterans of a hundred battles, or the ninjas who have completely exterminated their humanity.

To this extent, he couldn’t do it now, and Kakashi before couldn’t do it.

Kakashi was silent for a moment and shook his head, “Naruto’s every move since he was a child was monitored by three generations. ”

“Then he…” Why didn’t he even blink his eyes when he killed someone for the first time?

Akai still remembers the first time he went to the battlefield to kill people, but his hands trembled to the point that he couldn’t even hold the pain.

Kakashi looked up and watched Naruto use his left hand to scratch a samurai’s neck, then turned to find another samurai, and his right hand kunai randomly plunged into the other’s liver.

One plug, one twist, one handful.

The two samurai fell to their knees with painful faces, and after a while they stopped moving.

“I can only say yes, the inheritance of four generations of adults.” His fingers trembled slightly, and Kakashi said a reason why he didn’t believe it.


A knife slashed through the throat of the wandering samurai in front of him, and the doppelganger Naruto let out a breath and stopped all movements.

Around him were a circle of corpses that had fallen to the ground and were completely lifeless.

The doppelganger Naruto raised his hand, looked at the kunai that had been rolled up on both sides, and with a casual wave of his hand, pinned it to the crotch of Kado who sat on the ground with an incredulous face.

The arrogance, excitement, excitement, and ambition on his face just now are no longer visible.

Now there is only fear, deep fear.

For the first time in his life, and the last time he knew how lethal a ninja was when he got serious.

I also understood how bold I was when I jumped in front of me again.

Unfortunately, the price was his life.

Shaking his somewhat sore hand, the doppelganger Naruto turned his head to look at the body again, turned and walked step by step towards Cardo’s position.

Every step was like the footsteps of the Grim Reaper echoing in Cardo’s heart.

“Put, let me go! Please spare my life! I can give you money, give you many, many money! Cardo, who was moving back little by little with his hands on the ground, suddenly felt hot in his crotch.

“Gee!” The doppelganger Naruto looked at the other party’s wet pants and suddenly stopped, took three steps back, thought about it, and took another five steps back.

“To Cardo, what did you plan to do?” Frowning, the doppelganger Naruto turned his head to look to the side and did not chop, “Don’t tell me that you are just ready to honestly take on tasks, cut people, and collect money.” ”

Without cutting his eyes and blinking, he quickly understood the meaning of the doppelganger Naruto’s words, and there was some helplessness in his tone, “Black eats black.” ”

Now it seems that the other party also seems to have this idea.

“Do you have a way? Probably how much can you take? “The doppelganger Naruto knew how the guy who could assassinate Mist Shadow could be a well-behaved baby.

Black eats black, this is the behavior he expected.

Without glancing at Bai, the matter of the “start-up capital” of the dream has always been the responsibility of Bai, not to mention that the object is Cardo, a famous local rich man with stupid money.

Bai stepped forward and thought for a while, “All the liquidity of the Cardo Group can get eighty percent, and the fixed assets are not in the scope of consideration, so I don’t pay much attention. ”

“Eighty percent liquidity.” The doppelganger Naruto pinched his chin and looked at Cardo, who was still sitting on the ground.

On the bright side, shipping companies may not have much liquidity.

But secretly, the other party is mixed with the underworld, and the game is a cash flow.

Although I don’t know the specific amount, the amount of cash that the other party has can be imagined.

Turning around, he glanced at several people from the eighth class of the seventh class of the third class, and Naruto rolled his eyes, turned around and looked at Shiro, “You solve the formalities, and give you five more points.” I want the rest. ”

Reached out and made a grasping motion.

This kind of dividing up assets in front of me is really called arrogance.

No more chopping anyway, there is no idea of refusing, “Deal!” ”

Originally thought that he would leave his life here, but he didn’t expect to be able to survive and take the money, and he was not satisfied with anything.


For Naruto’s approach, Akai, who was in his eyes, also wanted to stop it, but the secret blocking from Kakashi made him stop moving.

In the area of using his brain, Akai has self-knowledge.

“So, may you allow me to intervene.”

Just as this world where only Cardo was injured was finished, a deep voice suddenly cut in and sounded from behind Cardo.

The Taki Hidden Village guard, which wrapped his entire head, has a horizontal scratch on his forehead, representing his rebellious identity.

His face was wearing a mask of Kakashi’s same style, revealing only a pair of eyes.

He wears a black trench coat embroidered with red clouds.

“Rebel?!” Kakashi looked startled, and instantly held a handful of kunai in his hand, “When!” ”

He didn’t sense the appearance of the other party at all just now!

“I said ah, uncle. Can you not control yourself as soon as you hear about money-related things! ”

Dark blue hedgehog head, shark face, golden pupils, Mist Shadow Village rebel forehead.

The man carrying a strange large knife on his back appeared next to the rebel in Takigin Village in an instant.

“Dried persimmon ghost mackerel?” Zai Bu Xue, who recognized the identity of the other party, was a little surprised.

Didn’t this goods suddenly disappear after a certain mission, how could it appear here? And still a traitor?

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel showed a hideous smile and waved his hand towards Zaibu Chopper, “Hey, isn’t this the owner of the decapitation knife, I haven’t seen how to pull it like this in a few years!” I heard that you assassinated four generations of Water Shadow, and I applaud you! ”

Knowing that there was someone standing behind the fourth generation of Mizukage, the dry persimmon oni mackerel was surprised that he could successfully escape after the failed assassination of Yakura, and a doubt could not help but rise in his heart.

“Boom!” Without hearing the other party’s joke, he snorted angrily, “Why did you appear here?” ”

“Isn’t it true that my family’s chancellor of the exchequer is also targeting Cardo, a pig that can be slaughtered?” The ghost mackerel pointed to the man who appeared first, “I just didn’t expect to collide with you.” ”

Cardo’s face turned white again.

The two people who suddenly appeared did not seem to be friendly existences, and the other party also made it clear that the target was also themselves, or their own wealth.

“… Don’t ask me about this, discuss with this little brother, and I will accept it no matter how to arrange it. Without further fingering, he pointed at Naruto’s body who was still sitting on the bridge railing.

As the weakest of the three forces present, he will not hesitate to hand over the right to speak and decide to him.

“This little brother.” Taki Hidden Village rebelled, Kakuto, his gaze shifted from Zai Bu to Naruto’s side, “Please advise.” ”

Naruto jumped off the bridge railing, with a sword sword strapped to his back that appeared at an unknown time, “Don’t you call the one under the bridge up?” Whether you fight or talk, hiding people will not show your sincerity. ”

The other party’s method of hiding the breath is somewhat special.

If it weren’t for Naruto’s habitual narrowing of Kagura’s Heart Eye and increasing the intensity, he might not have been able to detect the other party’s chakra fluctuations.

“This little ghost… Little brother. The ghost mackerel and the angle looked at each other, and both of them flashed some incredulity in their eyes.

The angel’s means of hiding their breath were taught to both of them.

Even in organizations with a combination of bizarre freaks, angels can rank in the top three in this regard.

However, the half-big little ghost in front of him said the angel with the hidden figure so easily, “The ninja of Konoha is really not to be underestimated.” ”

“Kakuto-senpai, what do you say? Do you want to call the angel up? The ghost mackerel took a step back and learned not to cut the scene out again.

Whether it’s fighting with the unseeable Naruto, or shouting up the angel below.

He didn’t want to get involved anyway.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 17

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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