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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 18

“Groove, at this time you think that I am a senior, why haven’t I seen you so respectful before!”

Jiaodu’s green pupils glanced at the ghost mackerel, and his face showed a little helplessness.

He also knew exactly what the other party was thinking.

One thing is to say, for the top spenders in the organization, he is the one who least wants to deal with the other party.

It’s not easy to make some money this year, otherwise why would he have to find Cardo, a person who has a stupid second product with a lot of money, and there are competitors who come out to grab it!

On the other side, seeing that the two people on the opposite side were eyebrows going back and forth for a long time, there was no movement, and Naruto, who was a little impatient, stretched out his right index finger, and a red light appeared at the fingertip position.


A red beam shot laterally from his fingertips, turned at a corner after crossing the bridge deck, and shot towards a position below.


A violent explosion came from below the bridge deck, causing the three people to change their faces.

Dazna lay on the bridge railing, looking at the smoke and dust rising from the explosion below, and rolled his eyes in love, “My bridge! ”

He has already seen the dawn of the completion of the bridge, so don’t have any more accidents with this explosion!

Naruto blew his smoking fingers and rubbed them again, “Don’t worry, I deliberately avoided the position of the piers, and it won’t affect your completion.” ”

After all, the bridge is related to the livelihood of the Land of Waves and Dazna’s later repayment plans.

If you have twists and turns because of your own twists and turns, it will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

“That’s good, that’s it… What is that! ”

Dazna patted his chest and sighed in relief, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a large white bird below (?) Suddenly jumped up, and after rising into the air, a glide landed in front of the oni mackerel and Kakuto.

She has light purple hair and a light blue paper flower on her hairstyle with a ball head.

Light purple eyeshadow with the same hair color, orange pupil color, thin lip color, and a stylishly tied lip stud at the lower end of the lip.

Although the woman’s whole body was wrapped in a coat with a red cloud on a black background.

But according to the experience of LSP Ming, the other party is definitely a graceful gourd-shaped body, his favorite.

“What happened just now?” The woman turned her back to the two and asked coldly.

The mature abstinence system royal sister voice made a certain SP’s heart suddenly a little itchy, and there seemed to be some sound in the ears.

“It’s heartwarming, bad, can’t hide from the eyes…”

“Ahem, it shouldn’t.”

Sensing his abnormality, Naruto looked at the woman opposite him seriously, thoughtfully.

In that world, it has been nurtured by the Dragon Sisters and the Wang Du sisters, and in this world, Hinata and Sunset can not help but raise their eyes from time to time.

It stands to reason that he should not have this kind of unease that the first brother will have when he meets the goddess.

“Still, because this breaks (accent!) Physical causes? ”

Thinking about it, it could only be that this body was still the instinctive reaction of Brother Chu’s body, “This is definitely not the reason for LSP’s flower heart.” ”

Naruto, who touched his chin and nodded his head fiercely, raised his head and met the cold gaze of the cold royal sister on the other side.

“Groove, it seems to be really a heartwarming feeling.” Naruto touched his heartbeat, one hundred eight a minute.


Angel Konan, looking at Naruto’s heart-hurting appearance with some incomprehension.

According to both Oni and Kakuto, the attack that almost injured him was from the other party’s hand.

The other party is like this… Is it a sequelae?

Sunset Hong, who was also a woman, narrowed her eyes at the deadly expression on Naruto’s face, and bit her silver teeth lightly, “This little bastard!” Little satyr! Little scumbag! ”


“You are also here to divide this property?”

Joke after joke, after retracting his mind, Naruto returned to his original flat look, and pointed at Kakuto who wanted to escape before, but was trampled on the back by Kakuto and couldn’t move.

The smell on the other party’s body was disgusted by Naruto.

However, in the eyes of Kakuto, what smell? That’s a lot of money!

This was also the reason why he couldn’t wait to show up as soon as he heard that Naruto and Zai were discussing the division of Cardo’s cash.

Poor is just one word, he does not say twice.

“That’s right. I’ve been eyeing this guy’s property for a long time, but I didn’t expect to bump into you here. ”

Kakuto nodded, his words a little obscure.

It is not in the interests of the three of them and the organization to start a war with the Konoha ninja here and not to cut the two of them.

But give up Cardo, and the horns are even more reluctant.

The most expensive big man in the organization was standing in front of him at this moment!

Naruto looked at Kakuto and thought for a while, “Then, if you take this guy’s company, it shouldn’t be less than liquidity.” ”

That thing is a burden for him and Zaibu, but for the organization behind the other party, it should be a lot of wealth.

Well arranged, it’s a huge cash cow.

Kaku didn’t speak, and those dark green eyes that looked straight at Naruto seemed to say everything.

“I want cash and assets!”

Although he didn’t want to fight with the other party, the liquidity that Cardo Company had was enough for Kakuto to take this risk.

Naruto sighed twice, shook his head, and stretched out his index finger and shook it at him, “Don’t be greedy! If you are not greedy, you will take it, and if you are greedy, you will not get anything. ”

He didn’t want to cheapen Konoha, so he didn’t care about Cardo’s inherent assets.

This does not mean that he cannot let him not find experts in this field and play a dove to occupy Cardo’s company.

In this ninja age with the value of force, with strength comes financial strength and power.

And he Uzumaki Naruto, unfortunately, is still a little strong.


Kakuto fell silent, and looked at the angel Xiaonan.

Naruto and no longer slash were ready to do it.

In the end, the two sides still have to do a battle today, and determine the distribution amount of Cardo’s property with strength.

The angel’s brow furrowed unobtrusively, turned sideways, and glanced back.

Both the ghost mackerel and the horn showed a surprised look at the same time.

“I’m on? Lord Angel, you’re not kidding! The ghost mackerel pointed incredulously at his shark face.

It is obviously a matter of the goods of Jiaodu, why is it himself who contributes in the end?

“Idiot, use your brain.” Kakuto quickly figured out why the angel arranged it this way.

“We are here for money. If I did, do you think the bridge would still be saved? ”

He can always drive the earth to play with Naruto.

But when it comes to the right to speak and distribute later, it is natural to let the ghost mackerel, a guy who is ranked in the organization with a single body art, make a move.

Plus the little brother on the opposite side also carries a big knife behind his back.

The former “Ninja Knife Seven” of the Ghost Shark should be able to test a lot of things on the other side.

The angel and the horn were both the same judgment, which made a trace of helplessness flash on the face of the ghost mackerel.

He just wanted to take advantage of Mr. Itachi’s busy personal affairs and follow Kakuto back to see the situation in the Land of Water!

“I knew there would be nothing good about coming out with you.”

Seeing that Naruto was ready, Oni reached out and held the handle of the large knife and muscle, stepped out in one step, and instantly appeared behind Naruto to raise the knife and slash.


The left foot stopped in place, and the body leaned back and turned sideways, slashing the knife horizontally at the waist.

See cut!

The collision of the big knife and the tai knife created sparks in the air.

The two knives also pressed together deadly, making a sound of metal rubbing that gave goosebumps.


“You guy!” In the stalemate, Oni looked at Naruto incredulously and spoke with difficulty.

Because of his height, he should have been on the more advantageous side with the pressure down.

However, feeling the huge force coming from the mackerel muscles that made him unable to press down any longer, the shark face of the ghost mackerel became more and more hideous.

Naruto suddenly sneered, seemingly effortless in the wide eyes of the onito, and raised the sword upwards, “I don’t have the strength to cut people, and you still want to grab money?” ”

“… Oh?! ”

Kakashi, they don’t know the power of the oni mackerel, and they can remain calm for the time being.

Jiaodu and Angel, who knew the strength of the ghost mackerel, raised their eyebrows one after another, revealing a hint of surprise.

If you organize a wrist wrestling competition, Oni Na is a favorite for the championship.

However, it was such a guy who was suppressed by that little brother in terms of strength, and it still failed miserably.

It seems that the other party is not the kind of fool with high eyes and low hands and no self-awareness.

“You! You guy, how did you train this strength! ”

Even though the two arms have reached full power, they still can’t press the muscles down a little distance.

The ghost mackerel’s originally pale shark was flushed red at the moment, which was a manifestation of excessive force and blood qi surging.

“Stick to walking after meals every day.” Refers to walking around the dragon’s nest to find materials for clothes or fresh dragon eggs.

“Run three times a week.” The finger is either chased behind by the dragon and breathes, or chasing the dragon with a broken tail.

“Do some strength exercises once in a while.” Refers to hand-to-hand combat with the Green Bear Beast or the Snow Ghost Beast.

“Keep it at it, and you’ll be able to have a toned body and strong strength.”

Naruto didn’t hide anything at all, and told everyone how he had been exercising for more than ten years.

It’s just obvious.

Whether it was the anger on the shark’s face or the speechlessness on Kakashi’s face, it meant that they didn’t believe what Naruto said at all.

Not at all!

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You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 18

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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