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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 24

Although you may not have noticed, Du Niang marked incense, I use fragrant phosphorus, don’t get tangled

“Guess what kind of mood Sasuke Uchiha would feel if he suddenly found someone from Uchiha?”

Naruto didn’t answer Kakashi’s nonsense directly, but asked rhetorically.

The smile on his face can be seen as long as he is not blind.

“Well, yes.” Kakashi nodded and looked secretly at three generations before no longer speaking.

The self who should be reminded has already reminded that some people are still hitting the muzzle….

It can only be said that it is difficult to persuade the damned ghost with good words.

“Old man, it’s not difficult to go through the identity formalities for her Konoha, right?”

Naruto thought about it, under the premise of not wanting to provoke trouble, it was necessary to get an upright identity for the little girl.

And this matter, for the most powerful old man in Konoha Village in front of him, is a matter of one sentence.

As for Caoyin Village?

Weak countries have no diplomacy, but they are.

“Konoha’s identity? Your kid is getting more and more bold, even the Hokage dares to call it. ”

The third generation subconsciously touched the pipe and wanted to take a sip, but under Naruto’s gaze, he silently put it back.

After thinking about it, he felt that this matter was very interesting.

No matter what Naruto’s attitude towards Konoha is, as long as the people he cares about have a good attitude towards Konoha.

Ai Ya and U, he will not make any outrageous moves.

The premise is not to die like those two ninjas in Kusanagi Village.

“It’s time to knock on the group.” Picking up the water cup, the three generations who drank the water thought silently.

Unlike Danzo believes, there will be an increasing gap between the three generations and Naruto.

The three generations did not think about it at the beginning, and after the mission of the country of waves, they did not even think about using coercive means to control Naruto in their hands.

In a word, it’s not cost-effective.

He is the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force, but at the same time he is also the son of four generations!

And he is the son of four generations with strength!

In recent years, the ape has become increasingly powerless, and has begun to look for an heir to his position.

The best choice is Jiraiya and Tsunade, Legend Sanshin, one of his two disciples.

Jiraiya, Naruto’s father, the master of the Wave Feng Shuimen.

Tsunade, the relationship with Naruto’s mother, Uzumaki Shinnai, is not bad

To control a person, coercion is the next step.

It is best to weave it firmly with family, love, friendship and thread.

In terms of love, everyone who knows is saying that the eldest lady of the Hyuga family and Naruto are quite close.

And according to the observation of the dark part, the youngest daughter of the Yamanaka family and the daughter of Zhenhong seem to have an unusual relationship with him?

The eyes of the three generations secretly glanced at the two women sitting on the side.

Gee, a little envious.

In terms of friendship, several people from Kaiban Red Class and Asmaban played well with him.

However, he was a descendant of Uchiha in his own seventh class, and he didn’t seem to have much to say with Naruto.

Originally, he was still having a headache for the last family affection, but today Caoyin Village rushed to send a survivor of the whirlpool clan.

God drop the pie!

The third generation put the cup down, forced the thought of laughing, and coughed.

“No problem, all the identity formalities will be delivered to you tomorrow. By the way, what is the name and age of the little girl? ”

Naruto blinked and looked up.

Xi Rihong looked at his suddenly silent expression, and was stunned, “You shouldn’t know, right?” ”

They have already taken people home, and in the end they don’t even know what the other party’s name is?

“Swoosh—it’s yours, Naruto! It’s you, I’m not surprised at all. ”

Sunset Red laughed very inviolently, and her body was crooked on Hinata’s body.

Kakashi and the three generations were also a little speechless, “If you don’t even know your name, you can’t handle the identity procedures.” ”

“Squeak!” There was a slight sound of the door opening.

Everyone in the hall turned their gaze to the red-haired girl who came out of the room dressed.

The girl’s eyes widened slightly, and there was still a look of fear on her face.

Naruto looked at the time on the clock, which had only been sleeping for a little over an hour.

The doppelganger who bought the clothes hasn’t come back yet!

The lips moved, and the girl did not speak, looking at Naruto’s pitiful eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, this is my home, and it will be your home in the future. No one will come to your trouble again. ”

Naruto stood up and walked behind the girl, holding her by the shoulders and pressing her to the seat he had just had.

“I cooked a little porridge, you eat a little to warm up first.”


The girl’s cheeks turned red instantly, and she lowered her head and covered her stomach that made a sound, “Woo-”

Naruto served a bowl of medicinal porridge with blue mushrooms, mandala mushrooms, and elf antlers and placed it in front of the girl.

“Eat, it’s not enough to be in the pot.”

“Fragrant phosphorus!” The red-haired girl held the soup spoon and looked up, her eyes fixed on Naruto, “My name is Uzumaki Kaoru!” ”

Naruto nodded and sat down in the seat opposite Kakashi, “Nice name.” My name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki. ”


The three generations did not bother the two very sensibly.

It wasn’t until Kazu finished eating the porridge in the bowl and Naruto went to serve it to her before he signaled Red to step forward.

A series of basic information such as name, age, date of birth, purpose of coming to Konoha, etc.

Vortex Xiangphos is also very sensible and has questions and answers, there is nothing to hide, and there is nothing to hide.

The atmosphere in the hall is quite harmonious.

Miyo and Kakashi looked at Naruto and Kakashi with a smile, and Red looked at Hinata’s expression from time to time.

Until, a certain second cargo brought back three sets of clothes.

After jumping in through the kitchen window, the doppelganger Naruto handed over all the bags in his hand to the body.

“From the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, from the hood to the inside, all three sets are prepared for you!”

Completely ignoring the speechless expression of the body.

The doppelganger looked at several people in the hall, smiled and patted the shoulder of the body fiercely, and then “snapped” himself.

was looked at by the underwear store clerk with strange eyes for a long time, which is half rewarded.

As for the other half.

Naruto squeezed the paper bag in his hand and looked at the two women in the hall with some embarrassment.

“Hinata, Sister Hong, trouble you guys, help me buy two sets of clothes for Xiangphos.”

The Doppelganger of Dog Day only bought two normal outfits.

The third set turned out to be a combination of lace-trimmed tulle translucent hood and fifteen cm above the knee of a suspender white silk maid outfit!

And in order to prevent Naruto from finding out on purpose, the three bags containing clothes are still exactly the same.

It’s that the doppelganger himself came all the way back, and he didn’t know which bag contained which set of clothes.

If only Xiangphos saw that alluring suit… Rub, his glorious image!

“Huh? Haven’t you already bought it? ”

The red slender white finger pointed to the bag in Naruto’s hand, looking puzzled.

Naruto wrinkled his eyebrows, his face was like a bitter melon, “Doppelganger, cough, the doppelganger’s brain was broken when he bought clothes.” These three sets cannot be used. ”

Saying that, he walked very thoughtfully to the storage room, which was also a clothes room.

Not now, just now, stay until later, hum.

Kakamito watched with some regret as Naruto put his clothes away.

“Then Kakashi and I will leave first, and the identity procedures for Kakashi can be completed tomorrow.” The third generation stood up and beat his old waist with a smile.

“Oh, right.” Kakashi, who also stood up, took out a piece of paper from his arms and placed it on the table.

“This is the application form for the Chūnin exam. After signing, 6 days later, at three o’clock in the afternoon, the school’s classroom 301 assembled. As for these days, there will be no tasks. ”

Putting on his shoes, Kakashi stood in the doorway and narrowed his eyes, “After becoming a Naka Shinobi, with your strength, you are eligible to be directly promoted to the upper Shinobi to form your own squad.” I’m not wrong, three generations of adults. ”

“I’m looking forward to that day, Naruto.”

Ape Fei nodded, took out his pipe and took a sharp puff, exhaling a puff of cigarette beautifully.

Suffocated him.

“As long as you become a superior Shinobi, the little girl in your room can become your subordinate and carry out tasks with you.”

Speaking of this, Sarutobi glanced at Hinata, who was moved, and Sunset, who was thoughtful.

“Of course, you can also apply to carry out tasks with other classes or something, as long as you become a superior Shinobi.”

“Shang Shinobi? I know. ”

Naruto knew that the three generations were almost explicitly saying “as long as you become a shinobi, you can stick with Hinata every day.”

“It seems that this time the middle ninja has begun to get some strength.”

Kakashi looked at Naruto excited, a little big-headed.

“Collect your killing intent, Naruto. For example, do as few things as possible to kill ninjas of other countries today! ”

Kusanagi Village’s strength was too weak, causing them to have no say in front of Konoha.

But in exchange for a relatively strong Shinobi village, Naruto’s behavior today will cause some trouble.

“I know, I’m not an idiot, I make trouble for myself every day.”

Naruto waved his hand, turned and closed the door, “But as long as it is within the rules, life or death does not matter.” ”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 24

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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