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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 27

“When faced with the tenth question, the first thing you have to decide is whether to answer it or not.”

The chief examiner, Mori Ibiki, looked at the remaining candidates in the examination room, his eyes were calm, but he was shocked.

“Candidates who choose not to answer the tenth question will be judged as zero on the spot, that is, they are unqualified.

Naturally, his two companions will also be eliminated. ”

Some candidates are puzzled, “In that case, don’t you necessarily have to choose to answer!” ”

“However, there is one more rule in this case.”

He did not stop the candidates from speaking, and only after they quieted down did Ibiki continue to speak.

“Candidates who choose to answer the questions but do not answer correctly in the end will be disqualified from taking the Zhongnin Exam in the future!”

“What a joke! What a shit rule this is! ”

“It’s just that the previous sit was already very abnormal, and now it’s still doing this! Are you Konoha not prepared to qualify! ”

“There are a lot of retakers here, and they used to encounter this kind of exam questions?”

As soon as I heard the rules that Ibiki said, many candidates jumped up.

What kind of international joke, do you want to block the future of a lifetime for an exam!

“I’m sorry, you’re all right, but I don’t accept it!”

Ibiki looked at the group of candidates whose voices were louder and weaker, and snorted coldly.

The gloomy and cold aura of Konoha’s dark torturing captain swept out, frightening the group of third-rate ninjas into place.

“If you have to say why, because in this exam, I am the rule.”

“Fake, don’t be afraid.”

Naruto pinched his chin and saw Hinata and Ino on the left and right sides, and his body trembled slightly.

He stretched out his hand, held the two women’s somewhat cold little hands, and said comfort.

“Although Konoha is the center of this joint examination, it is not qualified to let the ninjas of other villages stay in Shinobu for the rest of their lives.

Nine times out of ten, the examiner is scaring the weak-willed and undetermined guys. ”

“Really, really?” Hinata was still a little uneasy.

Ino held Naruto’s big hand with his backhand, hooked his mouth, and did not speak.

The purpose of the examiner can be guessed if you think about it.

But in such a tense moment, how many people can calm down and think?

“I, I quit!”

“Sorry, I quit!”

“Me too, come back next time!”

As expected, a group of people in the classroom raised their hands one after another, and finally left the examination room with their teammates and withdrew from this exam.

“These people may only be tolerant in this life.”

Naruto sighed as he watched the examiners around him keep marking the candidates who left.

“Who can guarantee that a guy who can’t even pass this level can grit his teeth and persevere at a critical juncture.”

Bustling and crowded out.

The examination room, which was originally empty because of the cleaning of a group of candidates, is even more deserted now.

Until no one withdrew, Ibiki, who had been watching the candidates coldly, closed her eyes and revealed a smile.

“It seems that you have all made up your minds. Then I announce, all the remaining candidates, congratulations, the first occasion passed! ”

“What!” Slapping the table on the table, Sakura looked at him incredulously, “What is called and passed!” ”

What was said earlier is so scary, but now the end of the exam is over?

Do you know that the girl’s anxiety is very precious!

“Oh, the previous nine questions examined your intelligence gathering ability, Balabala…”

Ibiki explained the seemingly irrational aspects of the exam.

Speaking of which, he also took off the hood tied to his head and showed everyone his light head full of scars.

“In summary, this is the explanation I gave you, is there any doubt?”

Seeing that no one made a sound, Ibi smiled with satisfaction, “Then, the first session of the Zhongnin exam is over here, I wish everyone all the best in the next exam!” ”

“It’s finally over.”

Naruto stood up and just stretched, pausing and looking at the window in front of him

The black cloth ball broke through the window, unfolded, and was fixed to the four corners of the wall by four shurikens.

“The examiner of the second exam, Mitarashi Azuki Comes.”

The above characters are written on the large black curtain in white paint.

“Now is not the time to be happy! I’m the examiner for the second exam, Mitarai red beans, so let’s move on to the next exam! ”

The female examiner who followed the cloth group through the window raised her fist and looked excited, “Follow me!” ”

There was a silence.

Naruto kept stretching his waist, looking at the female examiner with short purple hair with a hint of blush on her face and a delicate face and a slightly pointed chin.

“Where did the strange come from?” Retracting his hand, he turned around and prepared to leave to find Kakashi.

Now that the shadow avatar is lifted, it is just another division of the body, it is better for him to directly ask the situation.

A slender palm seemed to be on Naruto’s shoulder, accompanied by the female examiner’s slightly evil chuckle.

“Where is the little brother! Don’t want to know about the second exam! ”


Pressed in front of the throat, one step further will pierce the skin of the kunai, making the red bean’s movement stop.

The cold touch from Ku Wu made the skin around the finger location get goosebumps.

“Sorry, I don’t like strangers touching me casually.”

Seeing Azuki raise his hands, Naruto withdrew his kunai and was unapologetic.

“As for what you said about the second exam, given the current time and the schedule of past exams, I don’t think it will be carried out tonight.

I will ask the leader of the team for details, and I will not care about you. So, let me retreat. ”

His lips moved, and Azuki looked at Naruto’s back as he left, not stopping him.

However, Ibiki behind her shook her head when she saw her appearance.

“The time and place of the second exam are known to your leading teachers, so everyone will disband.”


“You shouldn’t have shown up in the first place.”

Wait until all the candidates and the deputy examiner have left.

In the classroom where only two people remained, Ibiki said to the red bean sitting on the table while collecting the exam papers on the table.

“As a result, I was now put up by a subordinate Shinobi, so I didn’t freak out.”

Naruto’s movements did not even see clearly from himself who had been paying attention to him.

No wonder three generations of adults have said hello before the first exam, no matter what the other party does, he is considered passed.

It’s still Naruto-sama wise!

“What’s the little ghost’s name?”

Hongdou was playing with a handful of kunai in his hand, and a spark of excitement suddenly popped up in his eyes.

The boring days have passed too long, it is rare to meet a fun guy, and dare to threaten herself, this account is not reported back, she simply changed her name!

“Naruto Uzumaki.”

Ibiki happened to be standing in Naruto’s seat and picked up his exam paper, which had everything on the front except for his name.

Turning to the reverse side, it is densely written with the cheating methods used by various candidates in the examination room.

The records are more detailed than their examiners who specialize in this.

Another purpose of the first written test of the Chūnin Exam: to collect information theft methods from ninjas in other villages.

Ninjas who can pass this exam may become enemies of Konoha in the future.

This kind of opportunity to collect intelligence in an honest way, if you don’t make good use of the second-generation Hokage Senjuma who is simply sorry to start this system.

“Give you a reminder, it’s better not to provoke him.”

Ibiki placed Naruto’s exam paper at the bottom and continued to put away the other candidates’ papers.

“Three generations of adults greeted him specifically before the exam. In other words, he was watched by three generations.

If you don’t want to get into trouble, stay away from him is the right way.”

“Eh! Did Sandaime notice him too! ”

It’s good that Ibiki doesn’t say it, but it makes Red Bean excited.

“Don’t worry, I won’t trouble him like a stupid goose!”

However, I am not willing to point to my neck with bitter and unwilling to calculate with him! ”

With a wave of his hand, the kunai in Hongdou’s hand hit the table where Naruto was seated with precision.

Ibiki paused and did not look back, “Deliberately destroying public property, the cost of repairing the table is deducted from your salary!” ”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 27

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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