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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 28

Naruto had no idea that he was being targeted by the current red beans and future sweet potatoes.

After Kakashi got the time and place of the second exam here, the doppelganger was dissolved with a “bang”, leaving Sasuke and Sakura dumbfounded.

They only knew that one afternoon exam, Naruto used a doppelganger!

“Wait a minute! If Naruto used doppelgangers to take exams today, when he used to do tasks? ”

Sakura looked at Kakashi hesitantly, a little guessing.

Kakashi looked at the little yellow book, confirming Sakura’s guess.

“That’s right, except for the Yu no Kuni mission, all the missions you received after forming a squad, Naruto used a shadow avatar.”

“… Hehe. Sakura’s face twitched.

When you don’t know what to say, these two words can well express the state of mind at the moment.

It turns out that the people who accompany him to learn medical ninjutsu these days are all Naruto’s doppelgängers!

She thought, she thought!

Sasuke snorted coldly and turned to leave.

When he heard that Naruto had always been a doppelganger, the look he showed made Kakashi a little uneasy.

Gloomy, dark, and hated, as if treating Naruto as an opponent rather than a teammate.

This time is to improve Sasuke’s strength, but also to make up for his apologies to his deceased best friend.

Kakashi let Naruto and Sakura go and had been training Sasuke.

The application of Sharingan, his self-created Thunder Ninjutsu.

This was also the reason why he was worried when he saw Sasuke’s dark expression on Naruto’s back.

Naruto’s strength is too strong, and Sasuke’s heart is too high, which is not a good thing.


I slept with Xiangphos Meimei in my arms, and woke up early in the morning to maintain the state of a pillar of Optimus.

This is also the reason why he has become more and more irritable and impatient in front of outsiders during this time.

Hinata and Ino, now they have to add that Kakuro’s age is too young, and the bones of his body have not yet grown, and Naruto is reluctant to let them go.

However, men, if they hold it for a long time, someone will suffer.

“I just don’t know if someone will bump into the second exam in the past few days, or that I will create a chance for them?”

In the living room, Naruto left a doppelganger.

After Xiangphos helped him tidy up his clothes, he kissed her forehead and left in an instant.

At the forty-four drill grounds, at the entrance of the Forest of Death with a radius of about ten kilometers, Naruto swayed leisurely and arrived at the meeting place at the last minute of the allotted time.

“Naruto, you’re coming too slowly! I almost thought you weren’t coming! ”

Sakura saw his figure, pouted and whispered, then leaned over again to suppress her voice.

“Are you here today? Or a shadow doppelganger? ”

“I wanted to come separately, but Xiangphos was not at ease after learning that the second battle was a real battle, so I let me fight on my own.”

Naruto shrugged his shoulders, just about to turn his head to look for Hinata and their group.

The little girl with white eyes brought her teammates and gathered with the red class trio and Kaiban trio.

“The venue is the Forest of Death behind you, and your mission is to collect a set of Heaven and Earth Scrolls within the stipulated 120 hours.”

When the stipulated time came, red beans fell from the sky, and the rules of the exam were explained without much nonsense.

It was a little unorthodox to secretly glance at Naruto’s eyes.

There were 22 groups of 66 people present, half of whom would get the Scroll of Heaven and the other half would hold the Scroll of the Earth. If you want to collect a whole set, the only way is to snatch it from someone else’s hands.

Also, to avoid trouble before the exam starts, you must sign a death waiver before you can enter. ”

The slightly bloody smile made Ino somewhat uncomfortable towards Naruto retreat.

“That’s not to say that at least half of the people will be eliminated!”

“Let’s not talk about the harsh environment in the forest, and the more severe the living conditions are getting further and further behind.”

Naruto’s right hand reached the small satchel behind his waist, pulled it, and pulled out a sword that was more than two meters long and covered with a dark red scabbard.

“The appearance of the death exemption letter means that everything that happens in the forest is a matter of life and death.”

“I am amazed every time I see your little bag that looks like a space scroll.”

Shikamaru habitually complained, and suddenly realized that the situation was not right.

The expression on Naruto’s face, it was excitement with deep invisible blood.

“You are suddenly so excited, it makes me feel very scared!”

“A broken exam is so troublesome.”

Naruto rolled his eyes and turned his wrist to make a “rattle” sound of bone rubbing.

“Don’t have fun, how will this hour pass!”

“A little…” Shikamaru paused, only to understand the meaning of Naruto’s words.

He has to find the enemy in an hour→ grab the scroll→ reach his destination.

“You can do it.”

I have to admit that Naruto’s strength appeared in the Naka Shinobi Exam, which was completely a dimensionality reduction blow.

“However, I wish you the scrolls you snatched the same as all the ones you got at the beginning!”

Shikamaru smiled and took the death exemption handed over by Dingji, read the contents, and signed his name.

“Then guess if the scroll you got and mine will be the same?”

In a word, defeat Shikamaru.

If he takes the same scroll as this guy, and he grabs two different scrolls, the harder it will be for him to qualify.

If the scrolls are different… Then he has become one of his goals!

“You better find the scroll as soon as you enter, and then rush to the central tower immediately!”

After thinking about it, the safest way is for this uncle to clear the customs as soon as possible and leave the examination room for these mortals to toss themselves.


He took the scroll from the hand of the smiling red bean, who was obviously playing a small calculation.

There was no need to hide it, Naruto took the scroll of “Ten” into his arms under the gaze of all the candidates.

Looking at the outer village ninjas around them whose eyes had obviously changed, he smiled, very charitable.

“This guy, fishing in the open!”

Shikamaru saw this scene and whispered in the ranks.

Fortunately, what their group got was the scroll of “Earth”, which was hidden in the bag that Dingji specially used to put snacks.

Just now, those squads whose faces had changed or not, he remembered approximately.

And the one who knew the scroll in Naruto’s hand and didn’t care about it must be the group assigned to the same “Heaven” scroll.

Watch Naruto, who deliberately became bait and waited for someone to take the bait, walk into the Forest of Death.

Shikamaru shook his head and followed after Ino and Tsuji towards the entrance of another location.

“There won’t really be a guy with a bad brain who went straight at Naruto when he went in, right?”

“It is undeniable that there are brains everywhere in the world.”

In the third minute of entering the Forest of Death, three people who didn’t know what to endure fell from the sky and aimed at Naruto with a full killing move.

Shuriken, or shuriken, throwing shuriken wildly.

Naruto didn’t make a move, yawned, and Uchiha Sasuke rushed forward with a single gotama’s double writing wheel eyes.

Three times five divided by two knocked three Shinobi to the ground.

Sakura waited until everything was over, stepped forward with a smile, and took out the scroll of “Earth” from the storage bag of the three.

“Now that we’ve collected our scrolls, let’s head to the Central Tower now?”

In terms of the ninja’s footsteps, ten kilometers, the next patience is ten minutes at most.

“Don’t worry, always give others a little time to prepare.” Naruto took the scroll that Sakura had thrown and shoved it into his bag, “An hour, a long time. ”

“What do you mean to give someone time to prepare?”

Sasuke, who was standing on the other side, clasped his hands in and asked Naruto rarely.

Kakashi’s persuasion kept ringing in his ears.

“Don’t let hatred blind you, don’t you think, Naruto is a good assistant on your path to revenge!

Even if he won’t help you take revenge openly, as long as you learn a little more about his skills, with your own blood chakra eyes, it’s still no problem to kill a Uchiha weasel. ”

There was no problem Kakashi was not clear.

But Sasuke’s attitude towards Naruto continues, Kakashi is afraid that Naruto will make Sasuke no longer a problem.

This guy has never had a tolerance for strangers.

At this time, his brain was still somewhat clear, and Sasuke, who was not dizzy, did listen to Kakashi’s words.

The main thing is the thought of revenge, which allows him to pay any price and use all means.

Bow your head to Naruto or something, he can even chase Kakashi and slash, Mu is strong, for the weak is a very correct way to survive.

He has the blood wheel eye and the bloodline of the Uchiha clan, and he will be able to surpass him one day.

Now, it’s just your own accumulation stage.

With this in mind, Sasuke was now observing and learning the way Naruto thought about things.

Naruto raised his eyebrows and glanced at Sasuke who seemed to be a little different.

“Normally, what do you think you have to do to be sure that you will grab the scroll?”

“Isn’t it a matter of luck and fighting when you meet someone?” Sakura raised her hand and interjected as she stood aside.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 28

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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