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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 3

Unarmed people are hostile to those with sharp weapons, and Naruto didn’t understand which side had the problem with his brain!

“I’m really not afraid that I, the demon fox boy, will kill you.”

Coming to the large classroom, Naruto glanced around and saw the very cold Sasuke Uchiha who was sitting on the seat with his hands propped up on the table to cover his chin.

Naruto, who didn’t want to go to the other party once after the class, sat in the empty seat next to the other under the gaze of all the girls in the class.


Uchiha Sasuke glanced at Naruto coldly and withdrew his gaze.

He didn’t have any ideas about the crane tail in this class.

“Uchiha-san, may I ask, can you get in touch with Mother-in-law Cat now?”

The memories of one night also reminded Naruto of many things he had forgotten, such as Uchiha’s extermination.

The boy in front of him was an orphan of the Uchiha clan, and Naruto was not sure if the other party had a way to contact the cat mother-in-law.

So it’s necessary to ask beforehand.

Uchiha Sasuke lowered his hands, turned sideways and looked at Naruto seriously, shaking his head, “Not everyone is qualified to see a cat mother-in-law.” ”

Maybe it wasn’t intentional, but there was a deep disdain in his tone, and he almost didn’t put a “you can’t” on Naruto’s head.

It means that you have contact information, but you don’t want to give it to yourself.

Knowing that he couldn’t get the contact information of the cat mother-in-law from Uchiha Sasuke’s side, Naruto didn’t force it, got up, walked to the back and changed positions and sat down.

Inuzuka Ya on the seat next to him turned sideways with the puppy Akamaru on his head, “How did I not know that you and Uchiha Sasuke have such a good relationship?” ”

Naruto shook his head and said bluntly, “Not familiar.” ”


Just now, you sat on the ass of the girls in the class and vacated the seat next to Sasuke Uchiha.

Inuzuka Ya could clearly see that the moment Naruto sat down, whether it was Ino or Haruno Sakura, his eyes were all chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and they couldn’t wait to unload him.

As if seeing through Inuzuka’s thoughts, Naruto reached out and took Akamaru on his head in his arms, stroked his chin, and stuck the dog’s tongue out of the mouth.

“Recently, the idea of wanting to have a pet suddenly came to me, and I heard that the Uchiha family and the ninja cat mother-in-law have a good relationship, and I wanted to ask him how to contact him.”

Inuzuka nodded with a blank expression, thinking of Uchiha Sasuke’s shaking of his head at Naruto just now, “It turned out to be rejected.” ”

For the young master of the Uchiha family, who likes to pretend to be cool, Inuzuka Ya does not like to come.

“yes, it was rejected.” Naruto looked at the so-called dog, “So your dog, is there a medium-sized one that can be ridden on?” ”

“You are very discerning, that is, what cat a man has, a dog is king!” Inuzuka patted his shoulder and raised an eyebrow proudly.

“As for the medium-sized dog you mentioned, there are some at home, specifically… Well, in this way, I will go back and ask my mother specifically, and I will give you an answer in two days. ”

“Then it’s bothering you.” Naruto nodded, “It just so happens that in the past two days, I have to wait for the house to be finalized and prepare for moving, and there is still plenty of time.” ”


“Seventh class, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha.”

“Eighth class, Hinata Hinata, Inuzuka Ya, Shino the oil girl.”

“Tenth class, Ino Yamanaka, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Dingji.”


At the end of the shift, Naruto did not have dinner with his future teammates at noon, bringing him closer.

A paralyzed cool brother and a flower-mad girl, he always felt that the team was not very reliable, but instead followed the trio of the eighth class to the Ichiraku ramen shop to make do with it.

Compared to the pink-haired girl in the team, the white-eyed girl in the eighth class who was easily shy and smoked on her head at every turn made Naruto feel more amused.

After returning to the classroom after the lunch break, until all the teams were taken away by their respective lead teachers, the instructor of their seventh class was nowhere to be seen.

Looking at the sky outside, Naruto, who didn’t want to waste his time here, got up and pulled open the classroom door under the gaze of Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke to leave.

“Naruto, what are you doing!” Haruno Sakura, who was all focused on Uchiha Sasuke, frowned when she saw Naruto’s movements.

Although she was also very upset that the teacher who led the team had not come so far, this was a rare opportunity to stay in the same space with Sasuke Uchiha, and she didn’t want to make a difference.

It is best if the leading teacher does not see his presence for a day today.

did not answer Haruno Sakura’s words.

Naruto pulled open the classroom door and came face to face with the man standing outside the door, who happened to be in an open motion.

The man has long silver hair, a black mask and forehead brace that cover most of his face, leaving only his right eye exposed.

She wears a black tight-fitting combat uniform with green upper ninja chain armor on the outside, and red logos tattooed on her shoulders and back.

“You were ready to leave just now, weren’t you?”

On the sunny school rooftop, Kakashi Kiki, the seventh class instructor, looked at Naruto, who was sitting lazily across from him in the sun, with a not very good expression.

Although most of his face was covered, the slight chill that flashed in the exposed right eye made Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, who were affected on the side, feel a little chill in their hearts and swallow their saliva.

Naruto didn’t seem to hear the other party’s dissatisfaction.

He withdrew his gaze to Hokage Rock, turned to the guide in front of him, the disciple that Wave Feng Shui Gate had mentioned, and nodded.

“Ah, that’s right. After waiting for a long time, I didn’t see you come and there was no news, and I thought you should have been delayed. And I didn’t want to waste time, so I was just about to leave. ”

“… If you leave without permission, you will be deprived of graduation qualifications and sent back to school. ”

Seeing Naruto’s uncaring expression, Kakashi frowned, and his tone became low, “And it’s not just you who are sent back to school, but also teammates who are on the same team as you, even if you don’t care!” ”

“What! Naruto, you almost killed me and Sasuke! ”

Not only Haruno Sakura’s eyes widened, even Uchiha Sasuke, who had always pretended to be cool, almost didn’t hold his expression.

I almost got sent back to school because of this crane tail!

“Don’t be so exaggerated, they’re not my teammates at the moment.”

Naruto supported his chin with his right hand, propped his elbows on his knees, glanced at the two sitting on the other side, and said in a calm tone, “School grouping is a school matter, it has nothing to do with whether I recognize them or not, don’t confuse the two.” ”

His teammates are Shui Yun, Fire Bud, Fiolena is Rodna, and even a two-cat and dog combination of Rabbit Dango Rabbit Dango.

But it definitely won’t be the idiot and the noodle stall sitting next to him at the moment.

“You, don’t recognize them as your teammates?” Kiki Kakashi was silent for a moment, “Even if you will be sent back to school?” ”

Different from the Uchiha family’s orphan pretending to be cool.

The indifference in Naruto’s eyes made Kakashi feel cold even if he had fought on the battlefield.

Three generations have not taken good care of him all these years!?

“I don’t care.”

Naruto glanced at him and chuckled, ignoring Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, who was shouting on the other side, and Sasuke Uchiha, who had a not very good face.

“If three generations are willing to send me back to school.”

First, he didn’t believe that the three generations of Hokage had the courage to reread the Nine-Tails Pillar Force from back to school.

Second, even if he sends it back, he is not a ninja. There is strength, where can I not eat?

“I will tell the three generations of adults what you think. However, since you are still my team member, then I will be responsible for you. ”

Kakashi raised his forehead while covering his gaze and changed the subject, “So, as a mutual understanding between the team members, let’s introduce yourself first.” What you like, what you hate, what your hobbies are, what your dreams are, and so on. Naruto, it’s up to you to start first. ”

Naruto tilted his head slightly, looked at Kakashi Kiki’s gaze staring at him, sighed, and spoke lazily, “Naruto Uzumaki, likes quiet and beautiful girls, hates people who are verbose and noisy, is interested in raising cats and dogs, dreams… Marrying a beautiful wife who has money in the family will make me struggle for twenty years less? ”

“Quite … Practical dreams. ”

The contrast between the front and back is too large and there are too many slots, causing Kakashi Kiki to not know what to say.

He turned his gaze to Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha, who were also a little confused.

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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