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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 31

“You really are a lion, the caged bird of the Hyuga family, not worth a Kusanagi sword.”

Orochimaru thought for a moment, shook his head and rejected the deal.

Although the Kusanagi Sword is valuable, it is not worth mentioning compared to the Caged Bird Seal that can make the entire Hyuga family mess up.

And with Naruto’s strength and heart, he actually hit his mind on the Hyuga family.

Doesn’t it say that one of his little girlfriends is the eldest lady of the Hyuga family!

“Hey, you don’t have to be so decisive to refuse, the price is negotiable!”

“Oh? So what can you pay Naruto-kun? Orochimaru thought about it and felt that Naruto had a point.

Discuss and discuss, and only when there is a discussion can there be quantity.

“Naruto! You don’t know that the big snake pill is insidious, and you must not make a deal with him! ”

Seeing that Naruto really had the idea of discussing with the other party, Red Bean quickly spoke up to stop it.

Naruto ignored Azuki’s obstruction and looked at Sasuke with a face full of pain again, but still holding on to Sasuke who had not fainted, thoughtfully.

“The purpose of your coming to Konoha this time should be Sasuke.”

“What does Naruto-kun mean?”

Orochimaru was silent, but he didn’t expect to be caught by Naruto.

The Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, that is what he wants to get after being easily played with by Uchiha Itachi.

Although he planted the spell mark on Sasuke, what if Naruto gave Sasuke a hundred swords? In what secret place did Konoha imprison Sasuke?

Crouching down, Naruto stretched out his finger and tapped the middle of the spell mark on Sasuke’s neck.

A small amount of chakra turned into silk threads and spread throughout his body, constantly feeding back his state at the moment.

“Although this spell is eroding Sasuke’s body and consciousness, it is also transforming his body. Uh-huh, the risk factor is quite high, but after surviving, the gain is also huge. ”

After understanding Sasuke’s basic situation at the moment, Naruto took out a small book and recorded the relevant data on it.

“Mr. Big appeared in front of us just to give Sasuke this mark, the descendants of the Uchiha family, what a big picture… Wait, it’s also possible, you don’t like men, right? ”

Speaking of this, the tip of the pen that stroked on the book suddenly stopped.

Naruto looked at Orochimaru with a shocked expression.

Sasuke, who was kneeling on the ground, also subconsciously took two steps back, and then took two steps back.

Sakura and Azuki were equally shocked to the point that their eyes widened and their mouths trembled.

The big snake pill, one of the three ninjas, actually has this fetish?

“No wonder you abandoned me in the first place, it turns out that everything has a reason!” Red Bean nodded and said as if clearly.

It made Sasuke believe the truth of what Naruto said even more, and also made Orochimaru have a black line.

The old lady loves no one, only loves herself! Okay or not!

“So, what the hell does Naruto-kun mean!”

Rao is the big snake pill was also a little uncomfortable with the perverted gaze of several people, and repeated the question just now.

“Oooh, I mean, there’s no pie falling from the sky.

But whatever your purpose, helping Sasuke become stronger is something that actually happens, and that’s it. ”

Naruto put away the book, slowly relaxed his ten fingers, and looked at Sasuke, “You bear with me, I’ll move as fast as I can.” ”

“Oh!” Sasuke chose to believe Naruto and bowed his head, revealing the back of his neck and the three black gookaz on it.

“It’s overkill, but it’s just to be on the safe side…”

Bite the thumb of your left hand and draw a line of blood in the palm of your right hand.

His hands were at a speed that even red beans could not read, after making dozens of marks in front of him.

The right hand covered with the spell was raised high and fell, against the spell mark on the back of Sasuke’s neck.

“Gossip Seal!”

It can be seen with the naked eye that a three-circle spiral pattern appears on the original position of the three black hook jade, and there are some light-colored spell patterns on the outside of the spiral pattern.


Sasuke, who was ready, still howled because of the sudden sharp pain.

After a few calls, his physiological instinctive reaction made him faint all of a sudden.

“Done.” Pulling his hand and getting up, Naruto continued the topic just now.

“I think you’ve already experienced my strength. For three years, you don’t bother, I will do my best to help Sasuke improve his strength. As for three years later, you have ideas at will, how! ”

“Three years?” Orochimaru fell silent.

The magical crossbow weapon in the first hand, and the display of the body art and sealing technique later.

After a short period of contact, Naruto’s surprise to Orochimaru almost made him feel the urge to leave Sharingan behind.

The limit of the body’s activities after this operation is uncertain.

Plus Sasuke has not fully reached the maturity stage, and the three gokutama have not opened, and now using him to turn around is also full of flaws.

“There is no method of unblocking, but detailed research materials can give you a copy.”

In the end, Orochimaru agreed to Naruto’s deal.

In exchange for his research on caged birds, Naruto spent three years tweaking Sasuke.

As for the Kusanagi Sword.

“For the time being, I will use it for the second pillar, he does not have a suitable weapon in his hand now.” Naruto shrugged.

The faceless performance of this empty glove white wolf made both the big snake pill and the red bean pay attention.

“You really are an interesting child, Naruto-kun.”

Shaking his head, Orochimaru had no idea of forcibly snatching the Kusanagi Sword back.

His body sank to the ground, and he narrowed his eyes and smiled sadly, “Looking forward to the next encounter with you.” ”

“Don’t think about leaving, Orochimaru!”

Red Bean reacted, took out the bitter and jumped up, and stabbed at the big snake pill.

“Red bean, you don’t know what to call anymore! I don’t remember how I taught you! ”

The main plan passed, and the big snake pill who also had an extra speed was originally in a good mood.

The caged bird of the Hyuga family was also a topic that he was very interested in.

It’s a pity that because I haven’t got the eyes of the Hyuga family, the subject is stuck at a certain point and can’t continue, so it was sealed.

Naruto can study this, which means that the other party must have normal white eyes in their hands to study.

“On his hands, the eldest lady of the Zong family, it seems that there is still the genius who divided the family?”

The research desire of the big snake pill was hooked, and he was ready to go back and look at the previous research materials more.

Unexpectedly, the former student suddenly rushed up at this time.

Completely ignoring the difference in strength between the two sides, as well as the difference in her own status.

After being tortured by the incomplete Heavenly Spell Seal for a long time, the state of the red bean was not even comparable to that of a middle ninja.

Now rushing up at him, the three ninjas, “What I taught you before, is how to send to death!” ”

Frowning, the big snake pill opened his mouth, and his purple tongue suddenly extended like a sharp sword, pressing against the lower abdomen of Red Bean, knocking her back.

Coincidentally, it happened to be the direction of Naruto’s position.


Feeling that he was being held, Azuki didn’t care to thank Naruto.

Forced to endure the discomfort in her stomach that seemed to be turning over the river, she wanted to stand up and continue to stop the big snake pill from leaving.

“Then, look forward to the next encounter with Mr. Big.”

In his ears, there was a breath of heat, as well as Naruto’s careless voice.

“Mr. Big? Naruto-kun, you’re really, quite interesting. ”

Squinting, the big snake pill didn’t look at his former student, and the whole person fell into the ground.


The doppelganger carried Sasuke who had fainted, and the body took back the red bean that was completely immovable.

Naruto, who was leisurely, and Sakura, who had not yet calmed down, unhurriedly headed towards the central tower.

They all talked for an hour to complete the Chūnin exam, and if it took more than one minute, they would not be mentioned as a joke by Shikamaru and them in the future.

“Sanshin, it’s really interesting.”

Jumping on the tree, Naruto suddenly sighed.

“That big gentleman’s body should have been transformed, but with ninjutsu it can’t be so soft.”

Human experiments, he has not personally experienced, but he has not seen it in the kingdom.

What animal limb transplantation, what dragon blood injection, what genes built-in.

The results of the research results of the serious Kingdom Laboratory, the product of the runaway of the unorthodox underground dark laboratory.

What’s more, they actually hit the dragon sisters with their ideas.

That time, for the first time, the kingdom blew a bloody wind set off by humans.

From the underground laboratory to the regional leader, and then implicated the prince of the kingdom.

Even if there is a part-time receptionist, Princess Kiche intercedes.

He still used a knife alone, and he killed a time when the situation was unstable, the country was in turmoil, heads fell to the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

It was also on that day that the people of the royal capital experienced it firsthand.

What is called the flame of the Flame Village! What is called the fierce star of the empire!

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 31

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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