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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 32

In a word, Naruto also has an understanding of human experiments.

Chakra turned into silk and merged into the red bean to probe her physical condition.

Not long after, Naruto, who withdrew his hand, raised his eyebrows, “The spell mark is much more leaky than Sasuke’s”

“Just your body wants to dry the big snake pill? Is it to be put in eighteen poses by him? ”

“Why didn’t you leave him behind!”

On his back, Red Bean knocked his head weakly.

From the moment he met Naruto and Orochimaru, Naruto’s attitude towards Orochimaru did not seem to be towards rebels.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know the reputation of the Great Snake Pill! You still dare to make a deal with him! Also the caged bird of Hinata’s house! ”

Azuki Dou, who was getting more and more angry, did not care about the weakness of his body, barely raised his head, and bit Naruto’s neck.


“Bah, how do you practice, the skin on your neck is so hard!”

A mouthful of red beans with painful silver teeth beat Naruto’s chest in dissatisfaction.

But he forgot how ambiguous his current actions are.

“Don’t move! Hook up the fire and you are responsible for extinguishing it! ”

In a word, the effect immediately appeared, and the body behind it suddenly became quiet.

Thirty minutes later, the four of them arrived at the Central Tower of the Forest of Death, which was also the end of the second exam.

Three generations of Naruto Sape Hibiki, Kakashi, Akai, Red, Asma and a series of ninjas who Naruto could not shout their names were all here.

“Mr. Big has such a strong sense of existence?”

Naruto handed the red bean to the red who rushed over and asked curiously.

Even if it is Sanshin, it will not pull out such a group of Konoha elites, even the Hokage is on the field!

“Big first… You mean the big snake pill. Red thought for a moment before reacting to Naruto’s name.

Mr. Zai, the ghost of the ghost, and what angel Miss Nan and the Horned Big Brothers and the like.

Mr. Big, it’s already quite normal.

“Did you really come into contact with Orochimaru?”

Red carefully looked Naruto up and down, not finding any injuries, and sighed in relief.

“Contacted.” Naruto didn’t hide it, pointing to Sasuke who was thrown to Kakashi by the doppelganger, “He came for Sasuke, a descendant of Uchiha.” ”

After thinking about it, he added, “I also planted a spell mark on him.” ”


Kakashi surrounded Sasuke a few times and lifted the clothes on the back of his neck, “Don’t you see any spell marks?” ”

The lad has smooth skin.

Naruto gave him a blank look, “I sealed it with the sealing technique, and entering Chakra can see the sealing style.” ”

“Seal? Do you still understand this? “Don’t say Kakashi, the three generations looked at him in surprise.

Sealing is not like medical ninjutsu, there are introductory materials everywhere.

As long as there is talent, the most basic medical ninjutsu can be completely self-taught.

The sealing technique not only eats talent, but also the learning materials are the secrets of the major forces.

The simplest example, the Nine-Tailed Human Pillar Force, is the result of the Sealing Technique, and over time the Human Pillar Force can gradually utilize the Tailed Beast Chakra.

The negative example is the one-tailed human pillar force, because the sealing technique is full of loopholes, which makes it difficult for me Ai Luo to sleep well, and forced him to become a panda man.

“Have you forgotten my last name?” Naruto snorted coldly, not bothering to calculate with him.

But anyone who reads history will realize that Konoha, as an ally, is in a disgraceful role in the demise of the Vortex Country.

Although Naruto didn’t bother to think about these old stories, someone bumping into it did not prevent him from firing a cannon.

“Quite a complete technique, a perfect gossip seal.”

The third generation who had finished checking the sealing technique raised his body and took a puff of his cigarette, “Naruto, what else do you know about Orochimaru. ”

“Specifically, I didn’t have time to talk more with the big gentleman, and the red bean rushed over and rushed up like an enemy, but was easily hammered on the ground by the big man.”

Naruto pulled out the scroll of heaven and earth and motioned for which of you to take it.

“However, Mr. Tai should not have run this trip specifically for Sasuke, otherwise there would be no need for him to mix in the Chūnin exam. After that, he should have other plans. ”

“Naruto, he is Orochimaru, Konoha’s S-class rebel! You have to pay attention to it! ”

Red knew Naruto’s strength.

But the big snake pill has been famous for a long time, and the means are quite strange.

He is hiding in the shadows, including three generations present, and no one can guarantee that he will not be attacked by the other party.

“Isn’t the so-called rebellion a matter of Hokage’s mouth, what are you in a hurry?”

Naruto gave him a strange look, “And as far as I know, Mr. Big has not stirred up trouble in other ninja villages over the years. This kind of person you call not so much a traitor as a friendly soldier in the skin of a traitor. ”

What you said is so reasonable, I am actually speechless!

The idea poured out of Naruto and the Shinobi present.

The hatred between the major ninja villages has always been there, don’t look at the calm on the surface, but in fact, the fierce tide is secretly surging.

The most famous example is that during the two truces in Yunyin Village, Naruto’s mother was kidnapped once, and Naruto’s daughter-in-law was once kidnapped.

A ninja like Orochimaru, who never caused trouble in his own village after defecting from the village, but made trouble in other ninja villages, the village issued him a pennant.

“Then he this time! And Sasuke! ”

Hongdou still wanted to say something, a struggle neck was a sharp pain, and the whole person fell back into Hong’s arms.

Naruto’s eyes were a little hot when he saw it.

He wanted to, too!

“People can’t go home for too long to visit their relatives!”

Retracting his gaze, Naruto continued to tuggle unhurriedly.

Who called Mr. Big is humorous and powerful, and it feels good for him.

At least better than the ape flying sun chop that he saw when he first returned to this world.

“As for Sasuke, it’s normal to go back to the village and see the excellent junior pulling it out. Why is it so painful… To gain strength, it’s normal to hurt a little and suffer a little. Don’t you also have a low-grade version of the spell mark on your neck? ”

“Okay, don’t say it.” Kakashi interrupted Naruto with a roll of his eyes.

“What you say, I have to believe Mr. Big… Bah, Orochimaru is really a spy sent out by three generations of adults. ”

Akai and Aska were stunned, and only then did Naruto react that this was completely nonsense.

Follow his logic, they will all be taken crooked!

Red pursed her lips, she almost believed what Naruto said.

Glancing at the spell mark that appeared on the back of the red bean’s neck, “Naruto, is there a way to seal the spell mark on the red bean’s body as well?” ”

“Huh? Yes, minute by minute. Naruto replied lightly and casually.

Let the pain all the way, until now has no strength to stand up red bean gritted his teeth, “Why didn’t you say it earlier!” ”

“After seeing my spell seal that sealed Sasuke, you didn’t ask me, why did I take the initiative to say this without trouble?”

When Naruto said this, he almost wrote the four words “I did it on purpose” on his face.

“Okay, okay, stop making trouble!”

The three generations covered their heads, a little unable to hold on to the two living treasures, “Naruto, since it is convenient, seal the spell on the red bean, and let Kakashi copy your sealing method by the way, no problem.” ”

“I call it.” Naruto walked behind Azuki who was sitting on the ground and took off his coat and was left with only a fishnet suit.

“If he wants to see it, he will watch it, and I will not cover the man’s eyes.”

Bite the thumb of your left hand and draw a line of blood in the palm of your right hand.

His hands once again made dozens of marks in front of him at a super high speed, and stopped.

The right hand, which was full of black spell patterns, was raised high and fell, against the spell mark on the back of the red bean’s neck.

“Gossip Seal!”

“Woohoo!” Hit by severe pain, Azuki subconsciously raised his neck and wanted to get rid of Naruto’s palm.

However, until the spell on Naruto’s right hand all poured into the back of her neck, that hand did not break away from the number four.

The shouting went down slightly, and Naruto withdrew.

Originally, the position of the three black hook jades was replaced by the swirling spell seal of the Bagua Seal.

“Done!” Naruto stood up and looked at Kakashi, who raised his forehead to reveal the eyes of the three-hooked tamama chakra, “Can you see clearly?” ”

Kakashi quickly put away his dry chakra eyes and shook his head.

“The sealing method can barely keep up, but the specific practice, the flow of Chakra, and the details of the sealing technique, are completely unclear.”

“Then it’s none of my business, it’s your own strength is too poor, don’t expect me to teach you specifically.”

Naruto turned and looked at the three generations, “Is anything else?” I went back without me, and there was still soup stewed on the pot at home. ”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 32

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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