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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 33

Naruto, who still had soup stewing on the pot at home, was eventually driven away by the three generations.

Matters related to Orochimaru, as well as Sakura who sees the head and azuki beans who see the middle can be inquired.

There is no need to ask this little bastard who keeps raising his blood pressure right now.

Leaving a dashing back, Naruto waved his hand under Sakura’s envious gaze, and a flash disappeared.

“Sakura, let’s go to the infirmary to check your body first, and I’ll trouble you later…”

The third generation thought about it, and suddenly changed his words, “Tell us all about what happened after the start of the Chūnin exam.” ”

“Yes, three generations of adults.”

Sakura nodded and unconsciously slipped behind Kakashi under the gaze of everyone in Shinobu.

She didn’t have Naruto’s big heart, nor did she have Naruto’s strength.

In the face of the momentum of many strong people, fear is a normal performance.

It’s better to be able to joke casually with Kami-Shinobu and Naruto like Naruto, which is truly strange.


Go out, take exams, go home.

As if he had gone out to buy a dish, Naruto returned to his den before lunchtime.

The doppelganger Naruto did a good job of being a guy.

When the body arrived home, one meat, two vegetarians, three dishes and one soup had been placed on the table.

“Naruto! You’re back?! ”

Kakoto, who habitually took advantage of his free time to clean before meals, looked at Naruto who opened the door in surprise.

If memory serves, Naruto went out in the morning to participate in the second session of the Chūnin exam, and there was a real survival exercise.

This qualifies?!

It was naturally impossible for Kazuto to think that Naruto had returned home after failing the mission, and the only answer was that he had cleared the second level of the exam and ended the exam early.

Figuring out why, Kaka put down the rag and flew into Naruto’s arms.

“Although, you’re really good, Naruto!”

“No matter how powerful people are, their stomachs will be hungry, so let’s eat.”

Naruto hugged Kaka to the table, watched her cling to herself and refused to let go, reached out and ruffled the red hair.

The look on his face softened.

“I promised you that I would take you with me wherever I went. So rest assured, I won’t leave alone. ”

He also didn’t want to go back to the time when the world seemed to be left alone.

“Eat first, and after eating, let’s go to the big bath to take a bath.”

After a brief exchange of hands with Mr. Big, Naruto’s whole body was much more relaxed.

Take a soak to relieve fatigue, relax muscles and blood, strengthen the spleen and appetize.


Kakashi was assured, so he jumped off Naruto and obediently sat in his chair and waited for the meal to open.


As the only one of the test takers to have lunch at home, Naruto rested until about two o’clock in the afternoon before taking the incense phosphorus and grabbing the toiletries she had prepared and went out the door.

“Change your clothes, take them home and I’ll wash them!”

Enter the door of the large bathroom, pay, take the sign.

It wasn’t until the two separated that Kaka thud into the lady’s bathhouse after taking a sip on Naruto’s face.

Naruto touched his cheek, his eyes suddenly turned to the corner of his eye, then withdrew and turned to enter the men’s hall on the side.

A minute later, a man with white hair and a waist-length waist with a red mark under his eyes, wearing a red coat, walked in, looked left and right at the large curtain at the door of the men’s and women’s bathhouse, and touched his chin.

“Am I discovered?” The man was somewhat unsure.

For his method of convergence of breath, men are still a little confident.

But Naruto’s apparent pause before entering the bathhouse, and the slight turn of his head in the direction he was hidden, showed that he knew he existed.

“Watergate’s son, it’s really extraordinary. And the little red-haired girl next to him also reminded me of Jiu Xinnai at the beginning. ”

“Hey! What kind of life is sighing, I can’t take a bath! Don’t hesitate to block the doorway and affect my business! ”

The aunt holding a broom to sweep the floor saw the white-haired man standing at the door for a long time without moving, and did not look like he wanted to move, and suddenly roared out with wide eyes.

Cutting off someone’s wealth is like killing a parent.

At this stop of men, don’t they block all the food and clothing parents in the bathhouse!

Where can Aunt not be in a hurry!

“Wash wash, I wash I wash!”

The man was startled by the loud voice, hurriedly took out the money, and took the sign from the front desk.

However, standing at the door of the men’s bathhouse, the man still hesitated for a long time before he opened the curtain and walked in.

“Think of yourself as a ninja with an oil? Neuropathy now! ”

The sweeping aunt, who had been paying attention to the man, snorted disdainfully when she saw this scene.


The men’s and women’s bathhouses are said to be two bathhouses, but they are actually a large outdoor space separated by a bamboo wall in the middle.

After a simple rinse, Naruto and Kagura also opened Kagura’s heart eyes and sat in the hot pool closest to each other.

Naruto’s Kagura Heart Eye was forced to learn it in order to kill the dragon.

Kagura’s heart eye is a state that has barely been opened under Naruto’s guidance these days.

But the degree to which Naruto is used to sense that he has been together is to the extent that he can do it accurately.

Neither spoke.

But knowing that the other party was around, the feeling of connecting hearts made Xiangphos’ nervous heart relax.

It also made Naruto’s inner mania a lot lessened.

“Boom!” The men’s bathroom door opens.

The man with white hair and waist wrapped a bath towel around his waist and walked in with a smile on his face.

Naruto instantly determined that the other party was the man who had observed him at the door before.


He has tall, waist-length hedgehog-shaped white hair with long red mimeographs on the lower ends of his eyes.

How is it so similar to the master mentioned by Bofeng Shuimen? Jiraiya, one of the three Shinobi?

“No, I met Mr. Da of the Three Shinobi in the morning, and I can meet Mr. Zi, who is also a Shinobi, in the afternoon, how can it be such a coincidence.”

And, even if it really was him, what would he have to do with me? ”

Naruto had heard such a not very serious phrase:

Most things in this world can be solved in two sentences, one is called “about your” and the other is called “about my”.

Mr. Big’s appearance was related to Naruto’s promise to Ninji, and he naturally took it to heart.

But what does the appearance of Mr. Zi have to do with him?

What the? Is he his own father’s master?

So what!

No matter who had what kind of relationship with whom, it was an indisputable fact that no one appeared in the first twelve years of Naruto’s life.

In the Hundred Dragons Night Walk in Yanhuo Village, facing the attacks of the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the Grumbling Tiger Dragon at the same time, he seriously injured himself and was on the verge of death in order to save the fire bud, and when he saw the Nine Tails in his body and the Chakra left by his parents, Naruto also cried like a child.

Why did he have to be treated differently by the villagers of Konoha since he was a child.

Why did they, as parents, seal the Nine Tails inside him?

Why did the adults who had a relationship with their parents never appear in front of him.

It has been said that happy people heal their whole lives with childhood, and unhappy people heal childhood with their whole lives.

Unfortunately, because of the belief and expectation in the door of Wave Feng Shui, Naruto had a childhood that needed to be healed with a lifetime.

Bofeng Shuimen was speechless, Jiu Xinnai burst into tears, and the Nine Tails mocked madly.

In the end, everything turned into silence.

Just like Naruto now.

It’s like Jiraiya now.

Everyone had their own path to go, and Naruto would no longer blame others for not showing up when they needed to.

Because that’s not someone else’s obligation and responsibility at all!

Three generations, Kakashi, or Jirai, it’s all like that.


Blood bar +1

Blood bar +1

Blood bar +1

An hour later, when Naruto’s blood bar was about to burst, he stretched, his whole body numb.

Looking up, behind him was the little girl who was separated by a wall, “Xiangphos, do you still want to soak?” ”

“Almost, are you okay? Okay, let’s go out together! ”

At the other end of the bamboo wall, the sound of water sounded.

“Okay, then I’ll wait for you outside.” Naruto pinched his nose and answered.

The state of blood and qi surging again heard this alluring sound.

“Three years start, the highest death penalty, Amitabha Buddha, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Virgin Mary, Great Mercy and Great Pessimism.”

Naruto stood up, mumbling words that people couldn’t understand, and walked past the white-haired man whose whole body was immersed in the pool with only his head exposed.

You have your world and I have mine.

Previously, we were not related to each other.

In the future, please don’t disturb my life.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 33

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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