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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 35

Hokage Office

After Naruto left with Kotobi, until all the tobacco in Sarutobi Flying Sun’s pipe was burned out, he put down his pipe and looked at Jiraiya, “See it?” ”

I also lost the funny look when I wiped my pants before.

He looked at the teacup on the table with a dull expression, and did not return to his senses until he heard the voice of three generations.

“Naruto, he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

The expression on Jiraiya’s face was difficult to say.

Naruto was able to elaborate on Jiraiya’s identity just now, which means that he recognized himself in the bathroom two days ago.

But even just now, during the second meeting in the Hokage office, he didn’t say a word to himself.

With this act of alienation, anyone could tell that Naruto was actively keeping his distance from Jiraiya.

Knock the pipe twice on the ashtray to knock out the ashes.

The ape flew back into the pipe without hurrying.

“I can see that Naruto is not stubborn, nor is he deliberately expressing his dissatisfaction with a rebellious attitude.”

Lighting the tobacco, the three generations took a deep breath.

This puff is a whole pipe of smoke.

“Phew!” Spit out the smoke, and thick secondhand smoke fills the entire office.

It also made the atmosphere between the two a little heavier.

“He is telling me with practical actions, telling you, telling everyone that he is living well now, and no one should bother him.”

The third generation gave the identity of Uzumaki Kakun Phosphorus Leaf and solved the trouble of Kusanagi Village.

Naruto’s backhand shined in the first and second stages of the Chūnin exam, allowing Konoha to earn enough face in front of other countries.

He had just given Naruto and Orochimaru the proper credentials to contact in the office.

Naruto backhanded and prepared to give him a big gift of Hinata’s caged bird.

“He’s using everything to show that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with Konoha.

Even though he knew it, it was actually the whole of Konoha who owed him. ”

Three generations held the pipe deadly, and the veins on the withered hands were very prominent.

“You know, in his eyes, I never saw any dislike for Konoha and the villagers of Konoha, or even resentment of this strong negative emotion!”


Jiraiya remembered the almost constant indifference and silence in his eyes when he met Naruto twice.


Putting down the pipe, the eyes of the three generations showed deep guilt and a trace of happiness.

“But fortunately, I still have a chance to make amends, and there is still a chance to connect him with Konoha.”

Although it is dishonorable, the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, the youngest daughter of the Yamanaka family, Sunset Red, Uzumaki Kakashi, and even Yuyan Yuzuki, who just picked up Naruto, can be pawns of the three generations.

He noticed a wave in Naruto’s eyes when Yuzuki Xiyan left just now.


“That female dark part I met today? No, no, I just heard Sister Hong say that she has a purple-haired girlfriend in the dark part. ”

On the way around, Naruto explained to Kakami, who was following behind.

“I guess it should be the female dark part, so I paid a little attention.

Don’t worry, Sister Hong said that people have boyfriends! Naruto said, taking Kakoto’s hand.

The little girl looks very jealous.

The key is to know the progress and retreat, and after explaining it yourself, there is no vexatious scene, but quiet down and follow your own steps.

“Let’s eat out tonight, I don’t want to go home and fire.”

Passing by a ramen shop, Naruto suddenly stopped and suggested to Kato behind him, “How about this shop?” ”

“Ichiraku ramen? It’s the store you often mention! ”

Kato looked up and glanced at the sign, knowing that this was the best-tasting noodle shop in Konoha that Naruto had mentioned.

Taking a step forward and lifting the curtain, Kakyo, who wanted to enter after Naruto, was pushed by his back, and the two walked into the store together.

Let the two who followed the two people not far away to find here also look at it and smile heartily.

“This little ghost inherited the talent of his own father when he chased his own mother.”

Just half a minute later, a few Konoha villagers who came out of the Ichiraku noodle shop cursing and cursing made Jiraiya’s brows come together again.

The attitude of these people is a good illustration of Naruto’s living environment in Konoha over the years.

And yet, even so.

“In his eyes, I don’t see any strong negative feelings of hatred or even resentment towards Konoha and the villagers of Konoha.”

The words of the three generations once again sounded in his head.

If faced with such a situation, Naruto did not have any emotions.

That only means that he has not paid attention to these people at all, even a little.

It’s like he doesn’t pay attention to the wild dog on the side of the road grinning at his teeth.

If you don’t jump up, no one will be next to anyone.

Jump up, kick and fly, and jump again and kick directly to death!

Jiraiya sighed at Naruto’s current state of mind, annoyed at his self-righteousness, and regretted that he hadn’t returned to the village once in all these years to see Naruto’s situation.

Patting his face and beating back a bitter face, he forced himself to walk to the noodle shop.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that the three-person squad with the sand ninja forehead on his body entered the Ichiraku noodle shop first.

“Sorry, it seems that every time I come, it is quite disturbing your business.”

Take a seat at the bar closest to the kitchen.

After Naruto ordered two bowls of seafood ramen, he waved at the owner of the noodles at the bar.

For as long as he can remember, Uncle Hand and Sister Calamus are the only two people in the village who only regard him as “Naruto Uzumaki”.

Not a “monster” in the eyes of the villagers.

Nor is it the “son of four generations” in the eyes of three generations.

This love, even if he spent more than ten years in another world, he still remembered it in his heart.

He himself really ignored the group of Konoha villagers.

But the uncle who opened the shop can’t do this.

Every time Naruto came to eat noodles, he finally delayed people’s business.

This is why he pays three times more every time he pays.

It is also the reason why the hand beating that can’t return the money is doubled every time Naruto cooks noodles.

“Is a normal ramen so full bowl?”

Xiangphos looked at the full noodles in the large bowl covered with full ingredients, and swallowed his saliva.

It’s not gluttonous, it’s frightened by the weight.

“Don’t worry, this is the uncle’s increased version of noodles. If every copy was sold like this, this store would have closed down a long time ago. ”

Naruto pulled out two pairs of chopsticks, handed them a pair, and explained with a smile.

The curtain behind him was lifted again, and the trio of I-Airo, who had a lot of dust on their bodies, walked in.

Obviously, Temari and Kankuro, who followed behind my Aira, were stunned when they saw Naruto appear here.

This little brother in front of you, this is dating? On the way to the Chūnin exam?

“You guys have a good eye, the taste of this shop is absolutely good.”

Naruto nodded at Airo, praised the shop, turned around and picked up a piece of Naruto roll and handed it to Kaiko’s mouth.

“Here, taste it.”

Xiangphos blushed and took a bite, chewed twice, his eyes flashed, “Delicious!” ”

I-Aira sat down in the empty seat to Naruto’s right, Temari and Kankuro looked at each other, and also sat down next to I-Aira.

“By his standards, I want a bowl.”

Iroh pointed to Naruto’s bowl full of ramen and said expressionlessly to his uncle.

Temari glanced at Naruto’s bowl and was frightened.

“I want a normal bowl of pork bone ramen.”

“I want the same, cough, I want normal beef ramen.”

Kankuro was twisted by Temari and ordered a bowl of normal amount of ramen.

The amount of two bowls is only the amount of one bowl, rounded up, and this abandonment makes Kankuro feel that he missed out on 100 million.

At this time, Naruto and I Aira were already discussing the special attractions that Konoha and Sunahide Village are famous for.

It is two people who are in the same situation at home squat, don’t say what attractions, at most you can know the location of the vegetable farm near your home.

This is still the credit of Naruto’s doppelganger running more.

“So, if you want to know these things, you can just ask me this immortal directly!”

Jiraiya opened the curtain, walked in with a big laugh, and said to Naruto.

“Konoha’s End Valley Great Falls, Sunain’s Ichigoku Gorge Natural Fortress Mountain, Yunhi’s Unraku Gorge, Yu no Kuni and Izumi no Country Hot Spring Town.”

The big hand fell, and Jiraiya originally wanted to pat Naruto on the shoulder, “I’ve been to all these places!” ”

However, under Naruto’s calm gaze, Jiraiya reached halfway through his hand, lifted up, and knocked on the bar.

“Hand beaten, big bowl of char siu ramen.”

“You, you are! Jiraiya-sama! ”

As a hand-beating uncle who settled in Konoha’s ramen shop long before the fourth generation came to power, he naturally knew Jiraiya, one of the three Shinobi.

The other party, plus the fourth generation of Hokage and his wife, used to come to his shop to eat noodles!

Even if he hasn’t seen each other for more than ten years, he has been dressed up for decades, and he still recognizes him immediately.

“Jiraiya, that Jiraiya who is one of the three Shinobi?”

Kankuro didn’t choke, beat his chest, and turned his head to look at the white-haired man standing behind Iro.

Before coming to Konoha, he naturally knew about Jiraiya’s existence.

However, this person who had not appeared in Konoha Konoha for more than ten years suddenly appeared in front of him.

“What’s the information recorded by which cerebral palsy is this, Lao Tzu will tear you alive when he goes back!”

Kankuro, who sucked the ramen hard, thought viciously.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 35

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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