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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 36

In the previous chapter, I suddenly forgot that Naruto went out three days after the start of the second scene, and although it did not hinder the plot, it was changed back


For the appearance of Jiraiya, Naruto was quite helpless to be honest.

Ever since he met each other in the big bathroom the day before yesterday, he has been walking around his house.

As one of the people Naruto has met so far, there is a large bulb that has the strength to compete for the first place.

As long as he appeared, it was equivalent to rooting a nail in Naruto Kagura’s perception.

And Naruto, for the sake of his own little life, has hardly turned off since he learned this trick perception.

This is also the reason why Naruto hardly rested well during the day after three days at home.

He didn’t care and appeared in front of him.

But like a dead star, disturbing yourself every day is the other party’s problem.

“Excuse me, after this meal, can you stop following me?”


“You wouldn’t think that a ninja as powerful as you would not be able to sense it when he wandered around my house every day, would you?”

Naruto saw Jiraiya’s somewhat incomprehensible expression and lowered his forehead.

“You can sense it?” Jirai was also excited that Naruto finally spoke to him.

It’s just that for Naruto’s question, he touched his chin suspiciously, “It doesn’t make sense, I’ve been holding my breath.” ”

For his own body gathering technique, he is also quite confident.

Rather, it should be that each strong person has his own special means of convergence of the breath.

The stronger the ninja, the more mysterious the means used.

“Mr. Big has not hidden my perception, why do you think you can do this?”

Naruto looked at him with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Just now in the Hokage office, he should have said that he met Orochimaru and had a fight with the other party.

This self-gentleman will not have forgotten this matter.

“Ah, I know about the fight between you and Orochimaru.”

Jiraiya’s brows wrinkled, and the expression on his face was very wonderful.

“But I didn’t expect that you could even sense him.”

How difficult and cunning that stinky snake is, how cunning it is.

No one in this world has more say than Ji Lai, who has been following each other for years.

Because of this, he was even more shocked in his heart by Naruto’s statement that he could sense the aura of the Great Snake Pill during the battle.

In Jiraiya’s impression, the only way to do this is Tsunade’s grandmother, who was said to have used the strongest detective ninjutsu that Mito-sama had ever used.

“You won’t awaken the Vortex Secret Technique, which is known as the strongest perception, will you?”

The chopsticks in Jiraiya’s hand “snapped” and broke in two, and asked tentatively.

This is a whirlpool secret technique that even Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai has not awakened!

The secret art of the Vortex family is very magical.

Kagura Heart Eye, Vajra Blockade, Physical Healing, etc.

Like the Sharingan, it is necessary to reach a certain condition before it will automatically awaken, and the probability is not 100%.

It seems that the various sealing techniques that can be learned, before the Vortex Secret Technique of True Awakening, it is a bit too much to say that it is vulnerable, but it is indeed much weaker.

Unfortunately, if the awakening probability of every secret technique was not too low, the country of vortex would not necessarily be destroyed.

Now that he heard that Naruto had learned Mito-sama’s moves at a young age, he couldn’t calm down at all.

Temari and Kankuro on the side felt that the noodles that were quite fragrant just now had no taste for a long time.

Jiraiya’s sudden appearance scared both of them for half their lives.

The big snake pill in his mouth scared the other half of his life.

Finally, I learned that the blond brother had a fight with the big snake pill, and it seemed that he was not injured.

“Is it too late for me to withdraw from the Chūnin Exam?”

Kankuro put down his chopsticks and asked with a serious opponent.

Thinking that the other party would probably become his opponent in the third exam, Kankuro’s legs trembled a little.

“Don’t say it, don’t talk about it.” Temari motioned for Kankuro to shut up.

You keep talking, I really want to quit this time the Chūnin exam!

“I didn’t expect Mr. Zi to know this trick, yes, I did awaken Kagura Heart Eye.”

Naruto didn’t hide it and nodded in acknowledgement.

He wants to use Jiraiya’s mouth to tell the three generations that he knows this trick, and also tell the guys who have bad intentions towards him.

If you want to do something to yourself, you can.

But don’t twitter crookedly and steal, I’m all in the eye!

Or, you give me an honest and quiet hold.

Or, you make a detailed plan to use all your force, and kill me to death with one blow!

Continue to send your subordinates to spy on you?

If you don’t know what to do after I’ve already given a warning, don’t blame me for killing you all when I’m in a bad mood!

“Do you even know the specific move name?”

Zi Lai also thought secretly, and he was more and more sure of the guesses made by him and the three generations.

“It seems that Watergate and Jiu Xinnai did use a special method to stay in this child’s body.

This is probably why Naruto has such great strength now. ”

But there are also doubts.

Naruto had been in the ninja school for the first six years, and he had indeed shown the appearance of the middle two that the Elder Leaf Group and Root needed.

“No, Naruto has been acting on purpose since he was conscious!

Can a child disguise himself to the point that no one notices the abnormality? ”

Unbeknownst to Naruto, who had lived in another world for decades and then came back on graduation day

It’s hard to imagine a child who grew up under surveillance to hide to such an extent.

“Everything changed from the day Naruto graduated from ninja school.”

“It should be that after feeling that the strength is enough to protect oneself, I finally stopped pretending and returned to my true self.”

Zi Lai also recalled the inexplicable remorse in the eyes of the three generations after making this inference.

He was regretting that he had never noticed something wrong with Naruto.

Or did you regret not taking Naruto from Danzo and turning him completely into a knife in Konoha?

And at the beginning, when he found that Naruto had changed abnormally, the three generations also struggled with how to choose.

But in the end, he decided to pin his hopes on the young man’s consciousness of fire.

“Little ghost, I’m your own father’s master, it’s not too much to call me a master.”

Jiraiya retracted his mind and said a little unhappily as he watched Naruto drink the noodle soup and throw himself aside.

“Poof! Ahem—”

Temari, who had been listening to the conversation here, did not hold back and squirted out the soup in his mouth.

“Hug, sorry!”

While apologizing, he pulled out a few sheets of facial paper to wipe the soup stains on the table.

The whole world knows that the disciple of Sanshin Jiraiya is the fourth generation of Hokage.

So, according to Jiraiya, the identity of this blond brother is the son of the fourth generation of Hokage??!!

Make an international joke about Nima!

Is it so similar to I Ai Luo, the son of wind and shadow, no wonder the two are so compatible!

“Don’t look at me.” Naruto noticed my Aira’s shifting gaze and said very casually, “Eat noodles!” ”


I Ai Luo didn’t ask much face, withdrew his gaze and continued to cook.

There was time for the two of them to chat, and they didn’t care about such a moment.

“Naruto is the child of four generations of Hokage! How is this possible? ”

The most shocked hand beat present did not pay attention to the dough that had fallen on the ground and was already cooked.

Looking at Naruto’s blonde hair, his expression was in a trance.

He remembered that the fourth Hokage also had long blonde hair.

But, “If Naruto is really the son of four generations of adults, then why is his living environment like this all these years!” ”

For some reason, anger sprang up from the chest hit by the hand.

He recalled the day he first met the young Naruto, it was a rainy day.

Little Naruto, who was soaked in the rain, was dirty and hid at the very edge of the canopy at the door.

He only hid half of his body under the canopy, because only then would he not be seen from the store.

But also because the position where little Naruto was standing was too far aside, the pouring rain could not be stopped at all, and the clothes and pants on the little Naruto were wet over and over again.

Only when the wind blows occasionally does the awning have a chance to block the heavy rain that falls obliquely for a fleeting time.

But in the blink of an eye, heavy rain poured down again, hitting every part of his body.

I still can’t forget his pitiful eyes and hesitant steps when he beckoned Naruto into the store to hide from the rain.

I can’t forget what I saw when I walked out to pull Naruto in, the canopy that was all put away in the left and right shops where he came from.

“You told me that such a Naruto turned out to be the son of the fourth generation of Hokage.”

Turning off the stove, Hand Da knew that he was no longer in the mood to cook noodles today.

“Such a Konoha, it’s fucking ridiculous.”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 36

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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