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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 37

Naruto watched in amazement as Tek turned off the stove, and the bowl he had just handed out stopped in midair.

“One more … No, uncle, I haven’t eaten yet! Do you mean to make me hungry this time?

Konoha is your shop that will let me in to eat!” ”

These days are all staying at home for snacks and drinks, it is rare to go to the next restaurant, Naruto was originally going to go out with the wall!

“Exactly. Father is also true, a table of guests are here, you turn off this fire, who to look at! ”

Calamus sniffed and took Naruto’s noodle bowl, giving him a red white eye when he passed by the hand.

Turn on the fire, cook the noodles, turn around and wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes.

She couldn’t forget the little Naruto who thanked herself timidly after taking the bowl from her hand, his eyes shining.

In the blink of an eye, there was already a manly appearance.

Hands looked at Naruto’s usual smile, snorted angrily, and walked back to the table to continue ramen.

“Eat and eat, you know to eat, you little guy with no heart and no lungs!”

“Oh, the sky and the earth are big, and the meal is the biggest.” Naruto smiled back, “Who called the ramen of Uncle Hand Beat really delicious!” ”

The hand patted the flour-covered hand, and the scattered flour covered his face, “You know to comfort me!” ”

Naruto looked left and right, bumped to the right against Iroh, who stopped moving, and touched the little head of Kago-Phosphorus who lowered his eyes to the left.

“Laugh, I like to see the smile of fragrant phosphorus.”

“Naruto, stupid.”

Hearing this, Kakato wrinkled his nose slightly, raised his head, and revealed a smile that was not very pretty, but Naruto just liked to see.


Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, was hated and cursed by the villagers since childhood.

I love Luo, the son of the fourth generation of wind shadows, who has also been disgusted and cursed by the villagers since he was a child.

Unexpectedly, as the son of Shadow, the experiences of the two of us are so similar.

I was hated because of the tail in my body.

What caused you to be concealed as the Son of Hokage and hated by the villagers?

Sitting on the windowsill and watching the full moon in the sky, Airo had many, many things I wanted to say to Naruto.

It’s just that when leaving the Ichiraku noodle shop, Naruto punched himself and told himself to “rest well”, what does it mean?

He will attack at night… Will you come to yourself at night?

“It doesn’t seem to be.”

The moon rose in the sky and did not wait for the figure, I Ai Luo murmured, and lay down on the bed.

It didn’t take long for the breathing to become even.

“Didn’t I seal you all? How did you sleep so late? ”

In the large, savannah-like tailed beast space, Naruto looked at Iro, who was sitting on Shouzuru’s head with a confused look, and asked curiously.

“This is what you said about the Shouhe guy’s human pillar force? How does it look dumbfounded? ”

The Nine Lamas under Naruto raised their heads, and then with a tail they flew away the still sleeping Shouzuru.

Sleep and sleep to know sleep, do not know that life lies in sports!

The Nine Lamas, as a Chakra ensemble and (forced) to cultivate eighteen packs of abs, the strongest tailed beast, the most despised is Shouhe, who guards his talents.

What labor and management can’t get by working hard, why can you be a scumbag so easily!

“Lean! Who hit me! Who dares to hit me! Grandma’s doesn’t know that I am the strongest tailed beast Shouhe Uncle! ”

The flown crane soul was still floating in the sky, and he cursed and cursed without opening his eyes.

More than a month ago, I don’t know which Wang Ba Lamb strengthened the seal on my Ai Luo seventeen or eight times.

Let it completely lose contact with the outside world, and it can no longer affect the mental condition of my Airo.

Bored, Shouhe had to return to the state of sleeping for several years before he was not caught and sealed.

Who knows that sleeping can make people pump!

“Don’t let Uncle Shouhe catch you, or I’ll cut you into seventeen or eight pieces and bury them in the sand to make fertilizer!”

“I smoked it! You scumbag have an opinion ?! The voice of the Nine Lamas sounded in the Tailed Beast Space.

Seeing Naruto jump up to Airo, the two were exchanging something.

The Nine Lamas naturally had to vent all the energy that had nowhere to be used in his body on Shouhe.

It worked hard to train itself, and finally had the strength to fight with the ancient dragon species, but suddenly returned with Naruto!

Empty training is useless.

The Nine Lamas had to let Shouhe experience his pain.

Shouhe: I only feel pain, thank you!

“Lean! Nine Lamas! It’s you guy! Feed! Stay back! What do you want! No, don’t you come here!!!! ”

The wail of the crane and the fist of the nine tails resounded throughout the space of the tailed beast.

Naruto and I-Airo, who were sitting side by side, both had faint smiles on their faces when they saw this scene.

The two of them might be better suited to be with monsters than with people.

I Ai Luo looked at the crane who was constantly wailing under the fist of the Nine Lamas, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Naruto did not watch the Nine Lamas angrily beat Shouzuru, but lay on the ground, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky

“Aren’t you shocked, the lives of the two of us are so similar!”

“Well, I’m scared.” Iroh withdrew his gaze and lay on the grass like Naruto.

His heart had never been so calm and serene as it was now, “Where is this? ”

“The Tailed Beast Space was originally a place used by the Tailed Beasts to gather, and no matter where they were, they could rely on it to connect with each other.

Only if the tailed beast is willing, the human pillar force will be brought here. ”

“What about me?” I love Roko and I don’t think Shouhe has a good relationship with him to this extent.

“Of course, it was the noon slap, and the Nine Lamas left a trace of chakra on you, just waiting for you to fall asleep at night and pull you in.”

Naruto turned his head to look at him, “I just didn’t expect you to sleep so late, is the seal loose?” ”

When Yu no Kuni, the small seal when Naruto shook hands with Aira can be described as a phased effect of Naruto’s sealing technique.

Theoretically, there should be no problem, but after all, it is the first practice, and there is really a problem… It’s not impossible either.

“There is no problem with sealing.” I Airo shook his head.

In the last month, apart from the necessary activities, the most he has done is sleep.

Today is the reason why I thought Naruto would come over at night, so I put it off until now.

“By the way, can I come in again in the future?” I Iroh suddenly thought of a question.

Do you need a trace of Chakra from the Nine Lamas every time you enter here?

That’s not to say that after the middle ninja exam is over and everyone goes back to their homes, he won’t be able to enter again!

“Isn’t the Nine Lamas solving your problem?” Naruto smiled and sat up and pointed not far away.

I Iroh sat up with him and looked around.

Shou Tsuru’s huge body with a spell mark pattern was blue and purple.

Those eyes, which were originally black, seem to have a larger range of dark circles?

“It’s miserable.” Naruto shook his head and added, “Sins.” ”

“I heard that there is no Shouhe, you scum, that little devil without eyebrows is covered by Uncle Ben!

In the future, if I hear rumors that you two have a bad relationship, be careful that I stare at you and beat you!” ”

The Nine Lamas sat on the stomach of the crane and shook its conspicuous eighteen-pack abs up and down.

It is in stark contrast to the big belly of Shouhe, who is under him.

‘Grandma’s, when did this guy of the Nine Lamas become so strong that he was able to press me to the ground and wipe the floor with just physical skills? ’

The little eyes dripped and turned, and the crane kept thinking carefully.

In the past, the Nine Lamas beat it mostly by relying on the strength and magnitude of Naraipi’s Chakra.

In terms of hand-to-hand combat, although Shouhe is not strong, he will definitely not be pressed to the ground by the other party so easily.

‘I haven’t seen this in years, this guy is so perverted again!’ ’

“Scum, I feel like you’re thinking something bad.”

The Nine Lamas frowned, hooked his paw and knocked on Shouhe’s head.

“Groove! You can feel it too! ”

Shouhe completely gave up the struggle and lay on the ground, allowing the Nine Lamas to sit on his big belly.

As for the proposal of the Nine Lamas….

“Don’t try to play tricks, my little ghost knows the identity of your little ghost. Even if you go back, it will be a matter of half a day for him to visit the door.

Guess if I want to beat you up, will he offer a chance? ”

When Moritsuru heard this, he turned his head and saw Naruto sitting next to Iroh smiled and waved at him.

This was the first time it had received kindness from a human being since the death of the Six Dao Immortals.

Shouhe turned his head and looked at the white clouds floating in the sky, and suddenly quieted down.

“Your little ghost, feeling, is indeed different.”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 37

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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