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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 42

“Oh? Are you finally serious? ”

After punching Xiao Li and flying out, Naruto, who withdrew his hand and stood still in place, hooked the corners of his mouth.

From Xiao Li, who was hanging on the wall in front, he felt the violent fluctuations of Chakra.

“Naruto-kun, you are really good!”

The movement fell softly to the ground, and Xiao Li’s admiration was very powerful.

Not at all like someone who has eaten two thumps.

“Being attacked like that is still so spiritual?” Tooth feels like he has a bit of a toothache.

On weekdays, Xiao Li, who is either running or kicking trees, is so strong that he is outrageous!

A fucking person is not a model of appearance!

“Xiao Li’s physical strength has recovered.”

Kakashi closed his right eye, and the Sangoku Sharingan eye in his left eye was fully observing the situation on the field.

“Kai, how many doors can this kid open?”

Akai was silent and slowly spoke, “Five doors!” ”

“Five doors! Akai, are you doing a little too much? ”

Kakashi turned his head, shocked by the answer.

Thirteen or four-year-old age, the strength to open the door.

“Is this kid really a genius in physical skills?”

“No, he’s just an idiot who doesn’t have any talent other than hard work.”

Akai shook his head, his tone gradually excited.

“But even such a fool has the effort and determination to surpass any genius!

Xiao Li, he is a real man who can protect his goals! ”

“Teacher Kai, please forgive me! Now, it’s time for me to carry out my ninja! ”

Suddenly, a huge wave of qi suddenly rose up from Xiao Li’s body, distorting the air around him.

With his hands interlaced in front of him, the blue Chakra appeared in two spirals around him.

The body is engorged and turns red, and green body energy is emanated from the body, and a shallow layer emerges on the body surface.

“Third door! Raw door! Open! ”

“Raw door? Eight doors? Forbidden to open the human body limiter? Naruto’s tone was a little surprised.

From the name and Xiao Li’s performance, he guessed that the other party should be using a powerful forbidden technique that could forcibly improve his strength.

“It’s kind of interesting, really interesting! The choice not to use weapons, but to fight with you in close combat, is right! ”

Naruto’s hands trembled twice in excitement.

He waited for Xiao Li’s next performance.

On the spectator, Kakashi saw clearly the terrifying appearance after Xiao Li opened the door, and his tone sank.

“The third door has been opened, Xiao Li is about to start moving!”

“No, it’s not enough!” Akai dismissed Kakashi’s speculation.

Below, Xiao Li, who had already stood up straight, bent down again, clenched his hands into fists, and his body showed a difficult performance.

“Fourth gate! Hurt the door! Open! ”

The blood vessels on the face burst out, the sweat droplets were evaporated by the high temperature as soon as they flowed out, and the gravel around the body turned into powder in the rushing flow.

“About thirty seconds of duration, is it enough.”

Naruto roughly estimated the limits of Xiao Li’s actions, and his eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.

In the next second, Xiao Li, whose whole body was wrapped in green energy, bent over, kicked his legs, and his figure teleported in front of Naruto.

The ground where he was standing was instantly shattered.


Naruto smashed one elbow and collided with Xiao Li’s upward kick, violently cracking the opponent’s Kage Mai Leaf.

With a terrifying shock wave, the bodies of the two flew back at the same time, and disappeared in mid-air.

Next, there is a picture that they can’t accept for Ding Ji who has already passed the level.

In the empty indoor battle field, the figures of two people flickered like ghosts.

One second the battlefield is still the bottom corner of the east side, and the next second it has appeared in the center line.

In the next second, the two hit the front of the viewing table on the second floor on the west side in mid-air!

When the two appear, it will inevitably be a picture of fists and feet colliding.

And when the two disappeared, everyone was looking for where they would next appear.

The examinees on both sides of the battle seats, as well as the host platform where Sunset Hong was located, all the examiners watched this battle without saying a word.

The battle with such a picture is really a feast for the eyes!

Ninja tactics, ninja, body and illusion are juxtaposed.

It’s just that illusion looks at talent, and physical skills have to endure.

This is the only thing that ninjutsu is the mainstream of fighting.

In addition to Yunyin Village, it is already a great thing that one or two physical arts masters can appear in other ninja villages.

Kakashi’s generation, that is, a metkai who made a name for himself by physical skills, and a sunset red who was promoted to Shinobi by illusion.

The rest of the physical arts/illusion masters? Name it!

Like the collision of the preocular body technique and the physical technique, it directly opened the eyes of this group of candidates, and their blood boiled.

I can’t wait for one of the parties on the field to be myself.

Of course, they also have a clear idea in their heads.

If he is really on the field, no matter who is in the two, he can easily give himself a second.

“I always feel like I’m really, really lucky to be able to pass the level!”

Tian Tian looked around at the two who disappeared again, but his mouth revealed a deep gratification.

Either of these two is her opponent, no need to think about it, just vote directly!

Especially Xiao Li, a teammate, doesn’t know that he still has this kind of strength every day!


Although it was not said.

But a series of candidates who have passed the test, such as Shikamaru Kankuro, agree with Tiantian’s statement.

“Bang!” Once again, he smashed with Xiao Li’s fist against fist.

Naruto sensed the chakra that began to fluctuate in the other’s body and knew that his time for action was running out.

The punch punched Xiao Li out, and this time he did not pursue, but appeared in the center of the field.

Xiao Li also appeared opposite him.

“Although I want to continue fighting with you, you don’t have much time.”

Naruto, who was still clean on his body, looked at Xiao Li, whose green tights had become tattered, and made a suggestion.

“One move to determine the winner, if you drag it on, your body damage will become more and more serious.”

“Thanks!” Xiao Li nodded and agreed to Naruto’s proposal.

The other party didn’t even get his clothes dirty, but he was out of breath when he said a word.

Xiao Li knew that he had already lost this fight.

“But ah, Naruto! I want you, so that everyone can see the scenery of the moment when Konoha Lotus blooms! ”

Xiao Li’s already strong momentum rose again.

The huge strong wind made the examiner’s body retreat again and again.

The green body energy was more conspicuous, and the skin of Xiao Li’s body completely turned blood red.

“Is he really Xiao Li?”

Looking at Xiao Li with a terrifying face every day, it was unbelievable and unimaginable.

“This is Xiao Li, a crane tail who has no other talent except hard work.”

Akai looked at Xiao Li, who was fighting for his dream, with a proud smile on his face, and then roared.

“Come on, Xiao Li! Now is the time for you to carry out your ninja path! ”

“Fifth Gate! Dumen! Open! ”

“Eight-door forbidden technique? Kind of interesting. ”

The floor burst, and the green figure disappeared in place with a trembling.

“Xiao Li, you are an admirable opponent. I had a lot of fun with this battle. ”

Naruto looked at Xiao Li who was rushing towards him, and a smile appeared on his face for the first time in this battle.

“So, let’s end like that.”

“Li Lianhua!”

“Ghost humanization!”

The blood-colored ghost aura flashed away, and Naruto and Xiao Li’s figures staggered in an instant.

The terrifying momentum on his body disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The surface skin also returned to its original state, and Xiao Li staggered forward a few steps, his vision gradually blurred, and then fell diagonally down.

Darkness strikes.

“Can I declare my victory?”

Naruto waited for a long time and did not wait for the pronouncement of the moonlight wind, and couldn’t help but ask.


Only then did he react that he was presiding over the Moonlight Wind of the Zhongnin Exam Qualifier, and took two steps forward.

“Eighth round winner, Naruto Uzumaki.”

This turned out to be the third qualifier of the Chūnin exam? Who the battle table!

Moonlight Swift cursed in his heart, and glanced at the ape flying sun chop who kept smoking with the corner of his eye.

Change Xiao Li’s opponent, and it is another promotion place that belongs to Konoha.

Well, if it weren’t for Naruto Uzumaki’s excellent performance, this wave would have been a chicken fight.

The sequelae of Locke Lee opened the five doors, and he didn’t know when he would have to cultivate.

“Serious sequelae, almost nothing?”

Akai, who followed Xiao Li and the medical class to the infirmary, his eyes widened, as if he had heard something incredible.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 42

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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