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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 48

“I never knew that Renzhuli could be as strong as him… Dashing? Free? ”

Tsunade didn’t know how to describe Naruto appropriately.

The compensation of nearly 10 million taels said no, don’t want it.

Ninety percent of the time in the casino, all eyes were on the girl.

“I didn’t expect Konoha to take care of him so well.”

Tsunade took a sip from his glass, saying something contrary.

“Three generations of old men’s brains have finally opened up?”

There is not a single point in the words that shows the respect that a teacher should have.

She didn’t say it was okay, and the smile on her face disappeared when she said this.

Under Tsunade’s stunned gaze, Jiraiya picked up a small wine bottle and took a sip of “cooing” into his mouth.

Surprised, puzzled, pondered, cleared, sneered.

Tsunade’s face changed for a while, and he quickly figured out why Jiraiya was depressed.

The index finger coated with big red nail polish makes a crisp sound on the table.

She had a “that’s right” expression on her face.

“It seems that I said something wrong. Let’s just say that according to the nature of the three generations and the elder group, how can it be so kind. ”

Speaking of this, Tsunade’s fingers flickered, and his delicate eyebrows twisted together.

“So what’s going on with him? Out of the village with you? With a little girl? Also gamble! ”

“He went to gamble?!” Zi Lai also threw the bottle on the table and wiped the corners of his mouth.

His reddened face showed some displeasure.

According to Naruto’s nature, he only said that Naruto went in to observe the environment.

But he really didn’t expect that Ming was actually on the table?!

“I was pulled to the table by the little girl next to me, but my interest was not on it at all.

And I didn’t ask for the money I won, and in the end, I just got the principal back. ”

Tsunade gave a general description of what was happening in the casino.

But it didn’t mention that Naruto won ten in a row and even took himself to clear the account.

“Now tell me about that kid!”

Tsunade’s fingers tapped the table again.

“Let the nine-tailed people leave the village, the brains of the three generations have not been mixed to this extent!”

Smile bitterly, in addition to a wry smile, I don’t know what expression I should show.

“Permissive? No, no one in Konoha now could stop that kid from doing what he wanted. ”

Zi Lai also shook the empty bottle, beckoned, and signaled the waiter to take three more bottles… No, four bottles.

“I can’t, three generations can’t, the elder group can’t, no one.”

Hearing Jiraiya’s words, Tsunade sat up straight and came a little harder, “What do you mean, be specific.” ”

After thinking about it, she reached out and picked up the small wine bottle in front of her, poured a glass for Jiraiya, and then her own.

“What do you say?”

Jiraiya picked up his glass and thought about the wording.

“Konoha recently held the Chu Shinobi Exam, you know… Well, I don’t know if you look like this. ”

“Naka Shinobi Exam?” Bringing the glass to his lips, Tsunade gave a skeptical look.

“Listening to what you mean by this, the Zhongnin exam should not be over yet.

So is that child eliminated? ”

If only Naruto was eliminated.

Tsunade couldn’t imagine how strong the candidates for this year’s Chunin Exam were.

“Elimination? He? Think too much about you! ”

Zi Lai also took a sip of the wine in his glass, picked up the bottle brought by the waiter without anger, and poured himself another glass.

Seeing what Tsunade still wanted to say, he spoke first.

“You listen to me first and then express your feelings, okay?”

“… Yes! You said! ”

Tsunade drank the wine from the cup, resisting the urge to punch that face.

“Old classmate, do you remember?”

Jiraiya also mentioned a name that Tsunade remembered vividly, “You mean, Orochimaru?” ”

“That’s right, it’s the smelly snake.” Jiraiya said while pouring the wine.

“In the second survival exercise of the Naka Shinobi exam, the guy appeared in front of Naruto.

The two fought each other, and the result was invincible… No, it should be said that Naruto has the upper hand. ”

After all, it was Orochimaru who took the initiative to retreat, not Naruto with a bottle of oil behind him.


The shot glass in Tsunade’s hand was suddenly crushed into pieces.

The crystal wine spilled on her fullness, but I had no time to take care of it at the moment.

“Have the upper hand?”

Tsunade thought that he still knew the strength of the Great Snake Pill.

But a twelve-thirteen-year-old child can compete with the big snake pill, and still have the upper hand!

“You didn’t drink too much, did you?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The degree of this wine is not high!

“I knew you wouldn’t believe it.”

Jiraiya’s gaze was off-the-road, flashed twice, and immediately retracted.

“He and the members of the squad, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Konoha Special Shinobi Mitarashi Red Bean, are all witnesses to this battle, witnessing Orochimaru’s initiative to retreat.

Oh, and to mention more, Orochimaru seems to have appeared because he took a fancy to his teammate, Sasuke Uchiha, the only descendant of the Uchiha family. ”

Zi Lai also hurriedly took a sip of wine and suppressed the accelerated beating of his heart.

“Subsequently, in the qualifiers of the third game of the Chūnin Exam, he faced an opponent who opened five doors, and ended the battle in an instant when he became serious.”

“Five doors? Eight Doors Dun Jia! Tsunade slapped the table, leaving a palm print.

As a physical ninja from Konoha, Tsunade naturally knew the forbidden technique in the body art of the eight doors of dunjia.

It is already a surprising thing that some candidates in the Zhongnin Exam can use this forbidden technique, let alone be able to open the fifth door!

However, Jiraiya said that “the battle ended in the moment of seriousness.”

With Tsunade’s experience living to the present, it is difficult to imagine the specific picture at that time.

The opponent who opened the five doors was head-to-head, and Tsunade was confident that he could violently suppress the opponent.

But if you want to end the battle in an instant, don’t say five doors, she can’t do it if the other party only opens four doors!

This is not something that can be done by strength alone, it has risen to the level of skill.

“That’s right, Naruto with such strength, why do you think Konoha can still limit him!”

Zi Lai also smiled bitterly, and his eyes couldn’t help but glance down again.

Tsunade noticed his move this time, looked down, and his hands on the table clenched instantly.

The slightly water-stained kimono opening reveals a hint of seduction.

“You guy…”

“I think I heard someone say my name?”

At this time, Naruto and Kazu happened to walk in through the doorway.

What the two saw was Tsunade pinching Jiraiya’s red coat and punching him in the face, knocking him off.

Naruto faced an unknown object flying in his direction, and his body moved first.

With his left hand around Xiangphos, he protected her behind him, and kicked the two doors of the tavern behind her with his left foot.

The moment the door opened, Zi Laiye’s figure flew out with a “whoosh”.

Then, the door that hit the wall spun around again under the action of the reaction force and stopped at Naruto’s shoes.

In addition to one less adult, two more young people.

Nothing has changed in the izakaya house.

“Frightened?” Naruto asked Kakashi.

Xiangphos shook his head dumbly.

It’s not so much frightened as the image of Sanshin…

Forget it, the image of Sanren here has long been shattered.

“Oh, boy, I didn’t believe the description of your strength in my mouth.

But just now, your subtle manipulation of Chakra when kicking the door open and closing the door made me impressed. ”

Kicking the door, the door hit the wall, and then hit Naruto’s foot again as it closed under the reaction.

In the three stages, if the power or Chakra is used more, the two doors cannot be intact.

These three steps all illustrate Naruto’s subtle manipulation of power. And the micro-exercise of strength is often practiced after gaining great strength.

Otherwise, there is a B-level fireball that is lost, and a C-level fireball is practiced every day, burning dead people?!

“Oh, look!” Naruto responded lazily.

Seeing that in addition to the wine bottles and glasses on the table, only the wine and food remained.

Pouting, his gaze turned to Tsunade.

Naturally, I saw her wet clothes again.

Originally, it was not a big deal that the collar of the clothes was wet.

Under the background of Tsunade’s proud and upright background, this originally not a big deal revealed a very tempting power.

This is also the reason why he can’t help but peek a second time when he also peeks once.

“Little ghost, look what! Beware of the old lady gouging your eyeballs! ”

Tsunade subconsciously tugged at his shirt.

Being able to give a punch to the self-discovered Jiraiya.

Facing Naruto, Tsunade couldn’t even hold his fist for some reason.

“Could it be because of the 4.9 billion gambling capital?”

She gave herself a reason.

Naruto shook his head and drew a circle on Tsunade’s chest.

“No, I’m wondering if you want me to help.”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 48

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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