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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 5

Naruto’s two slashes across Kakashi’s body without hindrance transformed survival acting from an action movie to a horror movie.


A dissatisfied snort sounded from Naruto’s mouth, and he clearly felt that the hand felt wrong, and he did not withdraw the sword behind his back.

The body is low, the left hand holds the scabbard at the waist, and the right hand slowly incorporates the long knife.

The whole person maintains a vigilant posture that can strike at the fastest speed at any time.

Good news, a section is complete.

Bad news, Naruto didn’t see a figure until the end of the special knife gesture.

“Hey, you’re a guide to Shinobi, don’t you mean to hide/hide in the face of me!”

Naruto straightened up and teased Kakashi, who didn’t know where to hide.

“Ninja Tactical Experience, Ninjutsu, Earth Escape Heart Decapitation Technique!”

Before Naruto could finish speaking, with Kakashi’s calm voice, a hand that broke the ground was about to hold Naruto’s ankle.

However, in the next moment, Sakura’s voice suddenly sounded from the forest behind.

“Teacher, run away!”

The picture zoomed in, and in the wide-eyed gazes of the teachers and students of the eighth and tenth classes, Naruto, who seemed to have expected that the attack would come from underground, held the sword backhand and aimed it at the ground under his feet, stabbing it with a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.


The small half of the knife sank sank into the ground along with Kakashi’s quickly withdrawn hand.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

“It’s really true, what do you want me to say.”

Cut, but not completely.

Naruto pulled out his sword and swung it to the side, and the blood stained from the tip of the knife spilled on the ground and returned to its original luster.

He then withdrew the knife behind him and turned his head to look at Sakura, who had just alerted Kakashi in a pinch.

“Remind the enemy to be careful during the battle, are you looking for a chop?”

Without her reminder, although Kakashi would not be able to die either, he would definitely not suffer only minor injuries like he did now.

Sakura’s whole body was numb, especially under Naruto’s gaze, her body couldn’t move at the moment.

Although he was in the same group as the annoying crane Tail Naruto when he was divided yesterday, Sasuke felt that it was not unacceptable to Sakura to have him.

Isn’t it to endure Naruto’s daily stupidity, the happiness of being with Sasuke is enough for her to overcome any difficulties.

But at this moment, Sakura realized that she might not really be able to form a team with Naruto’s eyes that seemed to cut herself in the next second.

Where is this crane tail, even the guidance of their squad is on the other party’s hand, this Nima is right to kill the gods.

All those stupid images he used to have in school were all pretended!

“Well, for my sake, you can let her go this time.”

Kakashi broke through the ground from the other side, clutching his bleeding left arm and saying, “Sakura, isn’t this seeing me in danger.” ”

Although Sakura’s reminder saved him from a serious injury.

But to remind the enemy on the battlefield to be careful or something is somewhat a betrayal.

Naruto really wanted to cut Sakura for this, at least Kakashi Kiki had nothing to say.

“As you wish.” Naruto tossed the bell in his hand and sat down on the stump behind him, “Do you still want to test them?” ”

“Of course.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow and looked down at the bell that was left at his waist.

He didn’t even notice when Naruto took it.

Bandaged the wound on his arm at will, ensuring that it would not be affected when he moved later, “Didn’t I say that the failure rate of this test is as high as 66%. ”

“I remember Konoha’s Shinobi squad is all in groups of three, can the shadow doppelganger be counted as a quota!”

Naruto asked whim, “It’s safer for me to go it alone than to be in a group of two tow bottles.” ”

The only people who can have a hundred percent tacit understanding with him are the Dragon Sisters and the Wang Du Sisters, not even the village chief and instructors.

In addition, he also has the convenience and tacit understanding of the shadow avatar.

Truth be told, whether or not there was Sasuke and Sakura really didn’t make much difference to Naruto.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and found that what he said was from the heart, and sighed inwardly, “If you want to be a solo team, either you apply with the three generations of adults, or you will rise to the level of Naka Shinobu as soon as possible.” During the Shinobi period, even I had to team up with people. ”

Speaking of this, Kakashi couldn’t help but think of the fool who gave his eyes to himself, and the girl who voluntarily died at his hands.

Those were all nightmares that he had haunted over the years.

“Apply with the third generation?” Naruto pinched his chin in thought about the feasibility of Kakashi’s proposal, and shook his head, “Forget it, he probably won’t agree.” I’d better wait for the next Chūnin exam. ”

“As you wish, maybe the three generations of adults will agree to your request.”

Kakashi waved his arm, and after finding that the injury on his arm would not affect the flow of Chakra, he nodded towards Naruto, “Then, I’ll go play with Sasuke and Sakura first.” ”


In the end, after practicing illusion and physical arts, Sakura and Sasuke were tied to a stake left and right, watching Naruto and Kakashi divide the two boxes of bento.

“I’m so hungry!” Sakura watched Naruto pick and choose, and finally put down the box lunch without even moving a chopstick, swallowing her saliva.

Not to mention today’s breakfast, she didn’t eat yesterday’s dinner because she wanted to lose weight.

Coupled with being frightened by Kakashi’s illusion just now, Sakura was hungry and cold at this moment.

“Have you decided who you’re going back to school?” Or let the two of them go back together? ”

Naruto covered the box lunch and placed it in front of Sakura, took out a piece of jerky from his bag and bit half of it himself, handing the remaining half to Akamaru.

Akamaru → Tooth → 8th class → tenth class

Because of a dog in Naruto’s arms, the other two squads that had passed did not leave, but leaned together to listen to Kakashi’s decision.

Kakashi, who was stared at by a group of people, also had no appetite to eat at the moment.

“… The two of them returned to school, and you alone would not be able to form a squad to take the task, and you would not be able to take the Chūnin exam. ”

Kakashi reminded as he looked at Naruto, who cared more about a dog than his teammates.

Moreover, compared to the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, who is also the nine-tailed human pillar force, and the orphan of the Uchiha clan.

If anyone were to return to school, it would only be Sakura, a commoner.

After that, the three generations of Hokage will most likely choose another person to form a squad with Naruto Sasuke.

In a word, after graduating from school, it is inevitable that the two “Naruto Uzumaki” and “Sasuke Uchiha”, who have attracted much attention in the light and in secret, will embark on the path of ninjas.


Until the end, for Naruto’s sake of dividing the box lunch between Sakura and Sasuke, Kakashi made an excuse and decided to let all three pass.

Completely ignoring Naruto’s “I don’t want to eat because the box lunch is unpalatable”.

“I feel that Shinobu Kikigami deliberately qualified the seventh class.” At the Ichiraku ramen shop, Naruto said as he stroked Akamaru’s chin while waiting for the ramen to be served.

Completely ignoring the fact that he is also a member of the seventh class.

“How do I feel, you don’t seem to want to be a ninja at all? Two days ago, in school, you still had something in mind about graduating. ”

Tooth sat on Naruto’s side, watching Akamaru, who had been successfully attacked by Naruto in just two days, and the idea of helping him find a suitable dog became more and more certain.

If this were two days later, would Akamaru be going to change his surname to Uzumaki?

“Isn’t this a stage, a stage, an idea?”

Naruto stopped the movement of his hand, causing Akamaru to snort twice in dissatisfaction, “When I was a student, I wanted to graduate, but after graduation, I found that being a ninja is actually quite troublesome, and I can’t directly rise to the upper Shinobi.” The thought of doing those D-level tasks from tomorrow gives me a headache. ”

The low-level task in the Flame Village is to find two dragons or birds to cut down.

The D-level tasks in the Ninja Village, according to Bofeng Shuimen, are all about pulling grass, picking up garbage, taking care of children and the like, to exercise the basic abilities and mental nature of ninjas.

And he Uzumaki Naruto, would rather go and cut Kakashi than pick up any garbage!

If you don’t talk about more things, there will be few thieves.

“Add more seafood ramen!”

While speaking, the ramen shop manager Heda Uncle Shoda put a bowl full of ramen in front of Hinata, who was next to Naruto.

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 5

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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