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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 50

“Naruto, tell me, do you really hate Konoha so much, the villagers who hate Konoha so much!”

The wine glass in his hand swayed, and the wine spilled all over his body.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto, and in his heart was irrepressible bitterness, guilt, pity, regret…

He thought Naruto would have a good time over the years~.

He thought Naruto would have a good living environment in Konoha-.

He thought that even if he was the identity of the nine-tailed human pillar force, as the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, he would not suffer any grievances.

He thought that as an orphan of heroes, Naruto would be treated as he deserved.

He thought…

Everything he thought was just what he thought, and he didn’t know how many things he thought wrong.

“I thought you had seen my attitude clearly these days when you observed me.”

Naruto took a sip of milk, his expression nonchalant.

“It’s tiring to hate someone. For Konoha, for the villagers of Konoha, I don’t even have nasty emotions, how can I have resentment? ”

His expression was calm, his eyes were indifferent, and his tone did not fluctuate in the slightest.

No one can find any flaws in his words and deeds.

However, it was precisely because he saw this clearly that a chill rose in the hearts of Jiraiya and Tsunade.

What kind of change would make a teenager who wanted to be a Hokage suddenly see everything so indifferently.

Or is it that everything he shows is just a disguise that began at an early age!

“Naruto, did you really meet your parents from the seal?”

Jiraiya couldn’t help but ask the guesses he had discussed with the three generations.

When the fourth generation of Hokage sealed the Nine Tails, he used a special method to seal his consciousness in Naruto’s body.

“If you mean Wave Feng Shui Gate and Vortex Jiu Xinnai, then, yes.”

Naruto’s eyes rolled towards Jiraiya’s position, and he immediately turned back.

The questions are explained, but there are also many doubts.

The simplest example, with the dark and root under the surveillance of the whole day, where did Naruto have the opportunity to practice this physical technique?

But Jiraiya, who felt that he had lost his qualifications to ask, did not speak out in the end.

Seeing the silence on the table, Shizune tugged at the sleeve of Razune’s coat.


She wouldn’t doubt Tsunade’s determination when Konoha was in danger.

“If you really can’t let go, then go back.”

Naruto lowered his cup and looked at Tsunade, a circle of white milk stains on his lips.

“Mr. Big, I have contacted, he is a very interesting person who will do his best to endure for the goal… Eh, ninja. ”

After Koto wiped his lips with a tissue, Naruto continued.

“Although he is as dishonest as you and says that he gave up Konoha, he still has an obsession in his heart.

However, even if he is like this, it will definitely bring great harm to Konoha. ”

“So why don’t you take him down the moment you see him!”

He complained incomprehensibly and dissatisfied.

“Because Mr. Big is a very interesting person!”

Naruto looked at Jiraiya and asked strangely, “And there is still a deal between me and him.” The transaction is not completed, why should I ask for trouble? ”

“Deal?” Tsunade squeezed the shot glass and showed a curious look, “What deal?” ”

“The means of unsealing the caged bird of the Hyuga family.”

When Naruto said this, he suddenly remembered that the medical person in front of him was also a good hand in this regard.

“Ms. Tsunade, do you have any information or research on this?

In exchange, we can also make a deal with each other. ”

“Caged bird, I didn’t expect you to have an idea about the Hyuga family.”

Tsunade thought, his right index and middle fingers kept tapping on the table, and he shook his head.

“Although I have been exposed to this aspect on the battlefield before, compared to the big snake pill, I still don’t get an axe”

And it’s been more than a decade since she last touched the caged bird.

Who knows if those old things in the Hyuga family have added any new tricks to it.

“That’s a pity.” Naruto pouted and looked out the window.

The first day ended like this.

There was still more time before the third session of the Chūnin exam, and Jiraiya and Naruto were in no hurry to return to Konoha.

Three upper rooms were opened at the largest inn in town, and Naruto and Kasu lived in the same room.

Let the self-lai who is watching from the outside also envy and sigh to himself.

As soon as he entered the room, Kakato took Naruto, who was sitting on the bed, into his arms.

Through today’s conversation, she learned that Naruto’s childhood was no better than herself.

It was he who reached out to his self in the darkness and let himself get the light.

But who reached out to Naruto, who was surrounded by darkness at that time?

Recently, when I recall my childhood experience, I can feel a little relieved that when I think of this, my chest is cramped.

She just wants to hold the big boy in front of her in her arms, care for him, love him, and take care of him for the rest of his life.

“What, do you want to go take a shower together?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Naruto’s entire face was buried in Kakoto’s lower abdomen, and his voice was a little muffled.

“It’s not disgust, it’s really not disgust for you.”

It’s the smell of smoke in the casino plus the smell of alcohol in the izakaya and phosphorus, on you…”


Kako, whose warm atmosphere was broken, knocked Naruto’s head angrily, of course, without force.

She also knew that Naruto didn’t like the sad atmosphere.

In his words.

“Feeling sad? It’s better to give the uncle a smile! Not laughing? Then uncle give you a laugh! ”

“Tsunade-sama, you can still laugh?”

Women’s bathroom.

The silence that soaked in the pool was a little unreadable, and Tsunade was sipping a small sake.

From casinos to izakaya.

So much happened in one day, so much information was known.

How did Tsunade manage to be so heartless and lungless?

“Anla, anla, didn’t that little devil say, there is wine today, drunk today, tomorrow’s things tomorrow.”

Taking a beautiful sip of wine, Tsunade stretched his long legs under the water and let out a seductive moan.

“If you can’t figure it out today, it’s better to sleep and think about it tomorrow after you get up and change your mood.” Struggling all the time has no effect. ”

“That little ghost… Naruto, is he really the child of the fourth generation of adults, and also the nine-tailed man Pillar Force? ”

After following Tsunade to the south and north over the years, Shizune is not unaware of the experience of helping people.

To sum up one word – miserable, no one can change the misery.

Like Naruto is so open-minded, I have to say that there is indeed an alternative attraction.

Anyway, she muted a little bit of heart.

There is no reason why he paid off Tsunade-sama’s debts over the years with his help!


The sliding door was pulled open, and a bath towel covered the incense in front of him and walked in.

He was also a little surprised by the two who appeared here, “Tsunade-sama, Shizune-senpai. ”

Xiangphos nodded at the two, and after a simple wash, sat down in the pool closest to the bamboo wall.

On the other side, Naruto had been soaking for a while.

And in the hot pool, in addition to Jiraiya, the horns that were stitched with black threads all over their bodies were also soaked together with a silver-haired man with a silver back of an evil god who opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes…

After Naruto soaked for nearly half an hour, he opened his eyes, “Get what I want so quickly?” ”

Jiaodu nodded and said intentionally or unintentionally, “Yunyin Village has been mobilizing troops recently, and it seems that there is going to be some big move. ”

“I also took this opportunity to steal what you wanted, otherwise, it would not be so simple.”

“Yes, the things will be on the table, and I won’t be bad if I promise you.”

One point of the total dividend of the new shipping group.

Naruto has money, Kakuto loves money, the two cooperate, heaven and earth!

At this moment, the horns are in a good mood, and their eyes are shining.

“Regarded as after-sales service, the target of Yunyin Village is Konoha where you are. Moreover, other Shinobi villages joined the operation. ”

The deal was made and I got what I wanted.

Kakuto stood up and left the bathroom with a large soaked back.

Left behind were Jiraiya, who looked solemn, and Naruto, whose expression did not change.


Suddenly, Naruto looked up and asked towards the sky.

On the other side of the bamboo wall, came Tsunade’s determined voice.

“Ah, back to the village, back to Konoha!”

Jiraiya’s words did not impress Naruto, but Tsunade listened.

In any case, the people of Konoha were guarded by his eldest grandfather and second grandfather.

As the granddaughter of the two, she bears the name of a thousand hands.

Tsunade can’t make the choice to escape knowing that the village is in danger.

Don’t forget, her name is Tsunade, Senju Tsunade Man!.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 50

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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