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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 56

“So what are you going to do, I use a weapon?”

Naruto said, pulling out a two-meter-long taiji from his small fanny bag.

“Don’t, I know you’re too powerful, take it back!”

Shikamaru snorted twice.

Was it when he hadn’t seen Naruto chase Kakashi with a knife and slash or what.

“For the first time, I found out that you who talk about trouble all day long is your real trouble.”

Naruto put away his knife and looked at Shikamaru with his hands to his chest, “Aren’t you starting yet?” ”

“Don’t start!” Shikamaru shook his head.

“I can’t even hit you without restrictions, it’s better to surrender directly!”

“So what exactly do you want? Let me fight you with my hands tied? ”

“It’s best not to even move your feet, you just stand there and fight me!”

Shikamaru really made a request without any politeness, which made Naruto couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s not better if you simply ask me to admit defeat.”

“You’re Naruto, isn’t it normal for you to ask of this!”

Shikamaru saw Naruto narrow his eyes and subconsciously took two steps back.

“I don’t agree to give a word, the tone is directly killed by you and lose face, it’s better for me to directly “one, four, seven” to admit defeat and leave a little face. ”

“No weapons, hands tied, standing still, that’s all that’s the demand, right? Is there anything else? ”

Naruto seemed to have thought of something funny, and he really didn’t refuse Shikamaru’s request.

Shikamaru thought about it again and shook his head.

“Although I still want you to cover your eyes and block your ears without Chakra, but forget it, I always feel that you will be more terrifying like that.”

“You didn’t feel wrong.”

Naruto smiled and stood in place with his hands on his chest, signaling to the examiner that he was ready.

I don’t know that Hogenma looked left and right, and after Shikamaru also nodded, he waved his right hand.

“Then, the first round of the third game of the Chūnin Exam, begin!”


The moment the examiner’s words fell, Shikamaru jumped back a few times and distanced himself from Naruto.

The gaze was measured on the ground.

Shikamaru made sure he was at the farthest distance that the shadow mimicry could reach.

“As for what, I have already agreed to your request, and you are still afraid of this.”

Naruto stood in place and taunted twice, waiting for Shikamaru’s next move.

“True or false? Really not moving? ”

Shikamaru looked at Naruto with 120,000 points of vigilance, his hands sealed.

The shadow beneath him turned into a thin black line and stretched straight along the ground towards Naruto.

Until it connected to Naruto’s shadow.

The degree of smoothness of this made Shikamaru feel incredible.

“It’s that easy!”

Slowly standing up, he glanced at Naruto and repeatedly confirmed that the shadow mimicry was used successfully.

“Eh, hey!” The corners of Shikamaru’s mouth hooked into a smile, “I can reverse…!” ”

The expression on his face suddenly stiffened.

Standing in place, Shikamaru, who wanted to reach out and take out the props from behind his waist, tried again, but found that he couldn’t move!

“What’s going on, the body is so heavy!”

Don’t say stretch your hand, you can’t even move a finger yourself!

Shikamaru looked at Naruto in surprise.

“You don’t think you can win me with this trick, do you?”

Naruto raised his hand and pinched his chin, his tone relaxed.

“What’s the situation, Shikaku? How do you feel that it is your kid who has been recruited? ”

High in the battle field, the trio of the previous generation of pigs and deer butterflies who were assigned to patrol here.

Ino’s father, Haichi Yamanaka, blinked and looked at Shikamaru, who had made the same chin pinching motion as Naruto.

Beside him, Dingji’s father, Akimichi Dingza, stuffed meat into his mouth while waiting for an explanation from his old friend.

“Naruto Uzumaki’s physical strength has exceeded the upper limit of Shikamaru’s shadow mimicry technique.

This caused Shikamaru to be unable to make any movements when controlling the other party, and instead would be taken away by the other party. ”

It is equivalent to being eaten back by its own moves.

Nara Shikaku touched his chin, and he was a little surprised by this situation.

When he controlled the group of muscle bumps in Yunyin Village on the battlefield, he had never encountered such a thing.

“How strong does that little ghost’s body have to be?”

Among the three, Akimichi Dingza, who had the strongest body, asked with great interest.

“Very strong.” The voice paused, and then added, “Very strong, very strong.” ”

Nara Shikahisa used three strong to express his shock.

“I know it’s not so easy, but your physical strength is also a little too much.”

After the attempt failed, Shikamaru did not waste Chakra’s idea and immediately withdrew the shadow mimicry technique.

He quickly figured out why shadow mimicry failed.

He took out a few Kumu with detonation charms tied to it from the bag behind him and shook them at Naruto.

“Ask first, don’t mind if I use this?”

“Come on, come on, there are new tricks, just try them.”

Naruto held his hands, still looking superior.

Shikamaru nodded, not polite, “Then I’ll start.” ”

With a wave of both hands, a total of eight Kumu with detonation charms tied to them were shot at Naruto.

At the same time, Shikamaru squatted with his hands on his body.

The shadow under him once again turned into a thin line and quickly extended in front of Naruto.

Only this time it was not connected to Naruto’s shadow.

Instead, it split in two and turned into two halves to surround Naruto in the center. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The shadow rises and turns into a black curtain.

In the next second after the detonation Kumu was about to hit Naruto, the black curtain wrapped Kumu and Naruto entirely, and continued to shrink inside.


Dull explosions sounded one after another inside the hemispherical black curtain.

Multiple explosions in a very small area shook the surrounding ground.

“Is it really not going to die?”

I didn’t know that Huo Genma felt the constant vibration under his feet, and the thousand books hanging from his mouth almost bit off.

If it weren’t for the fact that the other party was the one who couldn’t see through Naruto Uzumaki, he would have wanted to declare Nara Shikamaru’s victory right now.

“Shadow Combat Technique, Bitter No Demolition Technique!”

After exhausting his moves, Shikamaru did not stop.

Instead, he took two flash bombs from his bag again and dropped them behind him.

The sudden strong light illuminated the shadow in front of him for an instant and magnified several times.

Hands are sealed!

The huge black hand shadow rose into the air and slammed down towards the black hemisphere below!

It’s like a black fly swatter………

“Shadow Battle Method, Shadow Palm Pressure Technique!”


In front of everyone’s eyes, the original hemispherical black screen was photographed into a flat black paper, and then retreated.

“It’s all right.”

The black shadow retracted to his feet, and Shikamaru gasped, feeling the feeling of weakness after the chakra in his body was drained.

No matter how well he planned before the match, he didn’t think that Naruto would really give him the opportunity to use these two moves in a real battle for the first time.


“If that doesn’t work, then there’s really nothing I can do.”

Shikamaru, who was really empty, sat on the ground with his ass, and did not look at all.

Whatever exam he has, what a bunch of people are watching.

In Naruto’s words, leave those people to death!

“It’s okay, it’s also different from Xiao Li, and it belongs to your combat method.”

Ahead, from where Naruto was standing, a voice came from underground.


A crack opened in the ground, and a wisp of fine sand flew out of it.


Shikamaru, I love Luo, Sarutobi Hinata, Luo Sha…

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the fine sand that kept wafting out, gradually forming Naruto’s appearance.

“Sand stand-in? When did you learn it? ”

In the end, Shikamaru, who stood up propped up, asked questions for everyone.

Naruto patted his sleeves, his tone natural, “Is it difficult?” ”

After getting its Chakra from Moritsuru, Naruto spent a lot of time fighting with Aira in the Tailed Beast Space.

These moves related to sand are naturally learned by watching and watching.

Except for the move where the sand will automatically defend.

In the words of Shouzuru.

“Then it’s not my fucking power!”


There was a sudden softness under my feet.

Shikamaru looked down and saw that the ground around him was spinning and turning into 1.1 sand.

The fine sand that suddenly rose from it turned into spikes and instantly aimed at all the deadly positions on his body.

“I admit defeat!” Without Naruto speaking, Shikamaru reached out and looked at the examiner to make a declaration of surrender, “I lost!” ”

That rushing look, for fear that it will be stabbed into a sieve in a second.


I don’t know that Huo Xuanma didn’t react for a while.

Only when Naruto withdrew his chakra and the fine sand fell to the ground again did he cough in his senses.

“First match winner, Naruto Uzumaki!”

“It’s finally over, really, I haven’t had a good rest this month!”

Shikamaru did not wave to the audience.

Returning to the lounge with Naruto, he yawned.

“However, I can finally get a good night’s sleep when I go back this evening.”

“Tonight? Truly. ”

Naruto nodded, “As long as you can survive this day.” ”

“… What do you mean? Shikamaru’s hands holding his head froze.

Naruto’s words gave him goosebumps.

“Don’t pretend! Can’t you see the recent change in the atmosphere in the village? “。

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 56

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


not work with dark mode