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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 63

The matter about the fourth generation of Hokage’s soul is indeed my negligence, and I will slowly round back after me (covering my face)

Or you can give me a reason (snickering).

In the case that Naruto himself was reluctant to make any explanations.

The words of the fourth generation of Hokage can somewhat explain some of the reasons why he is powerful.

And his words also made Naruto think of something he had overlooked.

If the fourth generation was able to leave his own chakra in the seal inside him.

Then in the sand of I love Luo, will the same be true?

As far as Shouhe said, in the past, it was eager to pull my love Luo to die.

Only if I have a hole in my brain will I let the sand take the initiative to protect my Airo’s safety.

“I didn’t call you out for the tea party.”

Orochimaru glanced at Naruto’s lower abdomen and interrupted the conversation between several Hokage.

“Naruto-kun, let’s get started!”

“Naruto! The three Hokage are left to me to deal with, you can concentrate on dealing with the big snake pill!” ”

Sarutobi made a fighting stance and took two steps forward to block Naruto.

Took a posture of fighting for his life.

The big snake pill on the opposite side suddenly laughed.

“Sarutobei-sensei, you still don’t understand anything.” He said.

At the same time, in the belated reminders of the first and second generations.

Naruto’s right sword finger instantly hit the various large holes of the ape flying sun’s body parts.

Blocking the flow of chakra in the meridians in his body.

“If you die here, then didn’t I show up for nothing?”

Naruto withdrew his hand, looked at the layer of nine-tailed chakra protection that burned on the body of the third generation, and flew up and kicked him to the side.

The Chakra layer on the ape flying sun slashed his body after passing through the Four Purple Flame Array, shook twice and extinguished.

“One-on-four, you really have confidence in yourself, Naruto-kun.”

Orochimaru took out three kunai tied to the talisman seal and buried them one by one in the back of the three Hokage’s heads.

“In order to prevent accidents, I deliberately made some adjustments to the technique of soil rebirth. It’s just right to use it here. ”

The pale body like a dead man suddenly emitted a thick white smoke.

The skin color is changing, and the body is gradually exuding vitality.

With the naked eye, the bodies of the three Hokage are constantly getting better.

“Didn’t we deliberately erase our consciousness?” Senju clenched his fists.

He soon discovered the difference in this dirt rebirth.

In general, the caster of this trick will obliterate the consciousness and emotional will of the resurrected dead.

Because those powerful ninjas can completely break free with their own will and automatically lift the art of soil rebirth.

Preserving emotion and consciousness is just digging holes for the caster himself.

“Erase consciousness? No, no, not only will I not do that, on the contrary, my control over the three of you is limited to the simplest line – do not attack me.” ”

Orochimaru stretched out his slender tongue very unhygienically and licked his lips.

“I wonder what kind of choice the three of you will make knowing Naruto-kun’s past and knowing that he is trying to divide the section and have a grudge with Sarutobi?”

Not to destroy Konoha Village, but to separate the boundary from this village.

“Of course, break his hands and feet and let Ape Fei control him until the next person to replace him, Zhu Li.”

The second-generation Hokage Senjutsu made his decision without hesitation.

Seeing that the Thousand Hand Pillar was still hesitating, his voice was serious and powerful.

“Big brother, what are you still hesitating! Letting this person leave will bring great harm to Konoha!

Don’t forget, even if he doesn’t deal with Konoha, those ninja villages who know that Konoha has lost their human pillar power will not miss this opportunity! ”

Speaking of this, Senju revealed his fierce combat style.

“I’m sorry, Second Hokage-sama, the human Pillar Force kid in your mouth is my son, and I can’t approve of your actions.”

Wave Feng Shui Gate’s gaze was withdrawn from Naruto.

From being reincarnated until now, Naruto glanced at him at first, then looked away.

Bofeng Shuimen knows why.

It’s just that he really never thought that his expectations of Naruto brought him darkness.

“You are also the Hokage of Konoha, have you forgotten your duties!”

“As Hokage, I have sacrificed myself for the village. This time, I won’t let anyone hurt Naruto. ”

The two ancestors who only knew how to move their mouths and did not know how to move their hands kept fighting.

And Naruto, only felt that they were noisy.

However, the original Hokage who wrinkled his brows and didn’t know what he was thinking, made him feel a little interesting.

“Tsuna, you said, should I stop that kid.”

Thousand Hand Pillar thought for a long time but did not come up with a reason, and threw the problem to his granddaughter.

Nowadays the situation can give an unbiased comment.

Only half an outsider’s Tsunade.

“Of course you have to do everything you can to stop him.”

Tsunade decisively said something that made Sarutobi puzzled. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Only if you give it your all, Naruto can be considered to have completely repaid Sarutobi’s kindness and draw a line with him.

And the three of you who were channeled by the big snake pill are not in their heyday now. ”

For Naruto’s almost impossible battle to lose, why did she have to struggle with it.

“Naruto, do you really hate Konoha so much and want to leave so much?”

Bo Feng Shuimen’s eyes showed a touch of sadness.

“Mr. Big, the rebirth of dirt can erase the consciousness of the dead. This, trouble will seal his brain! ”

Naruto sighed and pointed at Orochimaru, then to his own brain.

The other party’s sad, pitying, and regretful eyes were quite eye-catching to Naruto.

“You really are, resolutely.”

Orochimaru said, clasping his hands in front of him and forming a seal.

In the next second, Bo Feng Shuimen’s eyes lost their radiance.

“It’s Naruto’s child, I’ll listen to Ozuna and give it my all to you.”

The Thousand Hand Pillar waved his arm, as if warming up before the battle.

“But if you lose, then you have to stay in Konoha…”

“I won’t lose.” Naruto twisted his neck twice, his tone confident and determined.

“I’d rather let myself die here than lose to the four of you!”

“In that case, then I can’t let you leave Konoha!”

Senju’s words fell, and the whole person galloped towards Naruto.

Between the thousand hand pillars following him, he clapped his hands, “Illusion Darkness Technique!” ”

Sky, it’s dark.

In this dark world where five fingers are not visible.

Naruto lost all vision as if his eyes were blind.

“It’s kind of interesting, is this a targeted ninjutsu specially developed to restrain the illusion of writing chakra?”

He still has leisure to think cranky.

Through the small sound of air flow, Naruto sensed that three figures were rapidly approaching him.

“Physical skills?”

Naruto was surprised, took a step back, and then tilted his head to the left.

While avoiding the hook in front of him, he also narrowly avoided a straight punch behind him aimed at the back of his head.

Naruto took another step back, leaning close to the attacker behind him, and slammed his left elbow back.

The unretracted elbow smashed the sneak attacker straight out.

Three left, two.

The hook punch of the sneaker in front was dodged, and he crouched down, and a sweeping leg kicked Naruto’s ankle.

And the third sneaker who suddenly appeared on the side seemed to have planned it earlier, and a hand knife was aimed at Naruto’s neck and cut off.

Up and down, both up and down, and at the same time dangerous.

At this moment, Naruto was still thinking about the question in front of him.

“Why use physical techniques?”

The right foot, waist and abdomen are strained at the same time.

Naruto’s entire body made a lying position in the air, dodging the attacks up and down.

The next moment, his right foot, which happened to be aimed at the sneaker on the side, exerted force and kicked the opponent out with a kick (King Zhao’s).

And the right hand that was tucked away at the waist also threw a punch towards the sneak attacker in front of him without hesitation.

“Snap!” Directly beat the other party through.

And the darkness that descended receded like a tide in the next moment.

The sky, once again returned to light.

“Why did you choose to use physical skills?”

Naruto looked at the Senjutsu pillar in front of him and asked curiously.

“It is clear that the opponent has lost the vision environment, and what is not clear.

Why don’t you distance yourself and choose to use ninjutsu to take the other party away, but so confident that you want to fight with the other party? ”

Change to Naruto, after the other party loses his vision after being hit by the Dark Technique.

He definitely didn’t want to pull out his own cannon and let the other party know what is called the end of the rich man’s practice.

Poor is a precise strike, rich is firepower to cover – Zhou someone.

“Have you forgotten that the people who were reborn from the dirt are all people who have died!”

Senjukuma smiled and hugged Naruto’s arm, preventing him from leaving.

Around the two, countless detonators swirled to form a paper ball, enveloping their figures.

A thousand hands that fell to the ground in the distance, clapped his hands.


You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 63

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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