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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 74

Different from Kagura Shinkaku, who was used as a passive skill by him.

The perception of good and evil from the complete body of the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mode.

Comes from the dragon species sense of smell obtained after sealing the juvenile Silver Dragon II into the body.

These two special perception abilities are active skills in Naruto’s place, and he doesn’t use them many times.

Except for the first opening after returning to Konoha.

What he saw was the malice of the remaining students in the class except for Iruka and Hinata, and Mizuki.

Later, they can play with Kakuto and Ghost Fish, and there is also a reason why their smell has not changed after they know their identity.

It is also clear to both sides.

Even if they really want to become enemies in the future, everyone has the consciousness and will not have any subordinates.

Naruto’s gaze turned to Hyde, whose face suddenly became not very good, and the corners of his mouth drew an evil arc.

“Do you want to guess what I smelled on you just now?”

“Boy, you seem to get a little carried away.”

The woman with chestnut medium long hair and bangs, wearing purple female knight armor and wearing a white inner and outer red cape took two steps forward impatiently.

Bright red pupils stared at Naruto.

“Do you really think that if you are the one Timothy brought back, we will tolerate you so much!”

“Rank! Don’t be so impulsive! Maybe the blond just had some unnecessary misunderstanding about us. ”

Hyde stopped his men again, narrowing his eyes and smiling on his face.

“Maybe you can’t understand my dream, but that’s not a reason for us to become enemies and fight 857.”

“Because it seems to me that fighting is not right no matter what!”

“Lord Hyde!”

Timsey, who was standing behind him, had a slight look on his face.

“It’s disgusting to say this out of your mouth!”

Naruto plucked his ears, his voice was soft, and turned his head to look at Timsey.

“I have already met people, and it can be regarded as your wish, so goodbye.”

“Wait a minute!”

Just as Tim was about to say something, Naruto’s voice “boom” turned into smoke and disappeared.

“What’s the situation?”

The four people who had never seen the doppelganger opened their eyes wide at the same time.

Timsey, who reacted, knelt down on one knee in front of Hyde.

“I’m sorry, Lord Hyde, but I was too self-righteous to think they were the kind of companions who would identify with your great ideals.”

“It’s not your fault, Timsey.”

Haidian was gentle, in turn comforting Timsey.

“It doesn’t matter to me whether they agree or not. As long as you and you are by my side, I have confidence that one day I can create an ideal country for you! ”

“Yes, Lord Hyde! Subordinates swear to follow you to the death! ”

“Is there really something wrong with that Hyde?”

In the business group that had already been promoted, Ning Ci sat on the camel and asked curiously.

They received the information sent back by the shadow doppelganger, and they also knew everything that happened along the way.

For that pretty talking Hyde.

Not to mention Ninji, even Sasuke felt that the other party (biaj) did not seem to be as great as he appeared.

“That guy and his three men have the smell of a beast.”

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, thought about it, and was a little strange.

“But in Timsey’s body, I didn’t feel anything unusual other than that stone.”

Sasuke raised the possibility, “That guy was deliberately left out? ”

“Who knows. But what is certain is that this matter did not end so easily. ”

Naruto shook his head, rolling his eyes and glancing at the cart beside the three of them that was used to carry large luggage.

“You said yes, Elder He Yan who has been eavesdropping on our conversation.”

“Their purpose is probably the legendary Greer’s Stone.”

At the resting place, after knowing from Naruto’s side that the Lord Hyde that Tim believed in was not a good person.

Elder He Yan also knew that there were some things that he could no longer hide.

“Greer’s Stone?”

Ninji and Sasuke turned their heads sideways, waiting for the little old man’s explanation.

“The mark on that Timsey, I think you should remember it.”

If there is no mistake, he should be the descendant of the clan in ancient times, after the kingdom of our ancestors was broken, and they traveled across the sea to live on another continent. ”

Elder Kahiko told Naruto the story of a distant kingdom.

It is a story of an ancient kingdom that arose because of the Stone of Greel, and also because of the Stone of Greel, which led to its demise.

“The power that can bring people a happy life is eventually used in war, leading to the demise of the country.”

That is a power that should not exist in the world, a power beyond the control of human beings!

My ancestors did everything in their power to seal the Greer vein underground.

It’s just that without the blood of the royal family, all they can do is seal, and care for generations to come. ”

The little old man’s tone was tinged with deep depression. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“So, if that Hyde’s target is the Stone of Greer, then they will definitely not let go of the elder who knows the news.”

Ninji recalled the fake smile on Hyde’s face that looked like hypocrisy, shook his head, and looked at Naruto.

“What do you say, let’s follow the merchant group all the way and wait for them to deliver to the door?”

“Please, Naruto-sama.”

He Yan also saw that Naruto was definitely the one in this three-person squad, and bowed his head in his direction.

“If the power of the Greer Stone is brought to light again, a great catastrophe will definitely occur!”

“An inexhaustible supply of well water, overnight livestock, a steady stream of fruit… Do you still have an instruction manual? ”

Instead of responding to the little old man’s request, Naruto instead asked a question that made him raise his head in shock.

“Do you want to get your hands on the Grell Stone too!”

“According to what Ning Ci saw, Timsi should have a crystallization of Greer’s Stone on him.”

Naruto pinched his chin, his expression calm and his tone relaxed.

“I don’t need the veins you mentioned. But the stone on his body is my trophy, and I always need an instruction manual to use it. ”

“Don’t want veins, just the crystals on his body?”

He Yan breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he did not lead the wolf into the room, but still shook his head.

“The method of use of the Greer Stone is recorded in the Book of Greer, and that book was taken away with the people who went to sea.

Therefore, no one in this world should know how to use the Greer Stone. ”

“In that case, how did he use the ore crystals on that Timsi?”

Sasuke dismissed Kahiko’s claim.

“Still, Timsey’s hand… No, it should be that Hyde has the Book of Greer you are talking about? ”

“By the way, I remember when we first met Hyde, he had a rather thick book in his hand!”

Ning Ci also added on the side.

“No matter what, as long as the other party’s purpose is really the Greer vein, then they will definitely take the initiative to find it.”

Naruto concluded, “So, let’s be a hunter once in a while.” ”

Late at night, by the river.

The huge caravan all went to sleep.

The five black shadows, as well as the dense crowd behind them, quietly surrounded the entire caravan station.

“Lord Hyde, are we really going to kill them all?”

Timsey’s eyes were a little unbearable.

“Timsey, I said that all this is a noble sacrifice that must be made to create a world without struggle! Their death is valuable! ”

Haide was steadfast, and did not wait for Timsey to say anything, and waved his hand directly.

The three women standing behind him transformed one after another in the night.

Bats, werewolves, great apes.

The bodies of the three orcs with a sudden style turned into black shadows and rushed out of the caravan station below.

Under the moonlight, I saw that a killing was about to begin.

Timsi turned around a little unbearably.

Naturally, he did not see the brutal light that flashed in Hyde’s eyes behind him.

The fastest Batgirl, Camilla was the first to rush into a tent.

Looking at the little girl lying asleep on the floor, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Flickering the wings behind him slightly, a shockwave similar to an air blade silently cut towards the little girl’s neck.

Ugh —

The little girl disappeared in front of Camilla’s eyes a moment before she saw that she was about to be attacked.


“Sorry, although I’m just a shadow doppelganger, I don’t want to experience the feeling of being cut by someone.”

The sudden sound behind her made Camilla’s soul flutter, and the blood-colored pupils of her eyes contracted rapidly.

Just didn’t wait for her to turn around.

A huge force from her back caused her to fly uncontrollably forward out of the tent.

Under the astonished gazes of Hyde and Timsey, they crashed into the mountain.




You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 74

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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