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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 75

It may be that Camila forgot to look at Huang Li when she went out today, and she didn’t know that her luck today was not very good.

Although the number of Naruto doppelgangers in this station is the one with the most.

But in her other two companions, they encountered Ninji and Sasuke doppelgangers respectively.

Camilla, who was kicked into the mountain by the doppelganger Naruto and smashed a big hole, was indeed a little miserable.

At least, Feng Wai and Rank, who were still able to get up, looked at the hand that was only exposed in the big pit, and they were very happy… What a ghost!

Speak as if they can escape!

One by one, the doppelgangers who transformed into caravans walked out of their tents.

Looking up, they all looked at Hyde and Timsey on the hillside not far away.

“As it turns out, you’re really not a nice person, Hyde. ~”

The person standing at the front disarmed his transfiguration, and Naruto who appeared in the smoke said lightly.

“All this is a necessary sacrifice, I think Naruto-kun should know this better than me.”

Hyde looked at Naruto calmly, without showing the usual smile on his face.

“The first time I saw you, I knew that you were a more cruel person than me!”

“Don’t, don’t confuse you with me, you don’t deserve it!”

With a very disgusted expression on his face, Naruto waved his hand at Hyde, signaling to stay away from him.

The strong draw their swords against the stronger, and the weak swing their swords at the weaker.

Killing this guy is simple, but that will only get your hands dirty.

“Sasuke, Ninji, these guys are all handed over to you!”

Naruto found a trailer to sit on, raised his hand, and swung it at Hyde and Timsey.

“Ney Group!”

Half a day later, the merchants who were informed by the doppelganger Sasuke that they were okay came here slowly.

The first thing the leader saw was Naruto sitting in the car, holding a thick ancient book in his hand and watching.

Ninji and Sasuke were idle, continuing to fight on the river on the side to consume the remaining energy.

Hyde and his three men looked ambitious, but they were actually just that.

Before the two of them could start exerting their strength, the other party plus the group of black-armored soldiers all fell.

As for Timsey, he stood aside as if he had lost his soul, his expression was dull, and his eyes looked at Hyde, who had died on the side.

Probably the other party was pressed in front of Naruto by Sasuke, and there was no resistance when he knelt down and begged for mercy.

It was so deeply stimulated that Timsey, who had always regarded Hyde as a faith.

“I handed over this guy to you, whatever you want to do with it.”

Naruto flipped through the pages of the book, his gaze not taking his eyes off the pictorial text on the page.

“As a price, I took the crystallization of the Greer Stone and this book on several of them.”

“Wait a minute, it’s not just Greer in Tim Si that we’re okay… Ahem, just kidding, just kidding. ”

He Yan saw Naruto looking sideways at him, with a smile on his face, and quickly changed his words.

“However, since Timusi is most likely a descendant of the royal lineage that left at the beginning, maybe by borrowing his blood, he can completely destroy the Greer vein.”

The little old man stopped when he said this, his eyes kept peeking at the expression on Naruto’s face.

“If you don’t want us to go, just say it! The three of us want to track you, you think you can get rid of it? ”

Naruto lowered his head and returned his gaze to the contents of the book in his hand.

A tangled expression appeared on Hehiko’s face, and he was also hesitating whether Naruto should go to the Greer Vein.

In the end, the little old man stomped his fist and stomped his foot.

“I’d better take you with me. If something happens, you must rescue me!” ”

“Then I still won’t go with you, I’m more afraid of encountering hemp than you… Kindness? ”

Naruto suddenly looked up to the side.

Sasuke and Ninji, who were practicing against each other, also stopped moving, and the kunai and Kusanagi swords in their hands changed from a reverse grip to a positive grip.

The dark shadow came out of a small hillside, and what appeared was I-Ailuo carrying a sand gourd.

As well as Temari with an iron fan behind him and Kankuro with a puppet on his back.

Temari took two steps forward and looked in amazement at Naruto who was sitting by the fire with a book in his hand.

“Naruto? How did you end up here? ”

“I thought there was a bustle to see, but in the end I became that lively.”

Naruto turned the page of the book and pointed to the dead body of Hyde on the side.

“That guy is behind the recent attacks on the border villages of the Land of Wind.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“That’s this guy!” Kankuro touched the puppet behind him, his eyes widened slightly, “How did it hit your hand?” ”

“This guy did it on purpose.”

Ninji and Sasuke walked over and roughly explained what had happened before.

“The Stone of Greer? I seem to have seen records of this thing in the big library of Shayin Village, although only a few strokes. ”

Kankuro threw the bodies of Hyde and his three daughters into the pit, frowning to recall the records he had seen.

“It is said that it has the ability to change the environment on a large scale, and can turn the desert into an oasis overnight!”

“Turn a desert into an oasis overnight? None of Konoha’s original Hokage could do such a thing… Right? ”

Temari leaned over to Naruto’s side, glancing generously at the contents of the pages in his hand.

The picture on the book is still barren land at night on the left, and a large forest of trees grows during the day on the right.

“Can you really do this kind of thing?!”

“Between the Thousand Hand Pillars? You reminded me that the performance ability of the Greer Stone is indeed similar. ”

Naruto tapped his finger at the green glow of the Stone of Greer on the page.

“Shuidun creates inexhaustible wells, and Mudu’s life energy allows fruits and livestock to grow rapidly.

As for what you said that the original generation could not turn the desert into an oasis overnight, do you remember the Death Forest of Konoha? ”

Temari nodded, “The practice field used in the second session of the Chūnin exam.” ”

Naruto saw that she had an impression and continued.

“According to the records of the Hyuga family, at the beginning, the Thousand Hands Pillar just clapped his hands to create a death forest with a radius of ten kilometers.”

“Cough, cough, it is worthy of being the first Hokage who calmed the chaotic times, with this strength, it can be understood and understood.”

Kankuro washed his hands after disposing of all the corpses, and just walked to Temari and wanted to sit down.

Hearing Naruto’s words, I don’t know if it was misaligned, and he sat on the ground with his butt.

“Brother Naruto, I have decided to take you with me to the location of the Greer Vein and destroy it!”

When He Yan saw Temari Kankuro, and even Airo’s face was a little surprised by the ability of the Greer Stone, and his eyes were a little hot.

Finally, he made up his mind to destroy the vein as quickly as possible.

As for the idea of hiding the Greer Stone.

He Yan believed that as long as I Ai Luo asked them about this, Naruto would not have anything to hide.

Maybe he will take out five stones and dangle them in front of them, reaping a wave of envious eyes.

“Greer… Vein? Kankuro swallowed, glanced at Hehiko, and then turned to look at Naruto, “Didn’t I hear you wrong?” ”

“It’s a vein indeed. But personal advice, you better not fight that thing. ”

Naruto turned the page of the book again and looked at the use of Greer’s crystalline recorded above.

“Be careful that the little old man blows up the vein without saying a word, and pulls you to be buried together.”

Kankuro looked at He Yan, and the determined look on the other party’s old face made him shrink his head.

The operation to blow up the veins went well, and it turned out that Timusi was indeed a descendant of the royal lineage.

After Naruto inserted the dagger stained with Timsey’s blood into the summoning formation and summoned the Cave of Time and Space, Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave the bottom of the mine.

Later, with Kankuro biting his small handkerchief and wanting to cry without tears, the mine collapsed, burying everything under the ground.

“What is your expression?”

Naruto frowned when he saw Kankuro’s aggrieved tears staining the oil marks on his face.

“The guy who doesn’t know the price of oil and rice, doesn’t know that the country of wind is attacked by wind and sand all year round, is it the most necessary to change this kind of power that can change the natural environment!”

“If that’s the case, I think you should please Naruto even more.”

Sasuke’s gaze kept wandering over the puppet behind Kankuro.

Hearing Kankuro’s words, he thought about it and reminded him.

In return for lending the puppet to themselves.

Just like Naruto said, no matter how big or small, the favor owed will be paid back as soon as possible.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 75

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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