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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 76

“Why!” Kankuro looked at him angrily.

“Because Naruto has in his hands the only five remaining Greer Stone crystals in this world.” Ning Ci, who was on the side, said it first

Rolling his eyes, he saw that the Chakra flow deep underground gradually returned to a steady source before closing the blood succession boundary and turning to look at Kankuro.

“And even more coincidentally, the book he had in his hand happened to record the use of the Greer Stone.”

“Are you sure it’s a coincidence, not a murderous crossover?” Kankuro asked in a low voice.

Previously, when he was handling the corpse, he was curious about how Hyde who took the lead and the three beast girls under him all had holes left after being taken out.

Now it seems that this is not the source of the five stones in Naruto’s hand!

The white armored brother who is still autistic on the side, the hole in his chest is still there!

“Murder and transgression?”

Naruto took advantage of the space to turn the pages of the book and glanced up at Kankuro.

Temari beside him also squinted and looked his second brother up and down.

As if thinking about where to hit hard, “610” is relatively invisible outside.

“No, this is a prop for the Tianxing Dao to reasonably confiscate the crime props of the evil person!”

Kankuro shook his head, very seriously quibbling… Justified.

This is definitely not instigation, just a sincere statement that follows your own heart!

“I am very pleased that you can think so, as a sister.”

Temari withdrew his gaze and looked down at the next page Naruto had opened.

As for asking Naruto to improve the environment for their Kaze Country.

Kankuro had already shaken his head and sighed and stepped aside to carry the news back to the village.

Everything has to be decided by the four generations of Wind Shadow Luosa.

In the end, it was Timsey and the rescued fellow villagers who decided to return to the distant continent.

They will save the people with their own hands and put down the war.

Old He Yan could only helplessly watch as the little snow leopard Nilugu followed Timsi’s ass and left him.

“That ferret, according to Elder He Yan, is even older than him. Do you say there is such a possibility…”

On the way to Sunahide Village, Sasuke suddenly asked.

Ninji’s camel was on the left, and sitting between the humps, he wrapped the scarf around his head more tightly.

“Nothing may be meaningless, defeated men.”

When he first met each other, Naruto opened his eyes to observe.

Ningji was in the body of the little ferret and saw the same Chakra fluctuations as in Timsey’s chest.

Don’t think about it, there must be a fragment of the Stone of Greer in Nilugu’s body.

Only then can the little guy with an average life expectancy of only seven or eight years live until now.

“What, what is the defeat of the subordinates! You just won me one more time, what is there to be proud of! Next time, next time I absolutely I win back to shut you up! ”

Sasuke raised his voice and argued.

In the battle with Ninji, the current situation between the two is that he has won 17 times and lost 18 times.

Ning Ci just won one more game, look at him proud!

Sasuke couldn’t help but open his eyes!

The rivalry between Kakashi and Akai continued between their disciples.

Ahead, Temari saw that Naruto was studying a set of armor that she was somewhat familiar with all the way, and curiously leaned over.

“If I’m not mistaken, this thing is the equipment worn by some of the ninjas who attacked Konoha in the third stage of the Chūnin Exam.”

Temari remembers that he and Kankuro worked together to kill a woman who wore similar armor to this suit and could fly.

“The Chakra armor of the Snow Country can greatly strengthen the equipment of the lower ninja and the strength of the middle ninja, and it also has a good increase in those upper ninja who will be killed by a ninja of the same level just by looking at the face.”

Sunset Red Moonlight Storm: ???

Temari poked his finger at the armor, his eyes lit up slightly after hearing Naruto’s explanation, he thought about it, and asked, “But?” ”

“Yes, but!”

Naruto put away his armor and pulled out a notebook and wrote and drew on it.

“However, the drive core of this armor needs to be implanted into the user’s body, which will greatly reduce the user’s lifespan. Well, it’s equivalent to trading life for strength. It can be used for those small countries, are you sure the country of wind also wants? ”

“Then forget it.”

Temari shook his head and dismissed the idea.

The Land of Wind originally pursued an elite policy, where people’s lives were spent on this thing.

“You two, stop making trouble. We have guests coming! ”

Kankuro is still feeling sorry for this flashy set of Chakra armor.

Naruto wrote down the last data, put away his notebook and pen, and looked ahead.


Ning Ci turned his head to look ahead, his white eyes opened, and the tendons on both sides of his cheeks bulged.

“There are eight people, all of them are blocking the road ahead, and they came to us specifically to see this situation.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Came to us on purpose? Our way back to Shayin Village is known only to the villagers…”

Temari stopped here.

She looked at the few people in front of her with some disbelief.

“It’s someone from our Shayin Village?”

Eight people, appeared in this wild place.

“It’s not like it’s coming to meet us.”

Sasuke made a cold face and said what was in everyone’s mind.

“Maybe it’s just a companion on a mission passing by here, wait for us.” Kankuro made an excuse.

It’s just that the tone of his speech is a little weak himself.

The distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer.

Until Temari saw clearly the two old men standing at the front of the line with wide eyes.

“Mother-in-law Chiyo! Old man of the sea! How could you guys be here! ”

Sasuke and Ninji looked at each other and brought the camel closer to Naruto………

Since the other party is not the kind of ninja who goes out on a mission as Kankuro said.

Then it was obviously aimed at the three of them.

Although you don’t know the other person’s purpose, you can’t go wrong with being vigilant.

“Oh, it’s little Temari, I haven’t seen you grow this big in a few years.” How, is there anyone you like? Do you want your mother-in-law to help you introduce a few outstanding young people in the village? ”

The old lady called Chiyo’s mother-in-law squinted her eyes with a smiling expression.

There is also time to joke about Temari, who is the daughter of the fourth generation of Kazekage.

“I’m afraid it’s not an old antique of the same nature as the Konoha Elder Group.”

Ning Ci whispered beside the two.

As for the old man next to Chiyo, the old man of the sea old man kept looking at the three of them.

Isn’t it a little too blatant?

“People are called bamboo in their chests, full of confidence.” Naruto, who had remained silent, spoke, “They’re going to eat the three of us here this time.” ”

Kagura Heart Eye, Good and Evil Perception, Dragon Intuition.

Naruto, who had all three perception skills turned on, sensed deep malice from the group of people on the opposite side.

This can also be seen in the suddenly changing faces of Temari and Kankuro.

“Mother-in-law, mother-in-law! Now Konoha and our Sand Hidden Village are allies! Naruto and the three of them are not wanted criminals in Konoha, and if you strike at them here, you are not afraid of causing a war! ”

After hearing Chiyo’s command, or rather, the order, Temari took two steps back.

He couldn’t believe that his mother-in-law, who had always been kind in his impression, would be crazy to this extent!

“This must not be my father’s order, I’m sure!”

Kankuro also said with conviction on the side.

The simplest example.

The fourth generation of Kazekage’s attitude towards Ai Luo after the Chūnin exam changed, which was visible to their siblings 2.7 with the naked eye.

And he has always known the relationship between I Ai Luo and Naruto, which cannot be described by the word affectionate at all.

Embarrassment for… One hill… Snake and rat one…

Kankuro can say confidently.

If I had to choose between myself and Naruto that day, I would definitely not choose myself!

As if to confirm his words, an eagle cry sounded in the sky.

The communication eagle of the Sand Hidden Village spun around the heads of several people and then fell straight down in front of Kankuro.

There was also a messenger scroll tied to the side of the paw

Kindly invite three friends from Konoha Village to visit Sand Hide

It is not the words of the wind shadow, but the tone of the elders!


A masked ninja following Chiyo took two steps forward, bowed his head, and asked in a low voice.

They all saw the sand shadow seal on the message scroll.

If they strike at Naruto now, it would be blatantly defying Kage’s orders!

Ignoring Luo Sha’s words. If there is any punishment afterwards, it will be borne by our two brothers and sisters! “。

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 76

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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