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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 80

“Nima’s, I was in the tailed beast space yesterday. Is it so long that you haven’t seen it for a long time! ”

I was locked up for more than ten years before I came out of this trip.

Just as Shouhe wanted to take a good breath of the fresh air outside, he heard merciless taunts from the Nine Lamas.

The hands stretching out suddenly collapsed~.

“I haven’t heard… Forget it, you are illiterate, you must not have heard of a saying called one day is not seen, like three autumns! ”

The blood-red Chakra floated out from the body of the Nine Lamas.

It soon fused into a tailed beast coat outside the body.

“We haven’t seen each other for more than a dozen hours. In other words, isn’t this a long time since I saw it! ”

“Text… Which of our nine tailed beasts is literate! Isn’t it all illiterate! ”

Shouhe’s body also floated a thin layer of blood-red chakra feathers.

But to the words of the Nine Lamas, it is not convinced!

“This, in my free time, Yukito has taught me to read. It’s not much, but I still know a little bit of words. ”

The cold voice of the two beasts sounded at the same time.

Lifting Shouzuru’s chin is a meal.

In the space of the tailed beast, it watches the battle through special means and shows that it is not illiterate.

“Me too, Yakura taught me to read before I was controlled by the Sharingan.”

Isofu, who has only recently been reborn at the bottom of the lake, sounds a little lazy.

However, its words made Naruto, who was sitting on the head of the brigade and enjoying the treatment of the knee pillow, a little concerned.

Sitting up, he looked at the huge gray turtle that had been turning a blind eye to the side.

Chakra-glowing fingers write and draw in the air.

After a while, one person was drawn by Naruto.

“Isofu, is this person who controls the fourth generation of Mesui Kage?”

Isofu’s big head turned to this side, took a serious look at the avatar drawn by Naruto, and shook his head.

“I’m sure it’s not this person.”

“Oh, that’s kind of interesting.”

Naruto waved his hand to remove the portrait of the human head, leaned back, and once again rested on Yugito’s lap.

“What’s wrong?” Yukito lowered his head and looked at Naruto and asked curiously.

Not to mention her and a few in the Tailed Beast space.

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe, who were fighting outside, both stopped their movements and immersed their minds in the space of the tailed beast.

“According to the third-generation Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash.

In this world, the descendants of the Uchiha family should only be left with Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. ”

“However, the person you just drew is not any of them.”

Yugito quickly figured this out.

“That’s right, and it’s not only.

On the night that Uzumaki Jiu Shinai gave birth to me thirteen years ago, a guy with kaleidoscopic chakra eyes also appeared.

He first fought with the fourth Hokage, and then took control of the Nine Lamas, causing the Nine Tails Rebellion that night. ”

“Wow click, you guy is controlled for the first time!”

Naruto’s words had not yet been reacted to, and Moritsuru was the first to laugh out loud.

“Let me calculate, the Nine Lamas, who has always been known as the strongest tailed beast, first met Uchiha Spot, and then met the mysterious Uchiha descendants.

Oh yes! The middle was also sealed by a hand between the thousand hand pillars!

Wow, click, how do you have the face to call yourself the strongest tailed beast! ”

“… Where did you get the news from? ”

After a moment of silence, the Nine Lamas asked in a calm voice.

The tailed beast space suddenly became quiet.

Dull as a crane, he also noticed that the guy on the other side still had a murderous aura in his eyes?

“Ahem, well, I think, the Nine Lamas and Shouhe, you can start moving.”

Another trip, Jifu and Niu Ghost coughed unconsciously twice, and they all persuaded the Nine Lamas to start beating the crane.

This posture is for fear that the Nine Lamas will not be able to fight the crane.

“What do you mean?”

Shouhe is stupid, but not a melon.

It clearly saw that these three instigating guys had no good intentions.

“Eh~ That’s right! Isn’t it just the three of you telling me these things about the Nine Lamas!” ”

With that silly tone, even Naruto couldn’t tell if this guy was really stupid or was pretending to be stupid.

And Lu Ji caressed the cow ghost: “Groove! ”

I’m really afraid of what will come.

This has been done a few times before.

In front of the six old men, they sold all the mischievous ones with a foolish look!

Although in the end, several of them joined forces and walked several times!

“First of all, the Bull Oni’s side and I only retrieved the confidential information of Yunyin Village to help Naruto understand what happened that night, and the matter about you was purely accidental!”

He was shocked at first.

But after feeling the presence of Naruto and Yugito on the head.

The cat demon covered in blue chakra flames quickly let go of his heart and continued to lie on the ground and fake sleep.

As far as he is related to the circle of the wooden man Naruto Nine Lamas, what are you afraid of!

“That is, the main purpose is to understand the events of Naruto’s birth!”

The cow ghost who was brought by it also quietly gave another brigade a thumbs up.

“Good sister, handout gas!”

Since losing strength to the Nine Lamas with eighteen-pack abs.

The cow ghost never had the idea of fighting with each other again.

In the past, it and the four-tailed Monkey King could comfort themselves.

At least in terms of strength, the Nine Lamas are no match for themselves.

But after a while, the Nine Lamas who appeared again can only be described in one word.



Hexagonal warrior!

Chakra amount they can’t compare.

The Nine Lamas turned Chakra into both hands to be able to perform ninjutsu, well, they also endured it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, the most disgusting thing about this product is that even illusions can be!

Plus the power that the four-tailed Monkey King can’t match!


The more I think about it, the more sad it gets!

The old man was too partial at the beginning!

Is it leaving the good to it!

The voice of the Nine Lamas paused for a moment before it sounded again.

“Isofu, where are you now!”

“What’s wrong? I stayed well at the bottom of a large lake near the Land of Water, and no one bothered! ”

Isofu answered the words of the Nine Lamas honestly.

He moved his head again, and then calmed down again.

“It’s not that there are too many bad guys out there! I thought it was safe or you would accompany me. ”

The Nine Lamas squinted at Shouhe who had a wicked smile on his face on the opposite side.

In his eyes, there is a threat of “you dare to say that I will die you”.

“How to accompany you? Are you coming to me? ”

Isofu’s voice was as lazy and powerless as ever.

If Shouhe doesn’t know if it’s really stupid or fake.

Then Isofu is the iron han who does not have any doubts between their nine brothers.

Too lazy to use your brain, the kind that can sleep for years with a soak at the bottom of the lake.

“No problem at all, when things are done here, I’ll let Naruto go to you and seal you in his stomach.”

Then be your own sandbag every day.

But just caressing the turtle shell, the Nine Lamas are afraid that his hand will hurt!

It is not as good as beating the crane.

Kindness! Say beat up!

The mind is detached from the tailed beast space.

The Nine Lamas opened his eyes and clapped his hands on his chest.

“Water Dragon Bomb!”

There is no action of the link print!

“Lean! You’re playing tricks! ”

Shouhe slowed down for a beat before the Nine Lamas woke up.

Seeing the huge water dragon that appeared in the desert, jump back and wave out with your right hand.

“The sand monster wrist is overwhelming!”

With the help of the terrain, Shouhe quickly condensed a huge arm.

The palm is spread out, like a bulldozer pushing along the ground to the water dragon.


The water dragon collided with the arm of sand.

The water-soaked sand continued to fall from the sky and finally piled up into a small slope.

“Your self-proclaimed first tailed beast, wouldn’t that be how it sneaked up on you!”

Retracting his hand, Shouhe was worried about the sneak attack of the Nine Lamas just now.

“What is a sneak attack! Do we have a referee for this one! Does anyone come to the start!

Since you don’t, you still ask for so much, do I still have to find you a mother! ”

The Nine Lamas raised their chins with their hands on their chests, looking like they were not strange.

Fighting with dragons, stealing a wave of damage from the other party before is a shame for hunters like me!

– Puxian, the head of the radiant Yanhuo Village

“I haven’t seen you for a while, what happened to you, how did you become so broken?”

Shouhe was frightened by the Nine Lamas like this.

It asked the doubts in the hearts of itself and the people watching the battle in the tailed beast space.

How pure that Nine Lamas were before.

See if you are not happy, go straight up and crack and beat.

It’s like this one in front of you, the fight is beaten, and the mouth is still screaming.

Has it risen from pure physical torture to both physical and mental torture?

“Huh! It’s really annoying! ”

Look at what the other person has to say.

Shouhe, who knew that he could not spray the Nine Lamas, wrinkled his face and clapped his hands on the ground.

“Sand Bond!”

In the next second, the desert began to shake.

One wave after another of sand continues to roll up.

Like the waves crashing on the shore, Naruto with a monstrous momentum continued to rush to Naruto in the center of the location with a disdainful face.


In the outer layer of the sand waves, where the nine lamas cannot see.

A black spell pattern similar to the pattern on Shouzuru’s body looms!

It! Shou Tsuru!

Today I vow to knock over the Nine Lamas, this forked cargo door!.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 80

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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