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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 81

At least two kilometers away from the battlefield, stand on floating sand and gravel made by Luo Sha.

Temari swallowed his saliva and didn’t look away, asking Ninji and Sasuke beside him a question.

“Are Naruto and I Aira fighting next, or the Nine Lamas and Shouhe?”

If it is a tailed beast, the two are still all in human form.

It’s just that the body is covered with a blood-red tailed beast coat.

She also recently saw Iroh use this trick.

If you want to say that it is a person, the scale of ninjutsu is exaggerated enough.

Water dragons in the desert, and sand hands that are three times thicker than before.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a move that normal humans can use.

Temari suddenly couldn’t tell the situation.

Sasuke and Ninji looked at each other.

Ning Ci shook his head, his attention obviously not focused on the battle ahead.

Sasuke nodded and stood up.

“The two of them are now all fighting by the tailed beast in the body controlling the body.”

“Isn’t it really the two of them?”

Temari muttered, relieved.

In the case of the tailed beast, this destructive power is understandable.

“If it were just this ‘eight-six-zero’ level of destruction, Naruto and I-Ai Luo would be able to do it. ”


In a word, Temari was silent again.

Hai Laozang and Luo Sha are fine.

One is the rich experience brought by age, which made him expect this scene.

One is that he has seen the strength of the incomplete Shouhe.

At this moment, the picture shown by the Nine Lamas and Shouhe is also acceptable.

Only Markey who was brought out, even if he experienced the chaos of the Konoha Naka Shinobi Exam.

In front of him, he still lost the ability to speak in the manifestation that could almost be called a natural disaster.

“So strong!”

Whether it’s Naruto/Nine Lamas, or I-Aira/Shouzuru’s strength.

It’s not at all that he, an ordinary upper ninja, is qualified to meddle in!

“Water is super big bursting water rushing wave vortex!”

Ahead, the shouts of the Nine Lamas shook the heavens and the earth.

A huge semicircular water prison appeared in this waterless place with yellow sand.

Taking advantage of the attention of the four of Sha Yin, they were all attracted in front.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows and walked to Ninji’s side, his voice suppressed to the point of almost inaudible.

“No abnormalities?”

“In my white eye range, I didn’t find a strange Chakra.”

Ning Ci replied in the same light voice.

Sasuke lowered his mouth unpleasantly.

But Naruto’s judgment, he and Ninji never doubted.

“Then continue to observe, don’t let your guard down!”

The moment the huge semicircular water dungeon appeared, Shouhe was still laughing at the innocence of the Nine Lamas.

“In the desert area, no matter how strong your water is, I can completely fill your water prison with sand!”

But the next second, the semicircular water prison that spun in place made its smile a little stiff.

Most of the sand that hit the surface of the water was bounced off.

A small half is integrated into the surface of the sphere rotating at high speed.

Let the blue surface of the original hemisphere water prison gradually dye a touch of yellow.

It’s not over yet!

The Nine Lamas standing in the center of the water prison had a hideous smile on their faces.

The hands that were originally folded in front of the chest hang down 90 degrees forward, and the tips of the middle fingers are aimed at the position of the crane, and they are pushed forward!

“Water Dragon Bites Burst!”

The swirling water ball soared into the sky and turned into a rising waterspout.

Eventually, it gathered into a huge water dragon with a bit of dark yellow on its head.

Surrounded by a circle of sandwaves that resemble petals.

The huge water dragon slammed straight into the position of the crane below.

“Use my sand to strengthen your water dragon lethality, and then hit me in turn? It’s a bit interesting. ”

Shouhe soon saw clearly the Nine Lama’s attack.

“The problem is, you can’t move at every turn, you are the Nine Tails, and you are not the turtle!”

A second before the water dragon crashed, Shouhe still had leisure to make a joke in the tailed beast space.


The impact of the giant water dragon hitting the sand surface made several people watching the battle in the air from afar feel the vibration.

Vast momentum, absolute destructive power.

It gives Markey a bit of a toothache!

Sasuke’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Ning Ci, who had been expressionless, had a slight change in his face!

The direction of the white eye’s gaze also shifted from the battlefield in front of him at a sixty-degree angle.

“With us as the center of ten o’clock, three kilometers away, there are Chakra fluctuations, very slight.”

Ning Ci’s voice was very soft, and there was also a little uncertainty.

Three kilometers is the limit distance after his white eye farsightedness improved with Naruto’s help.

The slight fluctuations found at the edge, he couldn’t be sure if there were really guests coming to the door.

It’s just the impact of the Nine Lamas’ moves. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sasuke glanced at him, calculated his position, and pressed the communication device around his neck to tell Ninji’s discovery to the Nine Lamas.

“Whether it is or not, tell him first and he will decide what to do next. We did everything we could, and that’s it. ”

“… How do you sound so skilled? Old churro in the workplace? ”

“It’s not forced by life…”

After an inexplicable conversation, the two fell silent together.

In the distance, a super large raccoon dog, about 50 meters tall and covered in spell prints, suddenly appeared.

It opened its mouth wide and let out a terrifying roar towards the Nine Lamas in front of it.


Sasuke and Ninji’s expressions suddenly stiffened, and the two looked at each other incredulously.

He turned his head to look at Shouzuru again.

“Is there a problem with my ears? I seem to have heard a cat barking just now? ”

“You said so, it doesn’t seem that my ears have auditory hallucinations.”

The expression on Ning Ci’s face was slightly dull, and Nene responded.

Although Shouzuru’s call is a little cute.

But its size and ferocity are not at all inferior to the cat owner who has been.

Sasuke and Ninji froze for a moment.

The angry Shouzuru raised his slap and slapped his round belly.

“Wind Escape Practice Air Bomb!”

A huge wind ball containing a large amount of chakra was spit out of the mouth by the Shouhe, aiming in the direction of the Nine Lamas………

The invisible and qualitative wind ball set off a wave of sand with straight marks in the empty desert.

After flying all the way to the distance, it flew high in the air and became a little flash in the sky.

Eyes pulled back to the battlefield.

The tailed beast coats half-tailed animalization and is completely tailed animalization

In the blink of an eye, the Nine Lamas transformed from Naruto to his own body.

The huge orange-red nine-tailed demon fox reappeared in this ninja world thirteen years later.

Nine slender and beautiful tails are constantly flying behind him.

It is a stark contrast to Shouhe’s big wobbly tail.

“It’s really the perfect human pillar force.”

Luo Sha, who saw this scene, was relieved.

Silently liked the idea that he had never been hostile to Naruto.

One tail of Shou Tsuru is so difficult, not to mention the nine-tailed who is known as the fiercest of the demon foxes.

“Chiyopo is still alive, it’s really the other party who left a big hand.”

And intentionally or unintentionally knocked on the sea old zo beside him.

Let him stop having any extra thoughts about Naruto.

“Now it seems, it is.”

Hai Laozang had also seen the strength of the two perfect people in Yunyin Village.

So he fully agreed with Luo Sha’s words.


“The guy who reported the news of my Ailuo and their return to the village to me and my sister hasn’t found any traces yet?”

Hai Laozang did not turn his head, and his eyes like black holes looked ahead and asked.

Luo Sha shook his head, “That guy seems to have suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly, and no Sand Shinobu has his impression. ”

Hai Laozang only nodded after hearing this.

“Then you have to be careful, since the other party can do this level, it is not difficult to do something.”

“Ah, I know!”

Luo Sha answered, and he naturally knew this.

This kind of guy who can come and go freely in Shayin Village is not to be underestimated

The gaze rested on Iroh.

Perfect human pillar force, 0.0 is fully qualified to take over the position of his own wind shadow.

Plus the support of himself, Chiyo and Kaizo …

It’s in the bag!

“So it is useless to say that the move that can’t hit people is no matter how beautiful it is!”

The Nine Lamas grinned widely, quickly rushed to Shouhe’s side and punched the other party in the face.

Say that if you hit your face in front of people, you will hit your face in front of people.

His Nine Lamas never broke his word!

Shouhe’s eyes, which had been tilted half of his head by a punch, lit up instead.

The tail flicked and was pumped on the waist of the Nine Lamas.

The dark purple incantation on his body moved down his tail to the Nine Lama.


The Nine Lamas were startled and just wanted to step back.

But he found that his hands and feet were entangled in sand and fixed in place, unable to break free for a while.

“I said, I have to tear that smelly mouth of yours!”

Shouzuru’s roar contained his resentment for thousands of years.

In the wide eyes of Naruto I Ai Luo and the others, Zhu Li, and Yu Isofu and other tailed beasts.

The crane with his head tilted slammed his head on the face of the Nine Lamas!

Suddenly, Venus flashed in my eyes!.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 81

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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