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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Loulan Ancient Kingdom, the power of the dragon vein!

Impulses come and go quickly.

It seems that he found that he could not force Naruto into immortal mode.

The desire in the body also disappeared in an instant.

However, the impulse is gone.

The sudden explosion of various energies in Naruto’s body also brought a lot of damage to the surroundings.

Sasuke and Ninji were blown out in an instant and smashed into the broken walls on the left and right.

The ground ahead may have fallen into disrepair, collapsing into a huge crater.

“Oh oh, in the Loulan records I saw in the library of Shayin Village, the underground dragon veins recorded really exist?”

Naruto stood at the edge of the crater and looked down, the first thing that caught his eyes was an abandoned tower.

“Dragon Vein? What is that? ”

Sasuke patted the dust off his body, leaned over, and also looked down.

Ning Ci stood beside him and also pricked up his ears.

Naruto didn’t explain what happened just now, and they didn’t ask more.

But the two were sure of one thing.

What Naruto is currently showing is far from full strength.

He definitely left more than one hand and two hole cards!

“Just let the two of you read a little more books on a regular basis, and don’t listen to me!” Now it’s okay, I don’t know anything, just ask me about this crane tail! You two are still the first in the school! ”

Naruto narrowed his eyes and looked at the two angrily.

“So, what is the Dragon Vein?” Ninji ignored Naruto’s Noye with a serious expression.

In the face of faceless guys, as long as they can be more faceless, then it will not be me who does not face!

This is the best way he and Sasuke have come up with to deal with Naruto, who gets sick from time to time!


Naruto didn’t expect Ninji’s attitude, and Sasuke also had a serious expression.

A layer of tailed beast coat appeared on his body suddenly bored, grabbing Ninji and Sasuke’s arms at the same time.

A pair of Chakra wings stretched out behind his back, and slowly flew down with the three of them.

“The Dragon Vein is the lifeblood of the earth, and it contains Chakra crystals that transcend the rest of the earth. To use a metaphor, it is similar in nature to the Greer vein, which is a magical natural energy… Natural energy? ”

Naruto remembered the inexplicable impulse that his body instinctively wanted to enter immortal mode just now.

Is it because of this dragon vein?

Oh, and when it comes to the Greer vein, just say a little more.

Before Naruto left the Sand Hidden Village, he used the Greer Stone Crystal in his hand to green the entire internal environment of the Sand Hidden Village.

The interior of Shayin Village, which was originally attacked by wind and sand all year round, is full of greenery.

And the underground conditions have also been changed to an environment suitable for the growth of oases.

In a word, the skin of the girls in the Sand Hidden Village of the Land of Wind was saved by Naruto Uzumaki!

On the evening of the day, if it weren’t for Luo Sha watching it deadly.

Maybe Temari, who was three years older, would let Naruto try the taste of holding gold bricks.

The orange Chakra-shaped bird descends to the bottom of the ruins.

The three walked along the old corridor.

Step inside a building that looks like an underground center.

The interior of the building in front is central.

There was a thin, slender-looking man who was writing and drawing in front of him in a sealing technique.

It’s like analyzing the structure of the technique.

Hearing the noise, he looked up and saw Naruto three, and he was startled.

“Who are you! How could it appear in this Loulan Ancient City’! ”

Naruto didn’t answer the other.

His gaze was focused on the seal in the center of the room.

The basic composition formula of the technique has traces of the Vortex Family Sealing Technique.

Moreover, the sealing technique that can safely seal the power of the dragon vein has brought Naruto a lot of inspiration in just a few glances.

Sasuke and Ninji saw that Naruto’s attention was all focused on the sealing technique, ignoring the stranger’s thoughts.

The two looked at each other, and finally Ning Ci stepped forward.

The last time it was Sasuke’s face, this time it was Ninji’s turn.

“We are a small tour group formed to visit and appreciate the characteristic attractions of mainland countries. Because I heard in Shayin Village that there are Loulan monuments here, I came to find out. ”

Well, that’s not a lie.

After all, the big boss among them, Naruto, isn’t it just to enjoy the scenery.

Just took their two bodyguards and buddies out the door… Oh, and the word bodyguard is debatable.

Hyakuzu glanced at Naruto, who had an extraordinary temperament.

He glanced at Sasuke and Ninji, who were obviously very capable of fighting.

After a slight silence, he nodded his head and showed a “kind” smile.

“Like you, I also came to visit the Loulan Ancient Kingdom. It’s just that after walking here, I found this somewhat special sealing technique, and I was curious, so I tried to analyze it. ”

“Yes, I don’t know what you analyzed, can you tell me?” It’s okay if you can’t, we don’t go out of our way to inquire into other people’s privacy. ”

Ninji glanced at Naruto and found that his attention was still focused on those sealing techniques.

After thinking about it, he added, “This employee of mine… Friends are interested in these strange seals. ”

Hyaku’s eyes lit up, and his right hand behind his back fell to his side, and a stiff smile appeared on his face.

“I came two days early, and I have to say that I did find some. If it’s convenient, I think we can join forces to analyze this sealing technique. ”

Ninji pretended not to notice the other party’s movements, turned towards Naruto, and bent his body slightly.

“Naruto, what do you think?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Naruto heard the voice, only then retracted his gaze and glanced at Hyakuji, then looked at Ninji and nodded.

The outdoor high-ranking divine dragon saw the demeanor of the head and tail was fully posed.

The hundred feet that have been pouring on this seal in the recent period have been flickered to maturity.

The remaining forty percent have his natural distrust of no one, and there is also the vigilance of the two sides who have just made contact.

But Naruto, who only wanted to know what the other party had researched, sixty percent, enough.

The two parties were so ghostly, and they knew that the other party had another purpose and began to cooperate.

Naruto’s sealing ability inherited from Uzumaki Jiu Shinna and Wave Feng Shuimen.

Within two days, he was lame with a hundred feet.

The more Naruto researched, the more convinced he became that this sealing technique was from the hand of Wave Feng Shuimen.

Unlike the Uzumaki Jiu Shinai, which is completely inherited from the ancestral sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

After learning the sealing technique from Jiu Xinnai, Bofeng Shui Men will often make alternative improvements according to different needs.

The simplest example is the gossip seal that Naruto’s stomach originally used to seal the Nine Tails.

Therefore, Naruto was equivalent to holding a textbook for an open-book exam.

Just give enough time to get him to give a perfect score.

But… Hyakuzu obviously didn’t think so.

After discovering that the sealing technique had been cracked.

He hadn’t thought about lifting this seal, so he was naturally ready to kill Naruto and them.

And, coincidentally, Naruto had the same idea.

After completely analyzing this sealing technique, he also felt that keeping this wretched guy was useless.

On the same day, the two sides decided to attack each other.


“Puppet Earth Puppet Hao Fireball!”

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

“Gossip empty palm!”

The two groups of people who set up the tent at both ends of the bridge had chakras fluctuating at the same time.

A fireball spit out by a puppet-style puppet!

The slowly rotating three-hook jade writing wheel is a huge fireball under the eyes!

The gossip empty palm under the white eyes with a little starry light under the eyes!

The three of them collided in the air with each other’s moves.

Under the thrust of the Bagua Empty Palm, the protruding fireball of the earth puppet was like a fly slapped by a fly, and it disappeared all of a sudden.

And the huge fireball that Sasuke spit out flew towards the tent where Hyakuzu was, igniting a raging fire.

“Not dead!”

Sasuke Ninji spoke in unison, and tacitly shifted his gaze at the same time.

Look at the hundred feet hanging upside down above the tent at the bottom of the corridor on the second floor.


Inside the burning tent, there is also a broken earth puppet.

It looks like the quality should be much better than the wooden puppet.

“Sharingan! Supercilious! You are, ninjas of Konoha! ”

After a few days of contact, it was enough to find out the identities of the other three for himself.

A wealthy young master who likes history and is good at sealing, and his two horse boys.

But the facts told him that they were all liars!

“No, it can’t drag on like this!”

Even these two bodyguards had an unexpected hand.

He couldn’t believe that Naruto was really just an ordinary young master.

If the other party did something about the sealing technique, wouldn’t his efforts be in vain!

“Puppet Earth Puppet Group Phoenix Immortal Fire!”

Hundred Foot took out the small scroll behind him, and as soon as he pulled it open, more than a dozen earth puppet puppets appeared psychically in the white smoke.

With his mouth open, a dense ball of careful flame shot out from it, striking towards the position of the three.

“Keep an eye on him!”

Ninji reminded Sasuke, holding two kunai in both hands, and rushed forward for a distance.

A large number of chakras were released from the acupuncture channels of his body, and the whole person rotated in place like a top.

“Baguazhang returns to heaven!”.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 83

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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