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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 85

“Naruto, you really look at the moon here again!”

Loulan Ancient Kingdom, the high tower where the queen lived

Princess Sara of Loulan with long crimson hair, unsurprisingly, found Naruto looking up at the moon by the terrace.

“Is that moon really that beautiful?”

The princess, who was not deeply involved in the world, did not understand the depth in Naruto’s eyes.

“yes, is that moon really that beautiful?”

Naruto’s voice was low and he asked himself, “Maybe there really is.” ”

“What?” Sara didn’t hear Naruto’s words clearly.

Observing left and right, she bit the corner of her mouth and cautiously approached Naruto, ~ walked to his side.

“It’s nothing, I’m just thinking, the starry sky in Loulan is quite beautiful. -”

Naruto retracted his gaze, his thoughts retracting from the drawings he saw in the passage of time.

Whether it was the Six Dao Immortals in the mouth of the Nine Tails, or the Kaguya-hime who fought against the Six Dao Immortals.

That’s all at this moment, he needs full firepower to be able to compete with the other party’s powerful existence.

“Liar! What you were just thinking about was not this at all. ”

Sara wrinkled her nose, smiled suddenly, and put her arm around Naruto to change the subject.

“Na, isn’t the future starry sky different from the current one?”

Two months ago, Naruto, who appeared in this world in the light of the dragon vein, was immediately surrounded by soldiers.

For what he said came from the future, neither the queen nor the ministers naturally believed it.

However, when Naruto easily broke through the encirclement of the soldiers, he did not hurt a single person.

And using the energy of the Greer Stone, it brought a green shade to Loulan that had been attacked by wind and sand for many years.

His identity instantly changed from a person of unknown origin to a benefactor of Loulan.

As for what he said is from the future… People with this ability will not lie to them in such places.

Especially when everyone discovered that Naruto was able to use Dragon Pulse Energy more easily than the Queen.

“Marry, Princess Sara is the right age!”

“Being able to easily use the power of the dragon vein, only tying him to Loulan’s chariot is the most stable.”

“And he is a very powerful ninja himself, staying in Loulan can greatly strengthen our self-defense ability!”


The above kind of words have recently begun to spread in Loulan.

As one of the objects of conversation, Sara naturally did not hear these words less.

Whether it is as the next Queen of Loulan or the girl herself, or the Loulan people who are blessed by Naruto.

Sara’s blush whenever she looked at Naruto’s face said it all.

“I’m going to leave here for a while in two days, so I will ask you two to take care of it.”

Naruto hugged the sister-like girl in his arms without a trace of evil thoughts.

Sasuke and Ninji didn’t know if they were affected by the dragon vein energy.

Since coming to this world, I have been in a coma.

The good news was that Naruto could sense that the eyes of the two were evolving at a high speed.

It is not far from breaking through to the next stage.

“When will you be back?” Sara pouted and asked with some reluctance.

She understood the meaning of Naruto’s words and would leave the two people who appeared with him in Loulan.

This shows that he is not gone forever.

“It should be soon, after all, I just went to see two people and asked them a few more questions.”

The complicated look on Naruto’s face flashed away.

Looking down to see Sarah’s pouting little expression, he stretched out his finger and poked the other person’s little cheek.

“In fact, it is not a complete departure, I will leave a doppelganger here, which is equivalent to being there all the time.”

After all, he wanted to leave Sasuke and Ninji behind.

Naruto can trust the Queen and Sara.

But he couldn’t fully trust the ministers of Loulan.

Konoha 46 years.

An era when the five powers of the Ninja Realm were calm on the surface, but in fact there was a dark tide.

An era close at hand from the Third Shinobi War.

After parting with Sara, Naruto had just walked out of Loulan not far when he encountered ninjas from both Sunahide and Konoha.

The vision that occurred when Naruto came to this world two months ago finally caught the attention of these two neighboring countries.

Luo Sha, Garulo, Ye Cang

Wave Feng Shuimon, Akimichi Dingza, Oil Girl Shiya

The six people who took off the mask turned their heads in unison and looked at the third party who suddenly appeared.

Naruto’s right leg, which was hanging in the air, swung and scratched his cheek, completely without the nervousness of being stared at by the six.

“How about I leave and you guys go on?” Asked by the way.

“Who are you! Why is it here! ”

When everyone was silent, Luo Sha was the first to ask out loud.

As for the reason, Naruto was standing at the moment… Sit on a block of sand suspended in the air.

This ability to control sand will only come from their Sand Hidden Village.

However, after looking at Karuro and Hakura, Rasa learned that the two of them, like themselves, had never seen Naruto’s face in the village of Sunahi.

People who did not belong to Shayin Village made the control of Shayin Village quit school.

And appeared in this desert that has been uninhabited for many years.

Luo Sha’s inner vigilance rose against Naruto.

Naruto’s gaze paused on Karu, my Iro’s mother, and turned to Hakura again.

This pure and big grudge seed who was sold by the high-level of Shayin in the record was glaring at himself at this moment.

Thinking of the other party’s final result, Naruto shook his head and leaned back against the backrest that rose in the middle of the sand.

The top of the backrest extends a distance horizontally in front of it, blocking out all the sunlight above.

“Who am I? If you have to ask for a name, Naruto Uzumaki. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Vortex… Naruto! ”

Akimichi Dingza and Oil Girl Shiya subconsciously looked at the wave feng shui gate in front of the team.

They all know the name of the wife who has not yet passed the door, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai.

Rather, the development of the two was carried out under the attention of their peers.

But what they didn’t know at the moment was that the shock in Bofeng Shuimen’s heart at the moment was not at all what they imagined.

It is a surprise for the survivors of the Uzumaki clan who met his wife.

“Naru… Person? ”

The same blonde hair and eyes as himself, and a face similar to Jiu Xinnai.

From the novel of Jiraiya-sensei, he gave his future child the name.

And his soul that trembled faintly the moment he saw each other.

Ninjas were supposed to only believe what they saw, but Hakafeng Shuimen just wanted to believe what he felt at the moment.

Plus the materials found in the Konoha Library before the mission departed.

The power of Loulan’s dragon vein seems to be hidden incredible, involving the power of time and space.


Wave Feng Shuimon looked at Naruto sitting on the sand, stepped forward two steps, and shouted out.

“Is that you!”

As Konoha’s senior shinobi, Wave Feng Shuimon should not have let feelings control his actions.

But, but ah…

An inexplicable question that left the other five except him and Naruto scratching their heads.

It may really be like Xiangphos said, because it was lacking when I was a child, so when I grew up, I always wanted to make up for myself in this regard.

The dragon sisters of the previous life and the knight sisters of the royal capital will not talk about it for the time being.

After opening his eyes in this life, from Xiaonan to Tsunade, from Kaguyahime in the passage of time and space to Karura and Hakura in front of him.

Naruto, who was squinting and torturing his heart, heard the question of the wave feng shui gate, and finally opened his eyes and turned his gaze to his position.

As for the question asked by the other party.

Stretching out his right hand and spreading his palm, a blue chakra ball appeared above Naruto’s palm.

“Ah, it’s me.”

The two looked at each other, speechless.

“Spiral pill!”

Bofeng Shuimen no longer has any doubts.

He was sure that Naruto in front of him was his future child!

“Who is Your Excellency! Why is it here! ”

Luo Sha, who had been observing this side of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, was a little uneasy after seeing the change in his face.

The situation on the field is already walking on thin ice, maintaining a fragile balance.

If Naruto really belonged to Konoha’s side, it would not be good news for the three of them.

“Didn’t I say, I’m Naruto Uzumaki. If you’re going to talk about identity…”

“Naruto, can’t say more! Any move you make now has the potential to change the flow of the future! ”

Seeing that Naruto wanted to reveal his identity, Bofeng Shuimen hurriedly spoke up to stop him.

What greeted was Naruto’s smiling expression.

“Even in a few years, you and Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai will die at the hands of the Nine Lamas, the Nine Tails?”

“…… Huh? ”

It seemed that the news was too shocking, and Bofeng Shuimen lost the ability to think for a moment.

“Placer gold shuriken!”

Luo Sha is worthy of being an elite Shinobi cultivated by Shayin Village according to the next generation of wind shadows.

In the moment when the wave feng shui gate lost his mind, his hands were sealed.

In the next second, a crowd of placer gold shurikens filled the sky, shooting towards the trio of Konoha below.

“Sorry, I can’t let you kill him yet.”

A huge sand wall rose up to protect the three of Bofeng Shuimen behind, blocking the sandgold shuriken above.

On the sand, Naruto was stretching out his left hand, his palm aimed at the position of the wave feng shui gate.


Hakura walked out from Karura’s side, raised his sword fingers in front of him, and looked at Naruto.

Naruto, who protected the three of Konoha, was undoubtedly their enemy of Suna.

“If you think so.”

Naruto lowered his hand, and the wall of sand in front of him scattered with it.

“The hero of the sand that will die soon, Miss Hakura.”

The sword fingers on Hakura’s chest trembled, and he looked at Naruto incredulously.

“I… Will it die? ”

Anyone who hears the news that he will die, whether true or not, cannot remain calm for the first time.

This is true of the wave feng shui gate opposite, and the same is true of the current Ye Cang.

“Ye Cang, calm down! Don’t be fooled by the other person! ”

Luo Shagang wanted to persuade Ye Cang, but Naruto’s voice sounded again from not far away.

“Well, by the way, in order to make up for the attack that blocked you just now, Your Excellency the fourth generation Wind Shadow in the near future, I will also give you a message.”

Naruto seemed to be afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and shifted his gaze from Hakura’s tempting mochi to Rasha’s dead face.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 85

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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