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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 90

“Guian, Mr. Zi and Mr. Big twenty years ago.”

In the Ichiraku noodle shop, Naruto put down the chopsticks in his hand and wiped his mouth.

Jiraiya, who was sitting on the left, had been looking at him since he entered the store.

But the big snake pill on the right is still tasteful, and I know that I can’t disturb the boss to make money ~ bowl ramen.

“Are you really from twenty-ten years later?”

Jiraiya touched his chin and looked at Naruto from top to bottom for the twelfth time.

He had been to the hospital before, and he had seen the misery of Shimura Danzo and the death of a group of dark and root ninjas.

If there was no latter, only the former, Jirai might have come to Naruto with a toast.

For those three old guys who don’t do personnel, he has long been unhappy.

“However, since everyone is from Konoha, are you a little too heavy on the Dark Ninja?”

The death of the stalwart in the twenty or thirty is no less than being slashed at Konoha.

Naruto took the cup that he handed over and poured himself a glass of water.

As for Jiraiya’s question, he only had three sentences to answer.

“First of all, I didn’t mess with anyone.

Secondly, I didn’t mess with anyone.

In the end, I didn’t mess with anyone. ”

“… What do you mean? ”

Jiraiya watched Naruto pick up the water cup and take a sip himself, and squeezed the air with his left hand raised in mid-air.

Naruto didn’t answer Jiraiya’s question this time.

He took out an experiment log and quickly flipped through the pages, looking at the data on it that he had memorized.

“What a fool, Toad.”

After eating the bowl of noodles and pouring himself a glass of water, Orochimaru’s gaze rested on the handwriting on the cover of the log book in Naruto’s hand.

“If I didn’t guess correctly, this is the journal I wrote in the future.”

Orochimaru out of analysis of his own personality.

The fact that this log can appear in Naruto’s hands shows that his relationship with his future self is at least not bad.

“That’s right, this is the experiment log from Mr. Shi Tai’s laboratory.”

Naruto turned the last page, confirmed that the data on it was remembered correctly, and closed the book.

“Twenty years ago, Mr. Big, how about we make a deal?”

“What do you want, Naruto?!”

The big snake pill had not yet spoken, and he was the first to ask out loud.

Seeing this, the big snake pill’s brows were instantly twisted together, and his face showed dissatisfaction.

But after seeing that Naruto did not answer Jiraiya’s question, but kept looking at himself and waiting for an answer, his expression eased a lot.

“What do you want?” Orochimaru asked in a hoarse and soft voice.

To say that he wasn’t interested in the log in Naruto’s hand was a lie.

Naruto thought for a moment, “I want you to be the teacher of the two children of Wave Feng Shui Gate and Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai. ”

Whether or not the two of them will die because of that mask man.

Naruto Uzumaki, who has three Shinobi Orochimaru as his teacher, must have become stronger than himself.

“Hey, don’t you know I’m your father’s teacher! Why let this stinky snake be your teacher! ”

Jiraiya knocked the table twice, drawing both Naruto and Orochimaru’s attention.

“I, one of the three ninjas, the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain, don’t I have that qualification to be your teacher!”

“Mr. Konoha, let me correct the three mistakes in your words first.”

Naruto ignored Jiraiya’s shouting “It’s a toad fairy, not a lecherous fairy” and said politely.

“The first point is that you are the teacher of this world’s wave feng shuimen, but this world’s wave feng shui men is not my father, please pay attention to these most basic relationships.”

“Second, I naturally proposed to make Mr. Big the enlightenment teacher of Naruto Uzumaki in this world after careful consideration, because I believe that no one in Konoha Village will do a better job than Mr. Big when it comes to educating people.”

“Third, my personal experience of living alone in Konoha for twelve years without seeing the self-husband side of that world proves that the so-called qualifications in your mouth are indeed questionable.”

“To sum up, Mr. Big, what do you think of this deal?”

Naruto turned and looked at Orochimaru on the other side, placing the log book in his hand on the table in front of him.

Orochimaru tapped his finger twice on the book and chuckled, “Are you my disciple in that world?” ”

He liked the calm nature shown by Naruto in front of him.

And the fun-loving, impulsive red bean are completely two sexes.

If I had such a disciple, it would be very interesting.

“It’s only half, in terms of experiments.”

Naruto scratched his cheeks, acknowledging for the first time the tacit but unspoken relationship between himself and Orochimaru.

Otherwise, I can’t bring out the experimental log of the big snake pill.

“No matter what happens after that, at least I promise you that this deal will be completed.”

Orochimaru nodded and accepted the log book, which also marked his agreement to the deal with Naruto. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It seems that being a teacher of four generations of Hokage children is also a good choice.

As for whether Wave Feng Shuimen and Vortex Jiu Xinnai will agree…

What does his deal with Naruto Uzumaki have to do with their parenthood.


Jiraiya looked up sharply and saw the almost identical smile on Naruto’s and Orochimaru’s faces.

Orochimaru’s words just now almost made it clear that Naruto had not settled today’s matter!

“Naruto-sama, I doubt your decision.”

In the Konoha Council Hall, Uchiha Tomichu was the first to refuse Sarutobi’s order with his arm in his arms.

“You also saw what the boy did just now at Konoha’s door.

Don’t forget, the dead corpses of the Dark and Root Ninja are still in the hospital.

In this case, you still want to attack the other party, do you think that Konoha’s loss today is not big enough! ”

He was originally at home waiting for Naruto to come to the door after dark.

As a result, he was called here by the ape flying sun, and asked to take down each other with all the families.

Not to mention how many people it would take to deal with a perfect person.

Even if they really take Naruto, what can they get from the Uchiha clan?

Over the years, the upper echelons of Konoha have not squeezed out Uchiha.

Although the three accomplices have already entered the hospital, the biggest culprit is still sitting in front!

The ape flying sun chop played with a brand new pipe and did not light it.

After hearing Uchiha Fuchu’s words, he raised his head to look at everyone.

“After Watergate’s confirmation, the boy named Naruto Uzumaki is from the world twenty years later.

So he also had in his mind all kinds of major events that happened in the ninja world in the next twenty years.

Coupled with the identity of the opponent’s human pillar force, controlling him is definitely beneficial to Konoha. ”

“As for the casualties you mentioned, this is indeed the dereliction of duty of me, the Hokage.

But as long as we hold each other in our hands, it will be enough to make up for Konoha’s loss today! All for Konoha! ”

As for whether there is the idea of avenging an old friend mixed in, it is a matter for the wise to see.

“Why not try to get intelligence through communication?”

Shikamaru’s grandfather, the contemporary patriarch of the Nara clan, pinched the sideburns on his forehead and asked.

He also hesitated and even opposed to the three generations’ desire to use force to take Naruto down.

But he could also see that the ape flying sun slash had fallen into a demon to some extent.

The serious injuries of the three Shimura Danzo and the death of most of the dark and root ninjas made Sarutobi fall deeper and deeper on the way to revenge.

“And with the friendship between Watergate and Jiu Xinnai, even if the two sides can’t get along, it won’t develop into a village situation again.”

The current patriarch of the Akimichi family squinted his eyes and whispered, but in exchange for the mountain patriarch pulling his sleeves.

“Stupid, don’t say this at this time!”

His gaze turned to Ape Flying Sun, and the new pipe in his hand with a gloomy face was squeezed out of several cracks.

“The other party’s cruel killing of the ninja of the Dark Root and the cruel methods of the three elders hidden by the Shimura group are enough to show that he is not an object of peaceful communication.”

Not to mention at all that it was the four of them who had bad ideas and made Naruto’s hand first.

Ape Fei Ri glanced at the broken pipe in his hand, threw the fragment on the table, and raised his voice.

“The big snake pill and Zilai have already contacted each other first.

After waiting for their signal, the Uchiha clan, the Yamanaka clan and the Kurama clan made the first move, making sure to disrupt each other’s chakra fluctuations in an instant!

My only request is to beat the other party to death until he completely loses the ability to resist without killing him. “。

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 90

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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