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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 93

A great man surnamed Zhou once said: If there is no accident, I am afraid that something will happen.

Even after entering 3202, this one, or two broken stems, is still enduring.

Naruto/Nine Lama’s tailed beast Tongya was transferred less than a hundred meters by the Wave Feng Shui Gate who happened to arrive using the Flying Thunder God Technique a second before he killed the ape flying sun slash.

It’s not that he didn’t want to move the attack to an open field outside the village.

Naruto, who can also fly the Thunder God Technique and turned on the Immortal Mode, used the Dragon Pulse Chakra to fix the space around him as soon as he discovered the appearance of the Water Gate.

To be able to be transferred by the wave feng shui gate for a hundred meters, you have to praise his superb flying thunder god technique.

“But does it make sense? How many times can you use Flying Thunder God to transfer me? ”

Naruto looked down and looked at the panting Wave Feng Shui Gate at his feet and asked.

Bofeng Shui Men propped his right hand on the tree, looked up, and looked at Naruto through the eyes of the Nine Lamas.

“I will stop you, even if it costs me my life.”

“Naruto… Jun, let’s leave, leave Konoha, go anywhere. Jiu Shinna also persuaded in Naruto’s arms.

Her words silenced Naruto for a moment and shook his head, “There is no second time. ”

During the day at the gate of Konoha Village, he had already let Sarutobi go once because of Jiu Shinnai’s intercession.

“Both battles were your first hands, with bad intentions, and no attempt to use communication.”

Letting go of his hand, Naruto turned his gaze to Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Sarutobi who jumped to the side of the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

“All good things have been taken up by you, if you want to fight, you can fight if you can’t say no!”

“So, how are you going to stop?”

Jiraiya stood up and asked, the look on his face getting closer and closer to the toad’s face.

Naruto glanced at the Feng Shui Gate and muttered, “One condition, let me kill the culprit.” ”

As for who this culprit is —

The four people on the field, including Jiu Xinnai, looked at the ape flying sun chop in unison.

Whether it was the shot against Naruto at Konoha’s doorway or on the current training ground, it was the third generation of Hokage who finally decided.

“Impossible! We can’t agree to this request of yours! ”

Jiraiya was the first to speak out and refuse Naruto’s conditions.

If the shadow of Ichimura died because of the threat of others, they Konoha simply disbanded.

The huge nine-tailed body slowly shrank in the eyes of the approaching ninjas.

Naruto, who was golden all over and had pink eyeshadow at the corners of his eyes, appeared in front of everyone.

Behind him, Jiu Xinnai’s expression was equally surprised.

The Nine Tails in her body made it clear that Naruto’s current golden body pattern would only appear after he and the Nine Lamas had a heart-to-heart connection.

And among the nine tailed beasts, only the nine tails have this ability.

“Come out and mix, if you have a mistake, you have to admit it. Be beaten upright. ”

Naruto turned into a golden streamer and rushed straight ahead of the three people, his cold voice echoing in everyone’s ears.

“Since the three generations of Hokage have made their choice, then no matter how good or bad the outcome is, they should bear it themselves, shouldn’t they’!”

“But so many people have already died, why are you still holding on so tightly!”

Zi Lai also relied on the immortal mode’s physical quality bonus, and a small jump blocked the ape flying sun’s side.

Facing Naruto’s fist, he gritted his teeth and crossed his hands in front of him and took it hard.


Footsteps made footprints on the ground.

It wasn’t until his back broke a tree more than one meter thick that he stopped retreating.

Naruto withdrew his punch posture and looked at Jiraiya.

“It’s strange when the abuser is qualified to put on a grievance face and ask the victim to give an attitude of forgiveness.”

Why didn’t he think about it, if Naruto didn’t have the ability to do this, what would be the result of encountering today’s situation.

It won’t be easier to think than to die.

“Just because you are dead and I am not even injured, I think I should let you go.”

Where does this truth come from? Don’t you feel blushing yourself when you say this? ”

Naruto’s nine tails turned into nine palms, and the palm lit up with the light of a spiral pill.

Looking at the ape flying sun, his voice was flat as usual, “You die, today’s matter ends here.” ”


Jiraiya wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and blocked in front of the three generations, watching Naruto’s words chisel.

No ninja would ever watch the shadow of his village die in front of him.

“But how do I remember that the second-generation Hokage Senju died at the hands of the Golden and Silver Horn brothers in Yunyin Village in order to save his disciples?”

Naruto choked on a word, and he was speechless.

“That’s because the second generation of adults believes in the third generation of adults, so they will pin their hopes for the future on the third generation of adults!”

Orange eye shadow appeared at the corner of Bofeng Shuimen’s eyes, standing side by side with Jiraiya.

As if a decision was made, the whole person became relaxed.

“Teacher, I’ll leave it to you after that!”

The Flying Thunder God was restrained by the other party, and the amount of Chakra was not comparable to Naruto who was a human pillar force.

All that Bofeng Shui Men could think of was the ultimate meaning of the Vortex family.

“The Sealing Technique Ghoul is sealed, right!”

Naruto said the only option that Wave Feng Shuimon had at the moment.

“It seems that you also know this trick, so can I ask you to leave Konoha now?”

After hearing Naruto’s words, Bofeng Shuimon smiled wryly and made another request.

Naruto’s eyes did not fluctuate and there was no answer.

Bo Feng Shuimen smiled bitterly, and his hands quickly sealed on his chest.

He saw that the only way to save the three generations was to take Naruto and his wrath with his own life.

“Sealing Ghoul Seal!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hedgehog head, two sharp horns on the top of the head, large white loose robe, and a dagger in his mouth.

The blue soul of the Wave Feng Shui Gate was tightly tied to the chest position by the other party.


Jiu Xinnai and Zilaiya and the others looked at such a decisive and decisive water gate, and exclaimed one by one.

The wave feng shui gate that uses this trick will definitely die!

Naruto glanced sideways at Kushina behind him.

The sadness on the other person’s face made Naruto feel as if he was the bad guy.

“From beginning to end, I was just asking for justice for myself.”

The figures of the two instantly turned into two golden streamers and disappeared from the place.

The sound of metal clashing constantly resounded on the training ground, which had been blown into ruins.

“Naruto, it’s still too late for you to stop! As long as you promise not to hurt Naruto-sama again, I will put away this technique immediately!” ”

The sound of the Wave Feng Shui Gate echoed over the entire training ground.

A scoff ensued by Naruto, “You seem to be able to keep up with my speed.” ”

Naruto, who was entangled with the Wave Feng Shui Gate, flew up and kicked him away for a distance.

Taking advantage of the gap where the other party adjusted the balance of his body, Naruto stopped entanglement, turned around and threw a kunai at the ape flying sun below.

“Immortal Shuriken Shadow Doppelgänger Art!”

In the blink of an eye, the thrown shuriken shadow turned into tens of thousands of shurikens.

Completely covered the area around the two of Ape Flying Sun Chopper and Jiraiya below.

“Immortal Hair Needle Thousand Books!”

“Earth Dragon Bomb! Fire Dragon Bomb! Compound Ninja Earth Dragon Flame Flow Technique! ”

Not to be outdone, Jiraiya and Sarutobi used their fastest and widest range of ninjutsu to fight back.

For a moment, there was a thunderous explosion sound in the middle of Naruto and the two.

In mid-air, Naruto steadied his body, looked down, and his pupils shrank.

“Naruto-sama, watch out for the back!”

Naruto’s figure was already standing behind the ape flying sun.

And Ape Flying Sun Chopper still maintained the posture of performing ninjutsu at the moment, and there was no time to make any response.

Not surprisingly… Forget it, this broken terrier will not be used for the time being.

“Immortal Spiral Pill!”

At the moment when Naruto reached out to press the spiral pill on the back of the ape flying sun.

Jirai, who didn’t need to seal his hands, also threw a kunai in the direction of Naruto.

“Ku Wu!”

Naruto’s eyes rolled before he saw that the specially made Flying Thunder God was bitter, and his eyes were blurry.

The next moment, Wave Feng Shui Gate held the technique Ku Wu in his left hand, and the spiral pill in his right hand also pressed towards Naruto’s chest.

“Flying Thunder God Second Stage! Immortal Spiral Pill! ”

The two high-spinning ultra-density Chakra balls containing the Immortal Chakra hit their respective targets without hindrance.

The ape flying sun slash and the golden body Naruto’s body showed a ninety degree angle at the same time, and flew out in two different directions.

“Teacher! Save three generations! ”

After shouting, Wave Feng Shuimon rushed in the direction Naruto flew out again.

With the ghoul seal, he doesn’t have much time left!

Following a long trail on the ground that had been ploughed out, Wave Feng Shuimon found Naruto who had fallen to the ground and had not yet gotten up.

It seems that Chuck (Li Yuhao) in his body was destroyed by the fairy spiral pill to pull the meridians, making Naruto unable to move for a short time.

“Sorry, Naruto, I was just for Konoha!”

Wave Feng Shuimon held Naruto’s shoulders with both hands.

After the God of Death, who was still in place, wrapped the red bead he was holding in his left hand around his wrist, he reached out and probed the back of the soul body of the Wave Feng Shui Gate in his arms.


Wave Feng Shuimon snorted, looked down, and saw the Shinigami’s hand sticking out from his chest position against Naruto’s chest.

One grip, one pull.

A pale golden soul body was pulled out of Naruto’s body by the Shinigami.

“What’s going on?!”

Bofeng Shuimen watched incredulously as the hand of death froze in mid-air after pulling the golden soul body halfway out.

It is completely different from the record in the data of the Vortex family that the Grim Reaper will extract the entire soul body and seal it into the caster’s body.

“Probably because Death also knows that he is almost going to offend a guy he can’t afford to offend.”

Naruto’s closed eyes as he was lying on the ground suddenly opened, and his tone sounded very relaxed.

“Sure enough, as I felt, I had the soul of another powerful guy in my body.”

And through the passage of time and space, those pictures of ancient times.

Naruto also guessed how interesting the origin of that soul was.

“Asura, the second son of the ninja ancestor Rokudō Immortal Otsuki Hai.”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 93

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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