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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 94

The first time Naruto sensed that something was wrong was the moment he sealed the newborn Silver Dragon into his body, becoming the only ancient dragon pillar force in the past.

Physical strengthening is a matter of course.

But as his mental power grew, Naruto felt more and more that something was affecting his perception and judgment.

The most obvious example is in the previous royal capital, when Naruto took a knife to extinguish the princely family that secretly attacked Sister Huoya and Sister Shui Yun.

He actually found himself thinking about understanding the other party’s position! Forgive the actions of those who have caused them!

And he never softened him in battles with dragons, and his hands trembled when cutting people!

At that moment, Naruto was one hundred percent sure that there was definitely something wrong with his brain,

And the problem is likely to appear in the mind, spirit or soul.

It was when Naruto saw Orochimaru reincarnate, summoning the three ancestors of Hokage, who had been dead for many years.

The Chakra of the Wave Feng Shui Gate that was sealed by him in Naruto’s body jumped a little after the fourth generation of Hokage walked out of the coffin.

Although there was no direct connection, Naruto believed that there was a little problem with his soul at that moment.

Plus what was seen from the time-space passage of the power of the dragon vein, the farce of those big barrel wood families.

“Without that experience in the hunter world, I think my original fate trajectory would have been like the arrangement of Wave Feng Shuimen.

Relying on the soul of Asura and the power of the Nine Lamas, become the savior of the ninja world when the little sunspot is in trouble. ”

“It’s a pity, I don’t have the idea of going down according to your design, whether it’s the savior of the ninja world of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, or the brotherly war of Asuras.”

Naruto rolled his eyes downwards and seemed to see the summoned Shinigami behind him through the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

Feeling that the other party stopped the movement of the soul of the outer pull Asura and Naruto, who was also prepared for this, silently shouted 697 in his heart.

“Nine Lamas!”

“Leave it to me!”

The receding nine-tailed golden body pattern lit up again.

Naruto’s nine tails pressed against the whole body of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, pushing him back.

For a moment, the golden soul body that was originally half outside was pulled out again, leaving only the part below the knee remaining in Naruto’s body.

Realizing that he seemed to have caused a catastrophe, the God of Death was just about to let go, and Bo Fengshuimen’s body retreated again and again.

Before the Shinigami could move, the entire golden soul body was pulled out of Naruto’s body by him.

“…”If he could speak, he would definitely want to curse.

At this point, the God of Death could only bite the bullet and swallow the golden soul into his stomach along with the soul of the water gate according to the square development method.

Then wait for the big guy to come to the door.

“Sorry, I can’t let you swallow the soul of Asura into my belly yet.”

A purple height of more than twenty meters fell from the sky.

Attached to the body of the wave feng shui gate and the golden soul, he raised his knife and cut the outstretched hand of the god of death in two.

The Grim Reaper, who was still in place, did not even swallow the soul of Watergate, and ran directly away with a puff of smoke.

As long as he is not pursued by the big guy, it is his victory!

As if attracted, the golden soul body slowly floated towards Naruto, as if it wanted to merge with him again.

Naruto, who was still on the ground and did not get up, slapped his hands on his chest!

“Dragon breeds me even a dragon!”

The golden light of the nine-tailed golden body dimmed down.

Instead, pink crystal butterflies kept flying out of his body, wrapping Naruto in a huge cocoon.


At the water gate, “Sasuke”, who scattered Susano, and the ninjas of Konoha who rushed to the (biba) side, suddenly heard the sound of a clear and audible heartbeat.

In the silence, the time for a cup of tea passed quietly.

Zi Lai also stood up with Bofeng Shuimen, just wanted to say something.

It was as if the roar of a ferocious beast from ancient times penetrated from inside the cocoon.


The giant crimson wings with golden hooks and claws at the tip unfolded, and the noble, elegant and intimidating heroic posture of Jue Yinlong appeared in front of everyone.

The golden soul body spun around twice in the air, fluttering closer to the kaleidoscopic daisy eyes… Writing wheel eye “Sasuke” besides.

Even in a state of unconsciousness, Asura smelled the smell of his old man and brother.

“A powerful existence that can catalyze the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye to a kaleidoscope, plus a soul that is even more powerful than Asura … Six Dao Immortals? ”

The dragon turned his head sideways, and his pink eyes reflected the soul figure of the old man behind Sasuke.

He has two horns on his head, coffee-colored hair, a white coat, and six black jade-like patterns on his chest.

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the powerful eyes possessed by the legendary ancestor Uchiha!”

Uchiha Fuqiu originally hid in the crowd and paddled all the time.

After hearing Naruto’s voice, and seeing Sasuke’s pair of chrysanthemums with his own eyes… After writing the wheel eye.

He almost couldn’t contain the excitement in his heart, and he was about to rush out to question how the other party had further evolved Sangouyu’s eyes.

If it weren’t for the dragon species Naruto mentioning the name left on the stone tablet of the clan ancestral hall Nanga Shrine.

“Six Dao Immortals!”

“Even without my catalysis, this child’s chakra eye would have been promoted to the kaleidoscope level in a short period of time.”

“Sasuke,” or rather the voice of the Six Paths Immortal Otsuki Yue said calmly.

It was also admitted from the side that it was indeed he who catalyzed the three-hook jade that had not yet completely evolved to the level of a kaleidoscope.

As for the golden soul body floating around him, it turned into a golden soul ball floating in the palm of his left hand.

In contrast, in the palm of the right hand is a purple soul ball.

“So, the ninja god who has secretly observed the ninja world for a thousand years, and also watched his two children fight for a thousand years, why is he here?”

The crimson silver dragon waved its wings and swept all the surrounding trees into powder.

Lying down on the spot, his pink eyes stared at the Six Dao Immortals, waiting for him to give an answer.

Instead of answering Naruto’s question, the Six Paths Immortal asked his own doubts.

“… How do you know these things? ”

It stands to reason that these secrets, except for Hamura and Kurojie, who are also the sons of Kaguya, should not be known by a third person. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Of course the planet itself told me.”

Naruto answered the six immortals’ question very crisply.

Like the Greer Stone, the power of the Dragon Vein is a unique ability of the planet itself.

Unlike natural energy, after being “formatted” by the Ten Tails, it becomes a chakra that can be easily used.

The special abilities of Greer energy, dragon vein energy, and death prophecy still maintain their own characteristics before the Otsuki family came to this planet.

And the power of the dragon vein, which has the ability to disrupt time and space, is under the action of the planet’s own consciousness.

Everything that has happened in the past thousand years since Kaguya and Otsuki came to this world has told Naruto the only special existence in thousands of years.

Including the struggle between Kaguya and Ishiki, the struggle between Kaguya and Hajihamura, between Indra and Asura, and the struggle between their soul reincarnations.

And as long as it echoes the power of the dragon vein, the current Naruto can detect everything that has happened to this planet since its birth at any time and space.

Or go back in time within a certain range of times.

This is also Naruto’s greatest confidence in daring to let Wave Feng Shui Gate use ghouls on himself.

As a dragon, he has the blessing of the power of the dragon vein, and he can kick the wave feng shui gate at any time.

“In that case, then you should also know about the mother on the moon, why did you specifically seal the soul of the Asura ?”

The Six Dao Immortals pondered for a moment, then believed the reason Naruto gave.

The simplest truth is that the other party and themselves are of the same level of existence.

Naruto didn’t have to make up these ridiculous reasons on purpose.

Naruto couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw that the Six Dao Immortals would actually be puzzled by this question.

“I’m not like you. Maybe your personality will be happy to let the Toad Pill guy influence judgment and decisions.

But I definitely don’t allow someone to be in my ear all the time telling me what to do and what not to do! ”

If you kill a few scumbags, you will be told to ask your subordinates to show mercy and be considerate of others.

Then all Naruto can do is to give the scum to God to forgive along with the man who is chanting in his ear.

“Forgive them for what Buddha does, and all I have to do is send them to Buddha!”

Do not persuade others to be good without suffering from others, and if you suffer from me, you may not have my goodness!

Naruto admired those who were born with great kindness and could forgive even enemies who killed their father, mother, master, and friend.

It is acceptable for him to repay virtue with virtue, but to complain directly?

Brains are broken, you!

“One day my mother will make a comeback and appear in the ninja world.

At that time, the power of the sealing technique Yang that can only be performed with the soul of Asura is the necessary power to reseal the mother. ”

Seeing that Naruto answered so firmly, the Six Dao Immortals pressed their eyebrows, patiently persuading him.

He had seen so many generations of Asura reincarnated, and Naruto was the most special one.

No wonder, for thousands of years, only Naruto has been recognized by the planet’s own consciousness.

Naruto’s gaze crossed the Six Immortals and the Wave Feng Shui Gate and looked at Uzumaki Shinnai, who was standing alone on the other side of the crowd.

“Let’s not say that I didn’t stop you from collecting the soul of Asura and gave you the opportunity to let him parasitize on others.

Six Dao Immortals, Otsuki Yuyi, from my point of view, no matter what the reason, it is absolutely not advisable to seal your mother with your own hands.

Not to mention that you hadn’t even spoken to Kaguya before making this decision, asking her why she did it even once! ”

It’s not that the Six Dao Immortals and his brother are wrong to save the world and stop Kaguya.

It’s just that Naruto, who has been an orphan since childhood, was, or even now, part of his heart longs for family affection and parents.

The Six Dao Immortals directly sealed Kaguya-hime’s behavior without asking anything, but it seemed to be a mockery of Naruto’s deepest desire!

This makes him unacceptable!

So much so, facing this ninja ancestor.

Naruto also endured a lot of patience to be able to talk calmly with the other party about the present.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 94

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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