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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 95

The words are not speculative for more than half a sentence.

After Naruto turned over the hole card and drove the Asura soul out, he had no worries at the moment.

The noble and elegant dragon was lying on the ground at this moment, lazily yawning and yawning, and a cloud of pink smoke spewed out from the end of its nose.

“If there is no problem with Your Excellency the Six Dao Immortals, please return this body to Sasuke Uchiha.”

The eyes of some of the people present faintly looked at the ape flying sun.

His father, Sarutobi Sasuke, is a true ninja who is quite famous in Konoha and can be admired by Uchiha.

The Six Dao Immortals were silent for a while, shook their heads, and raised their hands to signal the two soul balls of one gold and one purple in their palms

“Without the soul power of Asura and Indra, there is no way for you to seal her to the moon again in the face of the Mother who has returned.

At that time, everyone in the ninja world will ~ become her weapon. ”

“If we can’t do it, then it only means that we deserve to die!”

Naruto’s voice was visibly depressed and irritated, and the pink feathers on the front of the incarnated ancient dragon’s chest – also flickered

Hearing that the big tube of wood feather sealed his mother one by one, he really wanted to try to seal the other party for a thousand years!

“Or you can also ask Sasuke if he wants to accept the souls of the two of you on your hands.” I don’t mind and don’t block it. ”

Six Dao Immortals: “…”

It was because he knew that Sasuke would not agree to do this that he had been persuading Naruto to accept the Asura soul.

As long as Naruto agreed, Sasuke would naturally pinch his nose to accept the Indra soul.

But the Six Dao Immortals were unwilling to give up just like that, and tried to continue to persuade.

“Accepting the soul of Asura allows you to instantly improve your strength to my level.”

This time Naruto didn’t bother to answer his words.

Under the action of the power of the dragon vein and the power of Greer, although he has just entered the maturity stage of the ancient dragon species.

But he is also confident that he can do four or six with the six-way immortal ten-tailed man pillar force mode at the peak of the past, or forcibly open five or five.

When he enters the full body stage in the future, Naruto is more confident that he does not need to perform tail beastization/ancient dragonization to suppress the Ten Tails mode of Kaguya Otsuki.

In this case, “you give me a reason to accept the soul of an ashura who will always affect my way of thinking.” ”

“This is the only way you can seal your mother, if you don’t accept it!”

The Six Dao Immortals were still repeating his only words.

Naruto narrowed his eyes and watched as the Six Dao Immortals, who gradually lost patience, retracted the soul of his palms, and a purple chakra visible to the naked eye burned on his body.

Stand up and spread your back wings slightly.

Gu Long’s pink dragon pupils stared at the six immortals in Sasuke’s body, and his voice was very irritable.

“In the end, in the end, it depends on whose fist is big to decide who has the right to speak! You were like this a thousand years ago, and you are still like this a thousand years later, I really thought I was afraid of you! ”

“Then, is there a way to eliminate the force in the Asura soul that affects Naruto’s thinking and judgment?”

It’s at this stall that is about to hit in the next second.

Jiu Xinnai’s crunchy voice suddenly sounded.

Susano’s shadow flashed away, and the dragon retracted its outstretched wings.

The two looked at Jiu Xinnai, who was standing alone on the side.

“In this way, presumably Naruto will not refuse the immortal request again, right?”

She swallowed her saliva and saw the kaleidoscope writing wheel narrowed by the big tube of wooden feathers, and subconsciously took a step back.


Naruto sneered, and the dragon attribute energy turned into a long whip and grabbed Kushinai’s hand and brought her to him.

While spreading her right wing to protect her whole person in her arms, it also blocked the angry eyes of the six immortals.

Inherit the sacred land of Myoku Mountain

He wears a doctor’s hat on his head and a string of red Buddha beads inlaid with an oily opal around his neck.

The whole body was orange, and the Great Toad Immortal, the ancestor of Miaomu Mountain, who had been sleeping for a long time, slowly opened his cloudy yellow eyes.

He smelled the reappearance of his old friend who he hadn’t seen for a thousand years.

The big toad immortal lowered his head and looked at the cronies sitting on the left and right who were refining the immortal art Chakra.

“Fukasaku, Shima, you two immediately head to Konoha to find Jiraiya.”

“Jiraiya? Did something happen? ”

Shima Immortal released his hands closed in front of him, looked back at the big toad immortal and asked in surprise.

In the past few years, it was common to not hear a single sound from the other party, why did you suddenly give such a strange order today?

Old confused?

“Shima, don’t ask more!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Fukasaku Immortal tugged at his wife’s sleeve, nodded to the big toad immortal and prepared to leave.

He never had any doubts about the assignment of the Great Toad Immortal, and he bothered to say a word.

What the other party says, he does.

“You two need to be careful.”

The big toad immortal paused and said something that surprised the two toad immortals, “Some beings who should not have appeared at this time suddenly appeared in Konoha Village. ”

The big toad immortal couldn’t see clearly what was happening to the Six Dao Immortals.

It was also impossible to predict that Naruto was chosen by the power of the dragon vein, which was also a miraculous product born from the consciousness of the planet.

Only in the picture reflected by Zi Laiye’s eyes in the prophecy did it vaguely see something, several figures.

“Beings that shouldn’t have appeared at this time?”

Shima’s brain twisted and looked up at the big toad immortal with dissatisfaction.

The most annoying thing is this kind of riddler, can’t you make it clear if there is anything!

“Fukasaku, tell that old friend of mine that when some things should be let go, you must have the decisiveness to let go.”

“… Be! ”

Fukasaku agreed and left the temple with the arm of Shima Sento, who still wanted to say something.

“Kid, dad, why don’t you let me ask things a little more clearly! Such a headless look for Xiao Zilai, who knows what happened. ”

After leaving the temple following the strength of the Fukasaku Immortal, the Shima Immortal broke free and complained dissatisfied.

“Presence that shouldn’t have been at this time, old friend. When these two points combined, you haven’t figured out what it is! ”

The Fukasaku Immortal turned around, looked solemnly at the temple that lived in the depths of Miaomu Mountain, and turned to leave.

The Shima Immortal who followed it behind him was silent for a while, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and his steps paused.

“You mean, Otsuki!”

The Shima Immortals, who are familiar with the history of Miaomu Mountain, naturally know the deeds of the ancestor Great Toad Immortal who joined forces with the Six Dao Immortals to resist the goddess of the Dian thousands of years ago.

I also learned from the words of the Shenzuo Immortals that the family of a thousand years ago has not died a single one in theory until now!

The history of war in the ninja world is from another point of view, the bad thing of the Otsuki family!

“Wife, be cautious!”

The Fukasaku Immortal did not look back, but the deep jealousy in his words made the Shima Immortal shut his mouth.

To whom is this fear?

Six Dao Immortals?

Or the big toad immortal behind him?

Konoha Village, a dilapidated but surrounded by many ninjas in Konoha

The tail behind Naruto was constantly wagging from side to side.

He looked at the silent Six Dao Immortals in front of him, and his tone was relaxed and pleasant.

“Mr. Otsuki, looking at your expression, it shows that there is indeed a way to eliminate the influence of the Asura soul on the host.

But for unknown reasons, you don’t want to do it, right? ”

Naruto had been wondering why the Six Dao Immortals still insisted on integrating themselves into the Asura soul after knowing their strength.

I am afraid that eliminating the influence of Asura soul on people is equivalent to erasing Asura ‘s own consciousness, so that he will never have the opportunity to reincarnate.

“Also, after death, aliens who secretly observed the thousand-year strife in the ninja world but did nothing, how can they really be so selfless.”

“The wars of these thousand years have been a struggle between civilizations within the planet. As an observer, I had no reason to strike until my mother was born. ”

The Six Dao Immortals dispersed the Chakra behind him with a solemn face, dispelling the idea of using tough means to force Naruto.

“… What a joke, Kuro, Asuras, Indra, and the ninja world have been fighting for thousands of years, isn’t it all the infighting of your Otsuki family!

Seeing that the other party still wanted to argue about something, Naruto slapped his paw on the ground, causing a small earthquake that interrupted the six immortals’ immortal exit.

The fleeting strong physical strength made everyone’s eyelids jump.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 95

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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