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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 98

“Let go of the three of them, if you want to kill, kill me.” Ape Flying Sun said softly.

After making his choice, his entire body visibly collapsed, with obvious unwillingness and fear on his face.

“Looking at the expression on your face, you can tell that this is not your sincere choice, but since you said so, satisfy you.”

Before Naruto could speak, he heard Sasuke’s mocking voice from beside him.

“After the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun did not listen to the persuasion of his subordinates and provoked the strong enemy twice, under the coercion of the other party, after a minute of deep thinking, he finally chose to sacrifice himself to save the three people with an unwilling face… Such rumors will spread in Konoha tonight. ”

Sasuke, who put away the eye of reincarnation, also deliberately added accents to several keywords in the sentence just now.

Ape Fei Ri looked sideways at him, and his face became even more gloomy.

Sasuke waved his hand, “Don’t look at me like that, you should think about what last words you want to leave behind.” ”

“I… Forehead! ”

Ape Fei Sun snorted and lowered his head incredulously, looking at the golden palm that passed through his chest.

On the opposite side, the doppelganger Naruto put down the three of them and nodded politely to Sarutobi Hinata.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t want to disturb your death for any reason!”

The expression on his face is quite sincere!

“Nope… I can’t just die! ”

Blood flowed from the corner of Sarutobi’s mouth, and what came to mind was the sentence Sasuke had just said.

If the other party really spreads rumors about himself like this, then even if he makes a choice, he will bear a self-inflicted name, instead of the life he wants.

Trembling eyes looked ahead at the doppelganger Naruto.

The cornered ape Flying Sun raised his hands to make a mark, trying to do something at the last minute.


The body was split in two by an invisible external force in an instant, and the ape flying sun, who had done nothing, fell to the left and right.

Naruto, the doppelganger standing in front, was relieved to see that Sarutobi did not jump up without a corpse.

“It’s finally over.”

For the first time, he discovered that the Ka man would be so troublesome!

The matter concerning Konoha came to an end after Sarutobi was killed.

Looking for revenge on Naruto?

Even I didn’t have this idea.

In one day, the Hokage, the Order of Elders, and the Root Leader are either dead or disabled.

The most important thing for the leaderless Konoha now is to elect a leader and calm things down before the rest of the country reacts.

They haven’t forgotten the news Naruto gave that next year will be the day when the third ninja war in history begins!

Three days later, Jiraiya, who was hurriedly pushed to the fourth-generation Hokage seat, looked at the water gate standing across from the desk and sighed.

From the day Kushina was taken away by Naruto, he had never seen a smile on his disciple’s face again.

“The number of spies on the Konoha border has recently been found in the Land of Thunder and the Land of Earth.”

Bo Feng Shui Men calmly reported the situation in the past two days, “It seems that these two countries have heard something.”


Jiraiya stood up and walked to the window, looking at the avatar of the ape flying sun on the Hokage Rock.

“Watergate, in the recent period, you have asked people to collect more news from the four major countries. I always had a feeling that the third human war was not so easy to dodge. ”

The three generations of Kazekage are afraid that they can’t die, but they Konoha really died a third-generation Hokage!

Bo Feng Shuimen lowered his head, his eyes lost their former radiance, and only endless indifference remained.


The end of the 63rd year of the Konoha calendar

Yin Yin Village, martial arts arena

Ning Ci suppressed the five people under the big snake pill on the field, making the eyes of the medicine master who was recording the data jump in surprise.

Although none of the five people opened the spell seal to enter state two.

However, Ning Ci’s ease also showed that he was far from exerting his full strength.

“It’s amazing progress.”

Orochimaru licked his lips and turned his head to look at Sasuke who was standing with his back against the wall.

In the first match, when Sasuke Shi displayed the three-hook jade reincarnation eye and easily pressed the five people to the ground, Orochimaru knew that his abacus three years ago was afraid that it would not be completed.

Miraculously, he didn’t feel much regret about this, as if he had expected this scene for a long time.

“So, did Mr. Big get the method of lifting the caged bird on Ningci’s head?”

Naruto stood beside Yakushi, looking at the various data he had recorded, occasionally pointing out something wrong.

Hearing Orochimaru’s exclamation, Naruto did not look up and asked casually.

“I need him to stay in Yin Yin Village for a while to make final adjustments to the unsealing technique.”

Orochimaru retracted his gaze and perked up after hearing the professional question.

“Plus the time to lift the seal, the insurance estimates that it will take more than a month.”

“A month?” Naruto raised his gaze from the book and looked at Orochimaru, “Completely untie the caged bird on Ninji’s head without leaving any sequelae?” ”

It seemed that there was some dissatisfaction with Naruto’s suspicions.

Orochimaru raised his chin to look at Naruto, his erect snake pupils shrunk slightly, “Who do you think I am?” ”

“The ninja world’s premier researcher.”

Naruto glanced at him strangely, not knowing where Mr. Tai’s anger came from, “So I only asked you to solve this problem, what’s wrong?” ”

“Uh-huh, it’s okay, you just need to know that I’ll give you back an intact Hinata Ninji.”

Being held by Naruto like this, Orochimaru rarely laughed.

“At least a month.”

Naruto scratched his chin, seemingly a little helpless about staying in Otohide Village during this time.

“If you get bored, the country of ghosts may not be too calm for a while, you can go and join in the fun.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As if expected, Orochimaru pulled a small data scroll from his sleeve and threw it to Naruto.

“What?” Naruto didn’t pay attention, and he hurriedly took the scroll in his hand and spread it out.

Behind, Uzumaki Shinna, who was shocked by the strength of Sasuke and Ninji, came back to his senses and walked behind Naruto, looking at the contents of the scroll from his shoulder.


“Someone is trying to re-liberate the alien summoned creatures that were sealed by the witches of the Ghost Land many years ago… Evil? ”

Naruto read the contents of the scroll, sighed, and asked Jiu Shinna on the side of his face, “Do you want to visit the scenery of the Land of Onii?” ”

Jiu Xinnai squeezed his fist, and an excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Of course! I also want to see if it is really like the above record, only the sealing technique of the witch’s vein will have an effect on that alien space! ”

When it comes to sealing, the Vortex Family has never been afraid of anyone’s challenge!

“Well then, Mr. Big. I left Sasuke Ninji here and came to pick them up when things in the Oni Country were over. ”

Naruto said, condensing a handful of kunai with a special mark printed on it out of thin air and throwing it to Sasuke, “There is something directly conveying Chakra upwards.” ”

“Flying Thunder God Kuwu?!” The big snake pill was a little surprised after seeing the mark on Ku Wu clearly.

Of course, what shocked him more was Naruto’s act of creating things out of thin air with his own hands in front of him.

Licking the corners of his mouth, Orochimaru suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and glanced back and forth at Naruto and Jiu Shinnai, thoughtful.

In the center of the martial arts arena, Ning Ci had a clear understanding of the various means of the five people’s spell seals.

Knowing that the two sides would not enter a state of death battle, he slightly increased the strength in his hands.

A minute later, including the strongest Junmaru, all five fell to the ground in unison.

Pushing his glasses up, the medicine master wrote down the last stroke, put on the cap of the pen, and handed the book in his hand to the big snake pill.

“The required data has been recorded, Lord Orochimaru, take a look.”

The big snake pill took the book and did not open it at the first time.

Fingers tapped the hardshell cover, and he turned his head to look at Tayuya, who was standing up hard to the side.

“Tayuya, from now on, you will follow Uzumaki Shinnai, follow her orders and take care of her living.”

Jiu Xinnai: “Huh? ”

“Yes, Orochimaru-sama.”

Tayu answered without the slightest hesitation, and stumbled towards the two.

Even if she was given to Jiu Xinnai by the Great Snake Pill, she did not hesitate at all.

Red-haired, brown-eyed, wearing loose clothes suitable for combat with a large snake vein, holding a flute in his hand.

Judging from the behavior of Tayuya who is also forced to go behind her, she is also a competitive little girl who does not admit defeat in her personality.

Jiu Xinnai was obviously a little uncomfortable with someone standing in the side position behind him, and he had been adjusting his position.

And Tayuya kept following Jiu Shinnai’s movements, insisting on standing behind her.

The two of them just circled around Naruto (okay) inexplicably.

“Mr. Big is this, overseer?”

Naruto took Kushinna, who had turned in front of him again, in his arms and leaned his back to his chest.

As for when Tayuya still wanted to move to the position behind her, Naruto’s kind look made her stop.

Orochimaru shook his head, “Although it is not as pure as the bloodline of the two of you, Tayuya is also one of the survivors of the Uzumaki clan. ”

“I think that as the same people of the Vortex clan, you should be able to talk very well.”

“Eh! It’s true! ”

Seeing the happy expression on Jiu Xinnai’s face, Orochimaru lowered his head and opened the record book in his pocket to look at it.

He knew that this matter was so settled.

As for Naruto Uzumaki and Uzumaki Shinnai, the action of the two embracing intimately… All he can say is good.

Naruto pouted, looking at Kushina who jumped out of his arms and pulled up Tayuya’s hands.

For the sake of the other party being a girl, he doesn’t care.

A certain sealing ancestral hall in the Land of Ghosts

“Dark medical ninjutsu, enhanced treatment method, infused Chakra…”

“The stars have been reincarnated, and now is the perfect time for us to join forces again to create the ideal kingdom…”

“Wake up, my legion of the undead!”

“When I fully awaken, it will be the time to destroy the five great powers and establish the only thousand-year kingdom in this world!”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 98

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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