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Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke Chapter 12


The sword of Kusanagi and the tail thorn of the crimson stream are slashing, and Mars is splashing!

That tail thorn shrinks slightly, producing a powerful rebound!


Sasuke landed on the rope of the bridge with a homeopathic flip and made a seal with one hand!

——Huodun Hao Long Huo!

Rumble! The mighty fire dragon exploded on the bridge deck where Crimson Stream stood!

Sasuke’s seal followed suit!

——Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!


The strong wind swept through, fueling the fire and giving a strong impact to the internal crimson stream!

The flames dispersed, the bridge deck was mottled, and through the gap in the fire cloud robe, Sasuke saw the puppet structure of the crimson flow, and his eyes condensed slightly.

“So that’s the case, hide the body inside the puppet organ…” Yakushi

told me that Orochimaru would appear at the Heaven and Earth Bridge, but it was Sasuke Uchiha who was waiting here, and he couldn’t help but attack…

The Red Scorpion concluded: “I see, this is the trap you let me put in your pocket, the purpose is to lure me here, where is the big snake pill!”

Sasuke dropped the bridge and threw his voice, “Your opponent is me!”

“Speak loudly!”

– Needle eight waves!


Crimson amber, mouth open, built-in ‘spell’, shooting high-density poison needles and stingers forward!

Ring the bell…!

Sasuke Kusanagi Sword quickly swings Kusanagi Sword to shoot down the oncoming poisonous needle!

The eyes of the writing wheel are like watching the fire: like the tail, is the needle all quenched, it is really a trick that the puppeteer uses! This time I didn’t get resistance to the toxin from the big snake pill, so, definitely can’t be hit….

Crackling! Blocking the first wave of poisonous needles with the Kusanagi sword, Sasuke released Thunder Chakra precisely into the shin and dodged it in high-speed movement!

Crimson Su quickly pursued, adjusted the shooting angle, and the poison needle followed like a shadow…!

Ring the bell…!!

Sasuke swung his knife to fight while moving, but saw that the poisonous needle attack was too dense and fast, so he made a seal with one hand while swinging the knife, stopped sharply, and stomped on the bridge with his right foot!

——Tudun Tuliu Wall!


On the open deck of the Heaven and Earth Bridge, as Sasuke stomped on the soles of his feet, a thick wall of earth immediately rose, completely blocking the eight waves of needles!


The scorpion in the crimson stream finally looked moved.

He found that Sasuke was completely different from what he understood!

“Thunder, fire, wind… After that, it was Tudun, and in a short exchange, he had already used four nature change ninjutsu, at this age, is ninjutsu so extensive? What’s even rarer than that is that he is extremely agile, the timing of ninjutsu release is right, and everywhere he exudes sophistication and calmness that does not belong to his age, so it is, Itachi’s brother and brother…” Behind

the dirt wall, Sasuke’s mind flew: his layer of puppet armor was very hard, ordinary ninjutsu could defend perfectly, and he had to find a way to break it, but although he was carrying a puppet, his actions were extremely agile, and there were many organs, it was not easy to catch him, use that move… …

The scorpion attacks again.


Scarlet raised his left arm, and from the jet device in his left hand, he erupted poisonous smoke, and the thrust generated by the poisonous smoke ejected a cylindrical cannon diagonally upwards, hovering directly behind the earth flow wall, above Sasuke’s head!!

——Scarlet Suzuki Yoshite-hon!!


In that machine gun, countless cylinders were shot in all directions, and each cylinder flew away at the same time, and then shot out the poison needles filled inside, saying that it was slow, but in fact, from the machine cannon shell to the poison needles like a sudden rain, it was only less than a second!

Unlike Needle Hachibo, which launches a linear attack forward, there is still room to dodge although it is fast!

The attack of the prosthetic hand Qianben, from point to point, the trajectory of each poisonous needle is difficult to predict, and it is an attack that cannot be avoided at all!

This is the unique advantage of the design of Prosthetic Senbon compared to other puppet organs, and in theory, it can only be successfully evaded by quickly launching defensive ninjutsu or time-space ninjutsu!

Sasuke had no knowledge of the scorpion’s intelligence, how could he prevent his puppet organ from hiding such a mystery!?


Just for a moment… After the wall of the earth, it turned into a pinprick hell!


Critter jumped up the wall of the earth stream and rightfully saw that Sasuke below was lying there motionless, having turned into a ‘hedgehog’.

The scorpion scorned: “Hmph, even if it is a chakra eye, you can’t avoid this puppet organ, when you get to hell, resent the rashness of the big snake pill, and let you take the lead…”

Then…… The Sasuke who fell to the ground suddenly turned into a puff of white smoke!


Yes, in the face of an opponent with unclear intelligence, you can’t prevent it immediately, but you can prevent it before it happens!

Multiply! When the scorpion was surprised, the earth flow wall where Crimson Liuyu stood on actually showed a hidden technique!

His expression changed suddenly: “Touching the water prison trap, even such a high-level water escape…!” ”


The next second… The wall of the earth stream collapsed with a bang, a hollow appeared on the bridge deck, and the river under the bridge overflowed, turning into a solid water prison, binding the crimson stream to it!

“It’s been laid out, this little ghost… It was so calculated that I would jump on the dirt wall to confirm his death! ”


Sasuke, who was hiding under the water, jumped onto the bridge, and in his right palm, Thunder Chakra gathered, hissing a thousand birds, and launched a full-speed spurt towards the crimson who was bound in the water prison!

The scorpion of the red veil: “Don’t underestimate me, this water prison can limit the crimson flow, it can’t limit me…!” ”

——Secret Technique, Unbonding and Unbinding!


A second before Sasuke approached, the water dungeon burst with a bang… !!

Crimson Retreat quickly……!!

Scorpion: “It’s a pity that your calculation fell through…” But

at this time, Sasuke’s left hand was already ready to strike!

——Mu Dun Great Forest Art!


“Give me back!!

A few sturdy trees came first, entangled the crimson stream, and pulled it back!

The scorpion changed color in shock: “Mu Duan… Are you kidding!? ”

In a hurry, the scorpion manipulated the crimson flow to quench the highly poisonous tail thorn and stabbed Sasuke head-on!!

But Sharingan gives Sasuke the ability to dodge danger in high-speed sprints!

While avoiding the tail thorn, Sasuke advanced with his right hand!!

– Chidori !!


Thunder light penetrated into Crimson Flower’s chest armor…!

Swish! Almost at the same time, a black shadow broke away from the back of the crimson stream that opened the platoon!


Click! Sasuke withdrew his right palm from the crimson amber, and the tree in his left hand threw the scrapped crimson amber into the rushing river under the Tenchi Bridge before retracting and disappearing.

Seeing this, the big snake pill who was fighting in the forest said with a smile: “It seems that the warm-up exercise of the two of them is over…” The

medicine master pushed his glasses and said urgently: “Next, it will be a battle of life and death

…” “Whew…”

Sasuke exhaled softly and raised his eyes to look at the figure landing on the other side.

“I can see that you were really sent by Orochimaru to kill me…”

In a completely different feminine voice than in the crimson flow, the man took off the hood of the fire cloud robe, revealing red broken hair and a beautiful appearance.

Sasuke fixed his eyes: “Is that the Buddha-figure of the Red Scorpion, it’s a little different from what I imagined

…” “That kind of thunderous stabbing technique, it was Haku Ya no Ko, Kiki Kakashi taught it to you…”

The scorpion’s words flowed with feminine killing intent, and he unhurriedly took out a scroll.

“Then use my most satisfying work and send you on your way…”

When the scroll is unfolded, a ‘three’ word stands out!

He put two fingers on his chest.

——Human puppet · Three generations of Mekaze Shadow!

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Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke

Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke In the post-Hokage era, the God of Otsutsuki, Yamaki, awakens and launches a powerful attack on the ninja world!Sasuke's best friends, wives, children, disciples, and companions all died tragically!On the verge of death, Sasuke used Izanagi to escape, and with the help of Orochimaru, the only survivor, he returned to the past era!Opening his eyes...it was the rain curtain in the Valley of the End, and the kaleidoscope lit under the moon. With a completely different state of mind from before, he resolutely moved towards the point of divergence!Since a mortal body cannot challenge the gods, then become a more powerful god!Sasuke resolutely decided to use the achievements accumulated by Orochimaru throughout his life... to transform into Otsutsuki. Is it enough to become Otsutsuki?Let's see how he can bridge the gap of thousands of years with the help of miraculous people before the supreme god awakens!"As long as we are still here, the era of ninja will never end...!"


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