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Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke Chapter 295

Everyone on Cangyue Island was preparing to use the seven-star lamp array to awaken the reverse body of death in the body of the Great Snake Pill, and at the same time awaken the Great Snake Pill with the power of the Reverse Body.

Through the common anchor point of Shenwei and Cloth Dao, the soil side that analyzed the spatial coordinates of Cangyue Island was also ready to go.

After a month-long operation, he has an unprecedented combat power in his hands.

In the lair, bring soil to gather combat power.

The seven former ninja swords summoned with the rebirth of dirt, the former pillar power.

As well as all the dirt turned around on Sasuke’s side, almost all of them were found by Obito with his convenient spatial ability, and turned into his pawns with the manipulation scroll provided by Haichi.

In addition to the reincarnation of dirt, Obito also used the Sharingan illusion to manipulate powerful ninjas that are familiar to various countries.

The green of the mist, the loess of the rock, the darui of the cloud, the maji of the sand, and the asma of Konoha.

Even…… Even the neutral leader of the samurai state, Mifune, was not spared.

After the Nine Battles, the remaining 87,000 Bai Jeopards will also be dispatched.

After taking the soil to gather combat power, he asked Shikaku.

“Shikaku, can our current combat power level Sogetsu Island and destroy Sasuke and the others?”

“Total annihilation, impractical… But it is more practical to hold their main combat power and wait for the opportunity to hunt the Nine Tails.

“Yes, it seems that you have to increase the weight.” ”

He looked at…

The coffin at the end of the lair! That is the trump card among all the reincarnated chess pieces of the soil!

In the crowd, Haichi’s face is not good-looking

, he knows the identity of the person in the coffin, as well as the past.

“That one had foresight before he died, and in order to prevent him from being reborn and used by people with intentions after death, he set up a mechanism on the tomb, and if he forcibly entered the tomb, the body would be destroyed immediately… But Obito actually used Shikaku’s mind to crack the code of the organ and successfully get the life substance of that person!”

“In the Warring States period, there were two heroes, a thousand hands between the pillars, and Uchiha spots… The strongest person under the two is the one in the coffin! If she joins the war, the balance of combat power may be broken!”

So he insisted… Because of the strength of the people in the coffin, he was temporarily unable to make a perfectly controlled spell.

The expedition was imminent, and Obito gave him an ultimatum!

“Haichi, I order you… Before dawn, make that spell for me!” Hai

Yi changed: “This, some strongmen are difficult, right?”

Obito’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he threatened nakedly: “If you dare to spoil me at this juncture, I don’t mind using your precious daughter to replace you



At this time, Shikaku stepped forward: “Obito-sama, let me talk

to Haichi!” Obito

frowned: “Talk? You think I can’t see it

, he has his own mind!” Shikaku

said: “I know, he is strange if he has no mind, the important thing is to achieve our goal, rest assured, I will convince him, Haiichi’s perception ability You know, in order not to arouse his disgust, you don’t spy on him with Bai Jue.”

Obito: “Don’t let me down!”

came to a separate room.

Out of confidence in his illusion, Obito really didn’t let Bai Jue monitor this conversation.

Haichi still had a glimmer of hope in his heart: “Lujiu, you didn’t expose my previous intention to delay time, which means that you are not completely dominated by him, right?” Lujiu

shook his head: “At this moment, my heart is completely loyal to Obito, but I am loyal to him, and watching my closest comrade-in-arms be eliminated by him, are two different things?”

Haichi said, “I know, but I can’t bear it anymore!! what that guy is going to do, but it threatens the entire ninja world!!! In the future, Shikaku will also become a

sinner of history!!! Shikaku said: “Sinner, I already had the consciousness of becoming a sinner when I voluntarily accepted the manipulation of Obito Illusion to save Tsunade-sama’s life!”

“You, you are voluntary…

Shikaku said, “The situation was urgent… He could use the ability of the Human Dao of Reincarnation at any time to forcibly spy on the information in Tsunade-sama’s brain, and take Tsunade-sama’s life, the only thing I could do at that time was to bend for everything.

“Of course… Not only the consciousness of becoming a sinner, but also that after I am controlled by him, I will spare no effort to help him deal with Sasuke and Orochimaru, causing more serious consequences than Tsunade-sama’s life, which I also foresaw.

Haichi slowly clenched his fists: “You are a man known for his absolute rationality… Why, you know, but still.

Shikaku said calmly, “Because, before I was controlled by the illusion, I decided that even with my full help, Sasuke and them would still have the ability to deal with this situation and stop Obito and me.” Haichi

: “Why…

Shikahisa: “Because the secrets hidden in Sasuke’s body are far beyond my expectations, Orochimaru has several chances to take Obito’s life, but Obito survived, do you think, why is that?”

Think about Sasuke’s actions this year, almost every once in a while, he will fight with the strong, and even attack the Five Kages, if it is not for annihilation, then it can only be a trial…”

Shikaku said: “It is in the interests of Orochimaru and Sasuke to make the enemy strong and create a trial against Kagami, so what I am doing at the moment also coincides with Orochimaru, in the long run, we are not helping to cause abuse, of course, we will sacrifice as a ninja name, but everything has to be trade-off, I choose to give up the festival, for the life of Tsunade-sama, and the future of the ninja world, gamble, this is what I think!” At the moment, disturbed by the earth illusion, maybe I have a lack of purity in my heart, but under reason, I made this statement. ”

Haichi… You also have your own mission to achieve, right? As a filthy body, endure the burden of humiliation, thinking that one day, he will return to the front of the Konoha crowd and convey the truth that Sasuke was framed by the Black Jeopardy. ”

Shikaku clenched his fists… The pain embedded in the flesh and blood with his fingers resisted the voice of the inner voice that spoke for Obito.

“That day, maybe not far off… Please bear with me a little longer!!! Haichi

gritted his teeth: “Well…!! I endure it!!

!! Haichi handed over the kunai, who controlled the scroll, to Obito.

Obito finally smiled with satisfaction: “Well done.” ”

Haichi saw… The body of the former filthy human pillar force was filled with awls, and the eyes became a combination of the writing wheel eye and the reincarnation eye.

So he asked, “What have you done to them?” The

Golem had been pierced through Sasuke’s chest with an arrow, which finally made Obito fearful.

“Instead of letting the Golem appear directly and bear the unwarranted risks, it is better to use a way that can transfer the risks and use the power of the tailed beast, so with this new Payne Six Dao, it is not only a new eye!!!!!”

There, there is a face between the pillars of a thousand hands!!”

As you can see, the power of the artificial body between the pillars of the outer path… I’ve passed Payne’s Technique, and I’ve restored!!”

My trump card, hehe.

“Nine Tails, I’m going to decide!” a

smile of desperation appeared on Obito’s bitter face, and he picked up the banana fan on his back.

– “Go, set foot on Cangyue Island!”

You finish reading Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke Chapter 295

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Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke

Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke In the post-Hokage era, the God of Otsutsuki, Yamaki, awakens and launches a powerful attack on the ninja world!Sasuke's best friends, wives, children, disciples, and companions all died tragically!On the verge of death, Sasuke used Izanagi to escape, and with the help of Orochimaru, the only survivor, he returned to the past era!Opening his eyes...it was the rain curtain in the Valley of the End, and the kaleidoscope lit under the moon. With a completely different state of mind from before, he resolutely moved towards the point of divergence!Since a mortal body cannot challenge the gods, then become a more powerful god!Sasuke resolutely decided to use the achievements accumulated by Orochimaru throughout his life... to transform into Otsutsuki. Is it enough to become Otsutsuki?Let's see how he can bridge the gap of thousands of years with the help of miraculous people before the supreme god awakens!"As long as we are still here, the era of ninja will never end...!"


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