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Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke Chapter 296

Under the moon, pitch black chaos.

After the black shadow landed, the vortex did not stop flowing… The dead, the living, the half-dead, all came to the eyes

! The black shadows made imprints with their hands and slammed on the earth

! “Whoops…!!” The

roar of the outer golem resounded under the moon!

After arranging everything, Obito looked around the vast sky of Siye, and traced his gaze back to the round of the moon.

He wants to read the infinite month, but he can’t read the beauty of this month.

In his eyes… Only killing and violent lust.

– “Let the blood soak this moonlight and recreate the tragedy of that night!!”

The seven-star lamp array has been formed, and the seven ninja who participated in the arrangement stood behind the candlestick that was born in response to the formation, there were no candles on the candlestick, only the souls of the seven ninjas, burning as a torch

! The seven candlesticks surrounded the big snake pill Buddha-figure, and the shadow of death rising from the Buddha-figure!

On the candlestick, from time to time, the wax oil of the soul burning dripped down, gathering into the robes of the god of death, and some kind of transformation was also quietly underway….


Under the fifth candlestick, Xiangphos let out a muffled snort, because of her too keen perception, she had detected the uninvited guest descending on Cangyue Island!

Sitting above the seven-star lamp array between the pillars, grasping the overall situation, he not only detected the appearance of the intruder, but also detected the state of fragrant phosphorus, and reminded him in time.

“Girl, don’t be distracted, once distracted, your soul flame will accelerate to extinguish! Not only will it endanger your life, but it will also be unable to awaken the reverse body of the god of death because you can’t collect enough soul fire, resulting in a failure!”

The body rises like the indifference and domineering of the eagle period in the previous life

! People with motives, courage, and the ability to invade here!

There is no one else but Obito!

He was really furious!”

“This day, still came.

Itachi and Nagato followed and got up.

“It’s time to make a break. He

seems to be fully prepared, I’ll go with you, don’t look at me like this, I still have combat effectiveness!” Sasuke: “No, the matter of meeting the enemy, leave it to the three of us, you stay here, maintain this formation, don’t let Orochimaru go out of any trouble! Please!” Looking

at Sasuke’s

resolute back, Pillar was moved: “Leave it to me, boy!” ”


Sasuke’s eyes lit up with an eternal kaleidoscope, and Susano’s purple suit in bio mode burned and possessed!

“Combine Susanoo with the body… This mode doesn’t seem complete, but combined with yourself, that is, my Chakra, is not much inferior to my Teruyang fairy art, it is not an exaggeration to say, when you learn the fairy art, you can make me have a hand in my heyday!!”

Sasuke had no time to respond to the admiration between the pillars, turned into a purple rainbow of light, and swept towards the sky

!! Itachi and Nagato, followed by !!

The light between the pillars slowly condensed, and he knew… Ah Ye Hazhi has reached the critical point of the attack.

“Young man, don’t die, you carry the hope of the entire ninja world!”

Suddenly, a gust of wind howled, and the powerful Chakra was oppressed!

Yamanaka Haichi was stunned: “This Chakra… Oh my God, when he attacked the Five Kages, compared to this moment, he was cute like a child!! ”

Obito covered his face with his hands, his eyes stared at the purple light at the end of his sight!”

It seems that he and Susanoo are one and the same, it seems that the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye gives him a whole new ability, but… Under absolute strength, you don’t have any chance of victory this time!! ”

Behind him, an army of 87,000 white desperate

, fearlessly launched a charge… !!

Sasuke rushed forward, defiing the eyes of the group and staring coldly at the white torrent… Under these thousands of troops, he didn’t even pause his pace slightly!

Boom… !!

he savagely crashed into the enemy line… The hundreds of Bai Jue who were charging in front were directly thrown

into the air!!!

——Yan Dun • Vacuum Breaking

! Sasuke’s two fingers formed into a seal, a hard straight pillar of fire formed by black flame, longitudinally piercing the White Jeopardy, and the heat wave rushed straight to Obito!

Obito was stunned, and hurriedly unfolded the sealing enchantment of the Hungry Ghost Dao… !!

the Bai Jee were in chaos.

Seeing this, Nara Lujiu said something to the white Buddha beside him.

Bai Jue Buddha immediately conveyed instructions to the doppelganger: “Doppelgängers, don’t panic!! His move is a line wound, not a face injury, looking at the power is not small, it is just bluffing, opening the distance, borrowing the power of the Golem, using the wooden dun to pressure it!!”

For a time, the tree realm rose up and crushed

Sasuke! Boom! Sasuke gave birth to spell wings on his back, automatically filled with purple layers, and instantly soared to a height beyond the reach of white trees!

Lu Jiu stared: “Condescending… Is it really Amaterasu

?” he said to Bai Juejun again.

Bai Jue once again conveyed instructions to the doppelgängers: “Doppelgängers, disperse the formation, avoid the spread of black flame fire, take out the fire sealing method seal scroll prepared before the war, and be ready to seal the Amaterasu fire at any time!!”

Under the command, Bai Jue was like an arm.

Looking at the completely different strategies of the Haku Jeopards and the Kuban battle, Sasuke could guess that there must be a commander behind the scenes.

But that’s all right….

Because the trick he was going to use next was absolutely beyond that man


his gaze glanced, like a sharp knife, it descended into the hinterland of the white army, and his hands were formed into a string, an extremely cruel seal!

!!——Susa Killing Method • Endless grumbling!!



an extremely thin, sharpened ground grudge sharp tentacle exploded from the place where Sasuke landed, bending and piercing dozens of white jue



Turning the complete body Susanoo Chakra of the same size into a sharp touch of resentment!

Too many of them, too fast in attack, too flexible in morphology… Everything is a ninja named Sasuke Uchiha, in order to plunder the lives of more enemies in the battle of the army, the killing ninjutsu that is specialized to the extreme!!


a The number of Bai Jue’s army sharply decreased at a terrifying speed!!

“Every time, again, Uchiha, Sasuke, what the hell are you…”

Obito’s bitter and bitter face was filled with anger and puzzlement.

You finish reading Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke Chapter 296

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Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke

Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: Naruto Otsutsuki Sasuke In the post-Hokage era, the God of Otsutsuki, Yamaki, awakens and launches a powerful attack on the ninja world!Sasuke's best friends, wives, children, disciples, and companions all died tragically!On the verge of death, Sasuke used Izanagi to escape, and with the help of Orochimaru, the only survivor, he returned to the past era!Opening his eyes...it was the rain curtain in the Valley of the End, and the kaleidoscope lit under the moon. With a completely different state of mind from before, he resolutely moved towards the point of divergence!Since a mortal body cannot challenge the gods, then become a more powerful god!Sasuke resolutely decided to use the achievements accumulated by Orochimaru throughout his life... to transform into Otsutsuki. Is it enough to become Otsutsuki?Let's see how he can bridge the gap of thousands of years with the help of miraculous people before the supreme god awakens!"As long as we are still here, the era of ninja will never end...!"


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