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Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast Chapter 15

[Asma: @林天, what do you mean boy? Usually I see you quite low-key an honest person, but I didn’t expect to worry about other people’s girlfriends! I see you don’t want to stay in Konoha! 【

Lin Tian: @阿斯玛, no hurry! Asma! To know Miao Fair Lady, a gentleman is good, this is human nature, but I know that Xirihong is now your girlfriend, so I didn’t pursue Xirihong just to think, that’s my good character, reasonable, why am I wrong? [

Asma: You! You can’t even think about it! @林天]

At this moment, Asma in the live broadcast space is angry and corrupted.

[Orochimaru: @阿斯玛, you are like this, I don’t agree, people think right, @猿飞日斩, look at your son! ] 】

【Ape Flying Sun Chopper: Ahem @Asma, don’t say this in front of so many people! 】 At

this moment, Xi Rihong of the live broadcast space was shocked and joyful at the same time when he saw that the woman Lin Tian said he wanted to marry the most was actually himself.

Inside: It turns out that he ….. His favorite woman is me….

[Fourth generation of Lei Ying: I can’t get used to @Asma, is there any problem with people liking a woman? ] He didn’t actually do anything again! 【

Terumi: @阿斯玛, narrow-minded men are annoying! 】 @林天, handsome brother, interested in meeting my sister! As the saying goes, give up a tree in exchange for a forest! 【

Lin Tian: @照美冥, thank you for your kindness, but I only have sunset red in my heart, of course, I don’t want to get her, she is happy! Lin

Tian’s critical attack even poked into Xi Rihong’s heart.

The heart was shaken: he didn’t seem to be really in love with Asma, and the feeling Lin Tian gave himself was exactly what he longed for!

[System: Okay, okay! ] Lin Tian’s answer is correct, then move on to the next round!

So the program started again, this time the name stayed on Nagato’s side.

[Nagato: ……………………]

[System: Ichihee-hee! 【

Nagato: @系统, you…. What do you want? You advise you to ask me normal questions! 【System

: @长门, have you asked normal questions since the beginning of this game? 【

Nagato: You! 【System

: Okay! Don’t beep more with you, the question comes, what is the most evil thought you have ever thought of Xiaonan? 【

Nagato: I knew you would ask this!】 @系统]

[System: Answer quickly, otherwise remove all your clothes, let everyone take a good look, your bamboo pole body! ] 【

Nagato: You! You wait for me, sooner or later I will come to the main god space as you said, and then kill you!” 【

System: Good! I wait, but now you give me a good answer to the question! 【

Nagato: Ahem! I am interested in Xiaonan…. At

this moment, Xiao Nan of the live broadcast space is also very curious about what Nagato will think about himself that he does not know.

【System: Countdown 10,9,8………….】【

Nagato: Good, good, good! Stop! I say I say! My most evil thought about Xiao Nan is that she leans over, that is… Help me….]

[Jiraiya: Realized again! ] 【

Kakashi: Me too! 】 】

【Tsunade: @Jiraiya@Kakashi, you two really, don’t tell others I know you! ] [

Jiu Shinnai: @卡卡西, when I was alive little Kakashi, I remember that you are not such a person, did you learn from Jiraiya’s predecessors? [

Kakashi: @玖辛奈, Shi Niang, I was little Kakashi at the beginning, but don’t you look at how many years it has been in the ninja world now, I am already an uncle, this kind of thing is a man will understand! ] 【

Kushinna: …………………….】【

Konan: @长门, Nagato didn’t expect you…. You actually have this idea about me, hey, I thought you thought I was your sister! I… I also wipe your body every day for you who are inconvenient for the body, I didn’t expect you to think this way about me….. If you return to the ninja world in the future, you should still use the funds to hire someone to be a nanny! 【

Nagato: Konan, Koonan, me! No! I….. I’m also a bloody man! 【

Xiaonan: No! You’re not, at least not physically…” Hearing

this, Nagato was also hit by a critical blow, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it, and he was powerless to refute it.

[Yahiko: @长门, okay, Nagato! After I died, you thought this way about Xiaonan, ah! [

Nagato: @弥彦, you didn’t die at the beginning, I know that Xiao Nan and you are the most suitable, but you are dead, it’s normal for me to have that kind of thinking about Xiao Nan, do you want other men to snatch Xiao Nan? At least if I am with Xiaonan, it is also fertile water that does not flow into the field of outsiders, right! 【

Yahiko: @长门, I…. You…]

[Flying segment: Ahahahaha! Laugh me to death! The boss of our Xiao organization and Miss Xiao Nan turned out to be such a relationship! Aha! 】

【Yahiko: Now that I’ve been resurrected in this live broadcast space, I can return to the ninja world when I kill this system, so @Nagato, Konan, don’t think about it, she’s mine! ] 【

Deidara: I’ll go! It turns out that the eldest sister has so many suitors, and originally thought about me…. I also pursue you, after all, your art obsesses me, and now it seems very difficult! 【

Konan:@迪达拉,????????? [

Fei Duan: In that case, when I go back to the ninja world, I will also pursue Miss Xiaonan, and everyone in our organization has a chance! ] 】

【Scorpion: I also join, Xiaonan, this kind of royal sister, who doesn’t love?】 【

Xiaonan: You guys! What to think! Am I the pet you compete for? With this effort, hurry up and complete the task of Xiao Organization!!!!

Xiao Nan is also angry and happy.

I was angry that I never expected that there were a group of tigers and wolves around me.

I’m glad that I’m so attractive!

At this moment, Konan, watching the live broadcast of every ninja on the live broadcast screen.

His gaze stayed on Lin Tian.

If you have to get married and have children, you must find a handsome one.

Yahiko can, but at the moment it seems!

Lin Tian is the most handsome one!


What was I thinking!

Xiao Nan blushed!!!!!

You finish reading Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast Chapter 15

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Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast

Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: Naruto: The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast

My name is Lin Tian, ​​and I have been traveling through the world of Naruto for two and a half years.Suddenly the live broadcast system comes to the ninja world!All living and dead ninjas were brought into the live broadcast space.The story unfolds...


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