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Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast Chapter 34

With a white light, Lin Tian came to a gloomy place.

If you look closely, you probably know that this is a classroom.

And at this time, I also found that there was a JK girl next to me.

That’s right, JK Maiden.


It’s black soil!

Because she was teleported to the live broadcast room before, she happened to be in the shower and had no clothes, so she was teleported to her in a JK.

At this moment, looking at it this way, it’s really wow!

After all, Kurotsuchi is a long-legged goddess recognized by Naruto fans.

And JK short skirt, understand naturally understand.

The beautiful legs are quite well exposed.

What Kurotsuchi wanted to say.

Lin Tian made a small gesture to it.

Kurotsuchi is also a spiritual understanding.

“You are Lin Tian of Konoha, I am really more handsome……. Kurotsuchi whispered.

Lin Tian: ????????

Lin Tian also never expected that the first words of this long-legged goddess came up was actually a little fan girl who committed a flower idiot?

But think about it, it’s understandable.

After all, he is famous in the live Q&A session, which has produced a similar star effect.

Coupled with the role of his own “handsome” label, he naturally has an unknown but charming influence.

“There, Miss Kurotsuchi, you are also very good-looking, I’ll go and see if there is any danger around…” said Lin Tian.

“Well…” Kurotsuchi was actually a little shy.

Lin Tian got up, came to the door of the classroom, gently opened the door, and the corridor was flickering on and off.

Then it was dark outside the window, and it was raining heavily.

Originally, Lin Tian wanted to act alone, but now the system randomly teleported the location, and there was a black soil with him.

Or wearing JK’s black soil, then Lin Tian must have carried it.

Lin Tian is not a good person, if there are multiple women, why not?

In his previous life, he was not handsome, and he didn’t like women.

After passing through the fire shadow for two and a half years, although handsome, he did not have the strength and did not dare to provoke his sister.

But now it’s different, his strength is already quite strong with the live Q&A, kaleidoscope, eight doors dunjia……

What was not dared before, is now achievable.

“Black soil, follow me, I will protect you…” Lin Tian said to Black Earth.

In front of handsome guys, in front of handsome guys with good looks and talent and charm, women have no ability to resist, even if the other party is a scumbag.

So the two began to sneak.

The system says that this academy has secrets.

Secrets are generally very hidden, and where is the academy most hidden?

It won’t be the rooftop, and it won’t be the classroom.

Not surprisingly, there may be a basement or something, so you should go downstairs.

This is Lin Tian’s analysis.

So the two began to walk down.

Coming to the next floor, a stinging laugh made Lin Tian and Heitu immediately stop.

What’s the situation???

Is it a ghost?

Not good!

Hurry up and hide.

Lin Tian found that there was a toilet next to it.

Immediately mara on the black soil to enter.

There are 5 private toilet rooms inside.

Lin Tian pulled the black soil to hide in the last one.

Then hold your breath.

Because the bathroom was small, the black soil also hugged Lin Tian naturally.

The atmosphere of fear and ambiguity reached its highest point.

Kurotsuchi also wondered, his original personality was cold and fan, but in front of this boy who met for the first time, he actually unconsciously became a little woman.

It seems that in front of the people you like, in the cold and cold women will also be birds attached to people, need protection!!!!

You finish reading Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast Chapter 34

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Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast

Naruto The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: Naruto: The ninjas and I were exposed on live broadcast

My name is Lin Tian, ​​and I have been traveling through the world of Naruto for two and a half years.Suddenly the live broadcast system comes to the ninja world!All living and dead ninjas were brought into the live broadcast space.The story unfolds...


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