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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 47

As Kakashi left, Sakura looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said, “Pass the exam, shall we go to the dinner party to celebrate?” ”
“I’m not going!”
“I still have to go back to cultivation!”
Sasuke left directly after speaking!
Although he passed the exam, Sasuke was also very happy!
But thinking of Naruto’s strength that could fight Kakashi, Sasuke’s heart suddenly sank.
Even if he teamed up with Sakura to sneak attack, he couldn’t take advantage of Kakashi, but Naruto was able to fight Kakashi alone and finally managed to grab the bell!
The gap is too big!
Such a big gap made Sasuke now only want to cultivate and become stronger, and he had no intention of resting at all.
A hint of disappointment flashed in Sakura’s eyes, but she quickly recovered and looked at Naruto!
“What about you Naruto!”
As she spoke, Sakura’s face suddenly turned red!
She thought of how Naruto looked when he came before, and what Naruto had just said!
My heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up!
“Naruto, how about the two of us go eat?”
Naruto smiled slightly, “No, I still have business, next time, I’ll treat you then!” ”
The loss on Sakura’s face was revealed again, but she still perked up and said, “Okay, then you go get busy!” ”
Naruto nodded, but said after thinking about it before leaving, “Sakura, what do you think of your strength?” ”
Sakura’s expression was stunned, and then her mood was a little low: “Naruto, do you dislike me for being too weak!” ”
“No, I don’t dislike you, but that’s true, isn’t it?”
Although Naruto’s words were a little cold, Sakura couldn’t refute them either!
Seeing Sakura’s mood getting lower and lower, Naruto suddenly spoke, “Do you want to become stronger?” ”
Sakura jerked her head up to look at Naruto, “Of course I do!” ”
Sakura said a little excitedly.
“I also practice hard every day, but my talent is not as good as yours, no matter how I cultivate, it will not help!”
“I don’t want to drag you down either, but I’m just so mediocre, what can I do!”
Naruto shook his head helplessly.
“I think you should play to your strengths instead of practicing every day like me and Sasuke!”
“If you go the wrong way, even if you try hard, it will just be useless!”
Sakura shook her head, “I’m just an ordinary person, where are my strengths!” ”
“No, it’s just that you didn’t find out!”
Naruto smiled softly, then looked around Naruto and came to a big tree!
Then he turned to Sakura, “Try it and see if you can do it!” ”
After saying that, Naruto stepped on the tree with one foot, and then walked up like a flat!
Sakura opened her mouth wide, “That’s awesome! ”
Naruto walked up to one of the thick branches of the big tree and smiled slightly, “You can try it too!” ”
“The principle is actually very simple, that is, attach the chakra to the surface of the foot, but the difficulty is to have a very fine control of the chakra, if it is an average person, it takes at least a long time to exercise to control, but I believe you can do it!”
“Let’s try it!”
Sakura was a little unconfident, but after hearing Naruto’s encouragement, she still plucked up the courage to come under the tree that Naruto was stepping on.
“Then I’ll try it too!”
Sakura took a deep breath, then controlled the chakra to slowly attach to the surface of her foot, and then stepped on the tree with one foot!
Feeling the suction coming from her feet, Sakura revealed a hint of surprise, “It seems that it can really be done!” ”
But the next moment, his feet slipped and he slipped down from the tree.
But fortunately, Sakura hadn’t fully climbed the tree yet, and her other foot was still on the ground, so she didn’t fall.
Seeing this, Naruto spoke, “You just attached too little Chakra, need more!” ”
Sakura nodded and then tried again!
And this time Sakura’s two feet successfully stepped on the tree trunk!
Sakura was a little incredulous, “I made it!” ”
In order to make sure that she really succeeded, Sakura walked towards the tip of the tree step by step, and finally reached the top of the tree!
Sakura said with excitement on her face, “I really made it!” ”
Naruto smiled and nodded.
“See, Sakura, that’s your strength!”
“The fact that you succeeded after only two attempts shows that you are very talented in Chakra’s subtle control, far beyond others!”
“Even I tried many times before I succeeded!”
Hearing Naruto’s compliment, Sakura’s face was filled with smiles.
After walking down from the tree, Sakura looked at Naruto with gratitude in her eyes!
“Thank you, Naruto!”
“Thanks to you, I was able to discover my strengths!”
Naruto waved his hand, “Even if I don’t say it, you’ll find out later, I just made this process a little earlier!” ”
“No need to thank me!”
Although she said that, Sakura’s heart was still very moved.
Because at least she knew that she wasn’t so mediocre.
Although it is very happy to be in a group with Naruto Sasuke, it is also very stressful to be a companion with two geniuses, Sakura!
Especially today, seeing the performance of Sasuke and Naruto, although it was not revealed, Sakura felt more pressured!
And now Naruto told her that she also had a talent beyond ordinary people.
Even if this talent she doesn’t know what to use, but at least she won’t be so inferior anymore!
“But even if I have some talent for Chakra’s control, what can I do!”
Sakura thought about it and still had no clue, not knowing how she could use her talent in this area.
Naruto chuckled, “Do you know about medical ninjas? ”
“Medical endurance?”
Sakura was slightly stunned when she heard this word, just now she really hadn’t thought of this aspect, but now after Naruto’s reminder, combined with her own talent, she immediately found that maybe she was really more suitable for this profession!
However, Sakura’s mood is also a little low!
She actually wanted to fight with Naruto Sasuke more than to be a logistician!
But the medical ninja clearly didn’t fit her mind!
As if sensing Sakura’s thoughts, Naruto shook his head slightly, “Don’t underestimate the medical ninja, don’t you know that Tsunade-hime, one of the three ninja in our village, is a medical ninja!” ”
“But who would think she’s weak?”
Sakura was stunned.
“Three Shinobi!”
Gradually, her eyes became brighter and brighter!
Seeing Sakura’s appearance, Naruto knew that she already had her own goal to move forward, and then just follow this path!
I just don’t know if she will have the illusion of catching up with me or Sasuke in the future!
Thinking of this, Naruto smiled secretly in his heart.
Before, he was still hesitant to guide Sakura down this path, because he also thought about letting Hinata follow Sakura’s path!
After all, whether it is medical ninjutsu or strange power, it is also more suitable for Hinata.
And having your own help to let Hinata worship Tsunade is not something that can’t be done!
At that time, think about how terrifying Hinata’s soft fist combined with the power of strange power will be!
I’m afraid that the gossip sixty-four palms have already turned into slag before they finish beating the enemy!
In addition, with the help of white eyes, it will be much more convenient to do medical surgery and the like!
But in the end, Naruto gave up on the idea!
Because Sakura is also her teammate after all, and Hinata has other ways to make her stronger even if she doesn’t take this path!
For example, let her white eye evolve into a reincarnation eye!
Isn’t this much stronger than learning from the master Tsunade?
In the end, Tsunade can only become another Tsunade, and if he awakens the Reincarnation Eye, he will have the qualifications to be comparable to a top powerhouse like Uchiha and Senjukuma!
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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】


Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】 [Shouting in the classroom that I like Hinata’s fat times] 【In front of Jiraiya, he confesses to Tsunade, and expresses that he is thirsty and wants to drink milk】 【Tell Obito that Lin is still alive and very happy】 [Make out with Kaguya in front of Heijue and let Heijue call him father] But in order to become stronger, it doesn’t matter if it is dishonest. At worst, I don’t want this face anymore! So a guy with the most engaging mentality in the ninja world was born like this!


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